RFC: Iconic D&D Cities


I crit!
Speaking of the City of Brass (and I agree it's a key iconic city), when has it ever been detailed well by D&D? Is there a good source book for it? I assume Al Qadim had something. Maybe "Secrets of the Lamp" by Wolfgang Bauer?

There is the boxed set from Necromancer, with input from Mr Kuntz see this http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?243003-The-City-Of-Brass

Also the story from Arabian Nights.

And this from gm word of the week. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/gm-word-of-the-week/id987577519?mt=2&i=1000378675911

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I wouldn't consider myself a huge fan of FR, I've had much more experience with it through video/computer games and board games than in actual table play, but I've read a decent chunk of the modules (especially the newer ones) and I've got a good idea of the cursory lore down. I've certainly heard of Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter, Silverymoon, Calimport, Shadowdale, Phandalin (which is honestly easily in the top 3 of FR municipalities I hear conversations about these days), Menzoblahblah (which I've definitely heard about but don't care enough to learn how to spell properly), and many of the others you've named. This has, however, been the first time I've heard of Skuld, but then I almost entirely skipped 4e so that may be on me.

Skuld was detailed in Old Empires in 2e, then again in 3e. They blew up Skuld in 4e along with almost all of Mulhorand, but Mulhorand is back in 5e so Skuld would be back.

Still if Skuld is under utilized for your taste Myth Drannor has had video games, novels, modules, and various books devoted to it.

It got crushed during the Sundering, by another famous city falling on it, turning them into a mega dungeon, but its still famous.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Skuld was detailed in Old Empires in 2e, then again in 3e. They blew up Skuld in 4e along with almost all of Mulhorand, but Mulhorand is back in 5e so Skuld would be back.

Still if Skuld is under utilized for your taste Myth Drannor has had video games, novels, modules, and various books devoted to it.

It got crushed during the Sundering, by another famous city falling on it, turning them into a mega dungeon, but its still famous.

Huh, yeah, I'm surprised I've never heard of it then.

Now Myth Drannor, on the other hand, I know quite well

The Glen

As far as Mystara goes, Glantri City is probably the most famous among its players. A magic saturated city with canals for streets and bursting with secret societies and hidden magics is hard to beat for a fantasy setting.


Huh, yeah, I'm surprised I've never heard of it then.

Now Myth Drannor, on the other hand, I know quite well

Well Mulhorand was popular enough when they blew it up 4e, that FR fan outrage made WotC being the nation back in 5e.

And Skuld was its Capital where the Gods held their Palaces, where the Pharoh and the God Kings dwelled.

Skuld had a population of over 200,000 in some sources, although originally it was 92,000. (Mulhorand had a population of over 5,000,000, 2% of which were planetouched and 2% half orcs, the rest humans in 3e).

It had Catacombs under the city that were infested with Werecrocodiles and other monsters.

I think it didn't get as well known outside of hardcore FR fans because the original author made it specifically hostile to adventurers in the sense of fees, permits, and liciences for weapons, spells, and Elves. I think for 5e I'd do away with with stuff like that, the nation of Mulhorand is in a phase of renewel and opportunity where before they were in a phase of decline and decay before disaster in 4e.

I wish they'd do more with the Old Empires region, its one of the less generic regions capared to the Sword Coast and the North.

Personally for me the more generic regions are the Sword Coast and the North (not including the isles), the Heartlands, and the Moonsea.

The less generic regions are the Old Empires, Lands of Intrigue, Unapproachable East, Shining Sea, Cold Lands.

The thing is is that the Forgotten Realms is a setting of settings. You have the big ones in Al Qadim, Maztica, Kara Tur, and arguably the world of Abeir, then you have smaller settings in areas like the Old Empires region, Unapproachable East, the Cold Lands, ect..., all with their own themes, but all interacting.

So each of these subsettings have their own Iconic cities.

And yeah Myth Drannor is fameous as both dungeon and city.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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