RPG Evolution: Multiverses All the Way Down

Popular franchises eventually revert to the norm: a multiverse.

Movies and TV shows are coming around to an idea gamers are long familiar with: with a multiverse, anything is possible.


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The concept of a multiverse has been around for some time, with rich roots in geek media. It debuted in the Flash comics in 1961 and was a key part of Michael Moorcock's novels in 1963.

There are many other conceptualizations of the multiverse in fiction of course, but Moorcock's Eternal Champion codified the idea of variants worlds with some commonalities:
Central to these works is the concept of an Eternal Champion who has potentially multiple identities across multiple dimensions. The multiverse contains a legion of different versions of Earth in various times, histories, and occasionally, sizes. One example is the world in which his Elric Saga takes place. The multiplicity of places in this collection of universes include London, Melniboné, Tanelorn, the Young Kingdoms, and the Realm of Dreams.
In the comic "Flasth of Two Worlds!" Earth-Two is introduced along with a DC multiverse, in which it's possible to have variant characters exist simultaneously. Barry Allen teams up with Jay Garrick (the Golden Age Flash) to defeat a rogue's gallery of villains. The idea of a multiverse kicked off a series of crossovers in which DC was encouraged to revive other Golden Age characters who were no longer in print. This concept has become a key part of the Flash franchise, featuring in the television series and the upcoming movie.

And of course, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has made the multiverse a key part of how it explains time travel, featuring prominently in the Avenger movies, and later Spider-Man and Dr. Strange.

Thanks in part to Elric's influence on Dungeons & Dragons, the various planes of existence and the campaign worlds therein have come to be described as a multiverse.

Multi-me, Multi-you​

The idea of crossing universes is not new to D&D, and was part of the original Boxed Set. But the concept of a multiverse appears later in the First Edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, in the Player's Handbook:
"There exist an infinite number of parallel universes of existence in the fantastic "multiverse" of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. All of these "worlds" exist, but how "real" each is depends entirely on the development of each campaign referee."
The implications of such a multiverse went largely unexplored, with the implication that each individual dungeon master's campaign world existed in a network with a common rules system, and therefore a multiversal argument could be made that any character jumping from one game world to another would reasonably expect similar (but not the same) baseline worlds, even if the names were changed. It wasn't until two capstone settings were introduced that the multiverse was truly explored.

The two settings were Planescape and Spelljammer respectively. Planescape explored the basics of dimensional planes and how they might interact, positioning them as worlds in their own right (and not just exotic places to be visited by characters from the Prime Plane). Conversely, Spelljammer created crystal spheres, each of which represented a published or homebrew campaign world that characters could sail to and from. With the release of both of these settings the multiverse felt a lot less distant.

The baseline assumption for Fifth Edition is that the multiverse encompasses everything in D&D, including each DM's campaign. Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse further tweaked monsters by removing setting-specific lore and alignments, allowing near infinite variants of creatures that could fit in any world.

Given the massive diversity of gaming campaigns, it's not a surprise that D&D uses a multiversal model to explain the setting.

Multiversal Advantages​

A universe of multiple worlds, all potentially variants that have some baseline assumptions but are otherwise unique, makes it easy to justify just about anything. In addition to creating a justification for time travel (like the Marvel movies), revive older characters (like the Flash comics), or provide a justification for familiar-but-similar world-hopping (like the Elric novels), a multiverse provides legitimacy to all worlds. A multiversal approach ensures that not just every world is possible, but that they all exist at the same time. This hodgepodge of ideas is well-known in video games like Fortnite and role-playing games like Rifts.

As franchises get long in the tooth, settings increasingly revert to the baseline of a multiverse to provide additional challenges. This has always been the case in D&D, where adventurers would visit other planes with more dangerous entities as they leveled up. "Normal" settings establish basics like gravity, a relatable ecosystem, breathable air, etc. By creating exotic places with alien worlds, the challenges increase and monsters that would surely destroy a home world can feasibly exist in their native dimension. The more powerful the heroes get, the more their adventures are likely to span other worlds -- and beings from other worlds are likely to visit their home world.

In short, once a setting has been around long enough, it defaults to a multiversal constant. No wonder then that D&D has come around to embrace the multiverse. The concept of a multiverse legitimizes every individual dungeon master's campaign. Like the multiverse itself, the possibilities are endless.

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca

I mean, OSP's Red did that. Last year. (Warning, it's 90 minutes long. Totally worth listening to, but still--long.)

And covered all the reasons why using a "multiverse" is actually an INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS writing choice, one with enormous potential to screw things up royally for everyone involved, creator AND audience alike.
Thanks! I wasn't aware, as I'm not a podcast-person, just a reader. Good to know that others remember it exists, however!

