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RPG Gaming Survey – YOUR Help Needed!

B/X Blackrazor

First Post
RPG Gaming Survey – YOUR Help Needed!

Hey, Folks –

I am conducting a survey on people who play, or who have played, table-top role-playing games. I invite anyone interested in providing feedback to participate.

This survey is being conducted for academic and informational purposes; it is not being conducted for purposes of marketing, and is not affiliated with any game company. It will not ask you how much money you make, what games you’ve purchased, or how much you’re willing to spend.

Instead, you will be asked questions regarding the games you play, your personal gaming history, and how you feel about certain aspects of game play. Many of the questions relate specifically to the Dungeons & Dragons game, a common touchstone for most RPG gamers. Others do not, but relate to other aspects of gaming. And some of the information is for demographic purposes (age, nationality, gender, etc.).

To participate, you will have to download the survey from the following site:

Gaming Survey

It is in a MS Excel format, and consists of 125 questions, most of which are “yes/no” or “multiple choice.” None of the questions require comment or essay answers. Some of the questions are personal; if you feel disinclined to answer a specific question, that’s fine, but ANY information you can provide is helpful.

Once you have completed the survey, you need to email it to:

gamingsurveyresults AT gmail.com

[this email address is also listed at the end of the survey]

No email address or name is required for the survey; all answers are anonymous and the individual surveys will be deleted once the information is gathered. There will be no follow-up emails and your personal information will NOT be distributed to others.

I am looking to gather as much information as possible, as I feel there just isn’t real, hard data on RPG gamers in general. A lot of assumptions are made about people who play role-playing games, but there isn’t a whole lot of facts to back it up. This survey asks a lot of questions to gather many points of data. Please feel free to distribute this survey to other gamers that you know or direct other web sites to it; if you have a blog devoted to gaming, I’d ask that you mention it to your readers. It doesn’t matter what type of gamer you are (or whether or not you still have time and interest to participate in role-playing games)…if you were EVER a table-top gamer, I am interested in your feedback.

Thank you to all participants.

For more information about me: I am a gamer myself. I have a blog that I use to discuss role-playing games, my own gaming ideas, and the usual smattering of rants and random opinions. This survey is not about promoting myself or my blog; however, if you are curious you can find me at:

B/X Blackrazor

Thank you again.

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David Jose
I'm having a lot of trouble with the cut and dried binary state of a lot of these questions.

I need more granularity to answer some of these properly.


B/X, you didn't ask, but you may get more responses (or better responses) with a few file changes.

1. Save in XLS format.

2. Use Data --> Validation to provide pull-down choices for all non-free-form cell entries. That way I can just click and select X instead of typing it. That's most useful for the "very important, somewhat important, etc. questions. The goal is to make it dead-easy for someone to fill out.

Also, I have to ask. Time of day you were born? What data are you running against that?


Who would even know what time of day they were born. :confused: I sure don't.
I know, because of several reasons. One, it is an easy to remember time: 2:22pm Pacific Standard Time. Two, it is on my birth certificate, which I have needed on several occasions.

Why it would be needed on a survey is beyond me.

B/X Blackrazor

First Post
@ Piratecat:

Yes, I'm aware of the issue. The problem is I added several extra questions at the last moment and forgot to update the numbering. I could change the document, but then the download address would need to be changed on all the forums/sites where it's been posted. I'm content to let people think I'm a little dumb about the numbering.

@ Nytmare:

I understand that many would care to elaborate on the questions asked, but for purposes of gathering data, it's easier to keep it generic (and binary in some cases). I just ask that you answer the questions as literally as possible.

@ Sjmiller:

Not everyone knows the time of day they were born. It is listed on most birth certificates of the last 40 years.

Thank you to all participants!

Voidrunner's Codex

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