Ring of the Fey Lord (DM:Atanatotatos, Judge:Lord Sessadore)Up:Lorik, etc.


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Rhole listens to whispers of Ikni’s request in one ear and Rock’s report in his other. As Haruka and Ironheart converse with Arnamil, the bard resumes searching his pockets and seems to come to an unfortunate realization. Just when the absence of the ring might threaten to make the situation a bit tense, Rhole begins scratching his hair in frustration - which gives off a muted jingling sound.

“Huh? … Oh. Oh yeah! Ehm, just where I put it! … Rock, if you please?”

The impling digs into the jungle that is Rhole’s hair and begins rummaging around, discarding a few pieces of silverware, buttons, half a broken drum-stick, and other less recognizable objects in the process. With a proud smile Rock finally produces the ring, triumphantly holding aloft the trophy… and there appears to be tiny stone bells tied to it with pieces of string.


“Yeah, uh, Rock, I know we were talking about a new tambourine for you, but it’ll have to wait. You can’t keep it.”

Rock looks heartbroken and hugs the ring protectively.



After some struggling (which Rhole risks losing several times) and a bit of clean-up, Arnamil receives his ring - assuming he lets his prisoners go, as promised. The ring remains perfectly serviceable, with only a few pieces of curly hair tracing it.
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So it ends....

The bralini takes the ring lovingly, caressing it as a lover would his mate a few times before he slips the ring on his middle finger. The ring flares brightly for a moment, a soft green glow emanates from it, and the autumn wind picks up and grows colder. The glow lasts only a second before returning to its simple unadorned state.

"Very well, you've met your side of the deal. Your friends are free and the blacksmith is no longer worthy of my attention, now I must be off before another of the Lords attempts to wrest control of my lands...and to acquire the Lady's lands as my own. Thank you again for removing her from play, but I warn you, Fey Lords cannot be destroyed permanently, she will be reborn. Enjoy your freedom for now...MWAHAHAHA" Lord Arnamil replies, snapping his fingers and a pair of elven archers, similar to the woman at the river come out of the home. Also, from the far edge of the forest an eladrin wearing robes and carrying an orb comes towards the bralini. He is next to another elf, with twin blades at his hip and carrying the leash to an owlbear. As the walk past the owlbear snaps at the air as he passes Rhole, but the elf jerks the chain and the beast keeps moving.

With the fey gone, Gord begins weeping, tears of joy as he looks at you, "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou" he says over and over again. After a few minutes her regains his composure, his eyes return to a more normal look, the wild-eyed stare gone. Your former allies regain consciousness and rush off at the first opportunity, seeming to not remember you, what they're doing here, or what happened to them, perhaps the enchantments of the fey stole their memories?

Gord looks at you, "I must reward you for saving me, I've made some very special pieces that I was saving for sale, but you deserve them. Let me grab them" the man says, running inside and coming out with a chest.

"This is yours, everything inside. Thank you again. You've saved my life and my sanity." Gord says genuinely.

Inside the chest are a variety of items.

In the interest of getting you guys into another game (as there's a million needing PC's)

Below items are from wishlists, except Ironheart's.

1) Deathcut Leather Armor +1 - Haruka
2) Master's Wand of Vicious Mockery +1 - Rhole
3) brooch of shielding +1 - Ikni
4) Ornament of Alertness +1 - Derien
5) Cloak of the Walking Wounded +1 - Ironheart
6) 2 Healing Potions
7) Gold - Total of 300 gold pieces and a handful of gems. Two look worth 885 (Ikni & Haruka), 1 worth 633(Ironheart), 1 worth 771(Derien), and 1 worth 393(Rhole). This is the time gold you're owed for the adventure.

Great job everyone, good luck and happy adventuring. I'll ask LS to approve.

XP awarded since last award, back-up attached:

XP for Ikni/Ironheart/Haruka 905
XP for Derien/Rhole 842


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As Arnamil vanishes, Ironheart calls out, "Wait... my lord!" The fey fails to reappear, and he slowly turns in a circle, staring at the unfamiliar surroundings. He looks with distaste at the squared logs of Gord's house, and fends off the blacksmith's embrace with a glower. After completing his circuit he looks at his companions and asks plaintively, "What do we do now?"

The question seems to be directed mainly at Haruka.

Thanks, great game!

I'm thinking of multiclassing Ironheart into a Barbarian. It seems appropriate. I was actually thinking of retiring him and rebuilding him entirely as a Barbarian, depending on which of his 3 (so far) personalities ended up dominant, but I think while rage-guy had the edge in combat this game, he hasn't completely taken over yet.

The addition of a personality who actually likes Haruka and doesn't care about all this nature crap really let out a lot of his stress. Hey, I wonder if that's how it works in real life?


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[sblock=Yay!]Level 3, here I come!

Did we ever find out what happened to Ata?[/sblock]"So Heinrich and Lorik lived, and our carelessness is taken from us. It's probably just as well that they remember nothing."


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"We?" Haruka croaks out, confusion plain on her face. Then she tilts her head and smiles, "Well, we can return to the Hanged Man, the tavern where Gord hired us from. At least, that's what I plan to do. But you know, you don't need to follow me. You can do what you like"." Haruka frowns slightly, "Within reason, I suppose."


Thanks to everyone for the adventure, and especially to ren for swooping in and delivering us from Limbo.

I think an advantage of keeping Ironheart a Warden is that the different forms can represent different aspects of his personality taking control. It's a pity I don't really like the Vestige Pact for Warlocks, otherwise I would have done a similar thing with Haruka.[/sblock]
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After completing his circuit he looks at his companions and asks plaintively, "What do we do now?"
Unlike Haruka, Rhole has no reservations about continuing partnership with the group.

“Tree dude, now we continue touring the isles!” he replies enthusiastically, as if it was a given.

“The world needs to hear tasty jams about our mad journeys! I guess that Hanged Man shack is as good as any place to start – anywhere far from the fey lands would work for me. There’s a reason I left them.”

Rhole turns to his tiny assistant and points to his hair.

“Rock on!”

Rock immediately jumps on top of Rhole’s head, straps on a pair of stone-framed goggles, and takes hold of a sizeable ship-helm-like knot of hair.

[sblock=Huzzah!]Alright, we actually somehow survived! :)

Thanks for the fun adventure everyone, looking forward to many more to come.

Aside from the individual rewards, we have the potions and gold to split right? Since the total worth of that is 400 gp, we could say that two people get a potion and 30 gp each, the three others get 80 gp each?[/sblock]

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