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Follower of the Way
Thanks! I wasn't aware, as I'm not a podcast-person, just a reader. Good to know that others remember it exists, however!
Ironically, it's one of the few comic book examples they mention that actually uses the multiverse concept well, resolving a difficult conundrum (Jay Garrick and Wally West both being Flash, and yet the former being a comic book hero in the latter's universe.) They also mention without much description the resolution of the "Wonder Girl" problem, with how a continuity SNAFU had allowed both Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl, who was originally Wonder Woman when she was a teenager, to appear in the same comic together.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
The concept of a multiverse has been around for some time, with rich roots in geek media. It debuted in the Flash comics in 1961 and was a key part of Michael Moorcock's novels in 1963.

It isn't so clean as that.

The first comics-title crossover appears to have happened in All Star Comics #3, in 1940, establishing the Justice Society of America, and characters who before had only been depicted individually actually shared a universe.

The first universe-crossover story was then in Wonder Woman #59, May 1953, in which WW finds a parallel mirror world, and meets another world's version of herself, Terra Terruna, and the concept of these parallel words is revisited a few times in the pages of Wonder Woman.

"Flash of Two Worlds" officially names and stabilizes the concept for use throughout DC comic, almost a decade after it was introduced in WW.

If there is an updated version of the chronomancer AD&D sourcebook, this could change the D&D multiverse.

I have got some crazy ideas to be added to the D&D cosmology. One of them is a "decoy timeline", a demiplane created to trick time-travelers and to avoid time-paradoxes. Other idea is the "akasha realm", a demiplane created by the collective memory. This can be interesting for investigation, but they aren't useful to discover hidden and unknown secrets, for example about illegal cults. Sometimes these "reality bubles" can be assimilated/absorverd within the dream (or nightmare) plane. An example of this place would be the "dream-realm" visited by Tanis the half-elf in the novel "Tanis: the shadow years".

If I am not wrong the D&D deities can know some possible future events. From the SRD:

Portfolio Sense

Demigods have a limited ability to sense events involving their portfolios. They automatically sense any event that involves one thousand or more people. The ability is limited to the present. Lesser deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios and affects five hundred or more people. Intermediate deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, regardless of the number of people involved. In addition, their senses extend one week into the past for every divine rank they have. Greater deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, regardless of the number of people involved. In addition, their senses extend one week into the past and one week into the future for every divine rank they have. When a deity senses an event, it merely knows that the event is occurring and where it is. The deity receives no sensory information about the event. Once a deity notices an event, it can use its remote sensing power to perceive the event.

This means if some crononaut or timetraveler from the future arrived to the past to change some detail, then the deities could know it automatically, and to choose the distpach of agents to help or to stop them.

* Fan-fiction about alternate timelines in DMGuild could be freak or awesome.

* There is a cat within a box, then Schöringer with a gun travels from the future toward the past, and he shoots to the box with the cat within. Is the cat alive or dead?


In other post I published a bizarre idea.

The Timeghyll, a mixture of time-loop, purgatory, backroom and "hollow earth" (style Julio Verne's title and Mystara's spin-off).

If the time is a river then the uchronic demiplanes are the "aqueduct" and the timeghylls are like ravines created by diverted and later returned a river. When the History or the timeline is rewritten (but later corrected) by time-traveler and chronomancers... a "trace" or imprint remains in the space-time continium. In the beginning they seems "dreamlands" what later merger with the Feywild as domains or special regions. Some time-dragons and chronomancers use the timeghylls as "raw material" to build (uchronic) demiplanes. Maybe the main clue to recognize a timeghyll is because they are totally dessert, like a city evacuated hours ago, or the population behove like nPCs of a old videogame (really bad social interactions). But there are some native with soul, people who would be born only with the alteration of the timeline (because their parents married other people and things like this). Also feys like to visit, explore and live here.

Some timeghylls are rebuilt by great powers to punish or hold/contain certain sinners or menaces. For example there is a timeghyll where the kingpriest of Istar is the supreme deity, but the world suffers a planar invasion of elementals, constructs and plant monsters, with the irony the sacred champions were too specialiced to fight undead and infernal outsiders. In other timeghyll lord Soth is allowed to be with his wife and son, but with a trick. Sometimes these are replaced by his first wife and son (a half-orc), or the shape, or the soul, or both. Both children, the half-orc and the half-elf, hate each other.


In short, once a setting has been around long enough, it defaults to a multiversal constant.
While I appreciate the gist of the article for D&D, I'm not sure I agree. Star Wars did not revert to a multiverse; Disney just decided that the Legends novels weren't canon anymore. And Middle Earth doesn't have a multiverse as far as I know. Since those are two of the largest franchises, I don't agree that all franchises, around long enough, rely on a multiverse.


CR 1/8
Multiverses have their place, and the concept is best when used with restraint, imo.
It's great when you want to introduce something new and different but thematically at odds with whatever has gone before; or if you want to really crank up the gonzo.
Personally, i only very rarely assume that "multiverse" is the default for a homebrew or when running a published setting with significant tinkering, even in D&D.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
If there is an updated version of the chronomancer AD&D sourcebook, this could change the D&D multiverse.

I have got some crazy ideas to be added to the D&D cosmology. One of them is a "decoy timeline", a demiplane created to trick time-travelers and to avoid time-paradoxes. Other idea is the "akasha realm", a demiplane created by the collective memory. This can be interesting for investigation, but they aren't useful to discover hidden and unknown secrets, for example about illegal cults. Sometimes these "reality bubles" can be assimilated/absorverd within the dream (or nightmare) plane. An example of this place would be the "dream-realm" visited by Tanis the half-elf in the novel "Tanis: the shadow years".

If I am not wrong the D&D deities can know some possible future events. From the SRD:

Portfolio Sense

Demigods have a limited ability to sense events involving their portfolios. They automatically sense any event that involves one thousand or more people. The ability is limited to the present. Lesser deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios and affects five hundred or more people. Intermediate deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, regardless of the number of people involved. In addition, their senses extend one week into the past for every divine rank they have. Greater deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, regardless of the number of people involved. In addition, their senses extend one week into the past and one week into the future for every divine rank they have. When a deity senses an event, it merely knows that the event is occurring and where it is. The deity receives no sensory information about the event. Once a deity notices an event, it can use its remote sensing power to perceive the event.

This means if some crononaut or timetraveler from the future arrived to the past to change some detail, then the deities could know it automatically, and to choose the distpach of agents to help or to stop them.

* Fan-fiction about alternate timelines in DMGuild could be freak or awesome.

* There is a cat within a box, then Schöringer with a gun travels from the future toward the past, and he shoots to the box with the cat within. Is the cat alive or dead?


In other post I published a bizarre idea.

The Timeghyll, a mixture of time-loop, purgatory, backroom and "hollow earth" (style Julio Verne's title and Mystara's spin-off).

If the time is a river then the uchronic demiplanes are the "aqueduct" and the timeghylls are like ravines created by diverted and later returned a river. When the History or the timeline is rewritten (but later corrected) by time-traveler and chronomancers... a "trace" or imprint remains in the space-time continium. In the beginning they seems "dreamlands" what later merger with the Feywild as domains or special regions. Some time-dragons and chronomancers use the timeghylls as "raw material" to build (uchronic) demiplanes. Maybe the main clue to recognize a timeghyll is because they are totally dessert, like a city evacuated hours ago, or the population behove like nPCs of a old videogame (really bad social interactions). But there are some native with soul, people who would be born only with the alteration of the timeline (because their parents married other people and things like this). Also feys like to visit, explore and live here.

Some timeghylls are rebuilt by great powers to punish or hold/contain certain sinners or menaces. For example there is a timeghyll where the kingpriest of Istar is the supreme deity, but the world suffers a planar invasion of elementals, constructs and plant monsters, with the irony the sacred champions were too specialiced to fight undead and infernal outsiders. In other timeghyll lord Soth is allowed to be with his wife and son, but with a trick. Sometimes these are replaced by his first wife and son (a half-orc), or the shape, or the soul, or both. Both children, the half-orc and the half-elf, hate each other.
I miss Chronomancer.

Dire Bare

While I appreciate the gist of the article for D&D, I'm not sure I agree. Star Wars did not revert to a multiverse; Disney just decided that the Legends novels weren't canon anymore. And Middle Earth doesn't have a multiverse as far as I know. Since those are two of the largest franchises, I don't agree that all franchises, around long enough, rely on a multiverse.
Perhaps not officially.

Star Wars has gotten "elseworlds" style stories in the comics, and there were significant canon differences before the Disney/Legends canon split. It's pretty easy as a fan to see those as alternate Star Wars universes.

Likewise with Middle-Earth. There have been RPG and video games that have stretched the canon of Middle-Earth, and aren't officially recognized as canonical, but . . . .

Erdric Dragin

I wonder if this will allow alternate timelines of D&D settings, for example Dragonlance with some changes in the main characters, or a softer version of Dark Sun.

Other possible reason is to explain possible retcons or reboots in the future. Maybe Hasbro acquires new IPs and these are added to the D&D Multiverse, or some "intercompany crossover". We shouldn't be surprised with licenced characters and monsters in the D&D VTT. Maybe a licenced version could become the last opportunity to save (almost) dead franchises, or to allow a new opportunity to rebirth for old glories.

And the newborn D&D cinematic universe could demand in the future alternate continuities.
Anyone even tampering with "softening" up Dark Sun already ruined the damn setting remaster before it even began.

The worst thing about multiverses, if used like Marvel Cinematic Universe seem to be doing at the moment, is that it cheapens the drama. That is, if a character dies for example, then the audience immediately knows that the character can be brought back again by simply referring to another universe where it isn’t so. It is difficult to get invested in the character if you know they are always going to be given plot armour.

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