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Run for Your Lives! The Slivers are Comming!

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That, and I dont think Slivers are really the conquering type. Think of them like fire ants (this is ofcourse all my own speculation) They'll spread when they need too, but other than that, they stick to their own little mound and attack anything they perceive as a threat. That, and the fact that they are governed by a sentient being that reasons on a higher level than most, makes them alittle more easy to reason with. By that reason, Diplomacy is probbably by far the easiest solution to solving a Sliver threat. Just because they /could/ be unstoppable agents of planar domination, dosent mean that they are. :D Everything looks great so far. Cant wait for the Matriarch to come and pay us a visit.


First Post
That's a very good way of explaining it InsidiouslyClever, very good indeed.

Slivers as fire ants... heh, just wait until I make the Magma Sliver... :D

And don't worry, *she* is coming...



First Post
All bow down to the might of the sliver queen!

Well, here she is, I hope you like her, and use her and her progeny to slaughter munchkins...

Sliver Queen
Colossal Outsider (Sliver)
Hit Dice:
32d8+320 (464 hp)
Initiative: +4 (Dex)
Speed: 60', Climb 60'
AC: 33 (-8 size, +4 Dex, +27 natural)
Attacks: 2 claws +42 melee and bite +40 melee and 2 stings +40 melee
Damage: claw 2d8+14, bite 4d6+7, sting 2d8+7 plus poison
Face/Reach: 40' by 40'/25'
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, psionics, frightful presence, poison,
Special Qualities: Sliver qualities, spawn sliver, spell-like abilities, psionics, telepathy, acid, cold, electricity and fire resistance 30, damage reduction 35/+5, spell resistance 39,
Saves: Fort +30 (+2), Ref +24 (+2), Will +26 (+2)
Abilities: Str 47, Dex 19, Con 31, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 22,
Skills: Balance +36, Climb +58 (+8), Concentration +42, Escape Artist +36, Intimidate +38, Jump +50, Knowledge (Arcana) +38, Knowledge (Psionics) +38, Knowledge (the Planes) +38, Listen +40 (+2), Psicraft +38, Spellcraft +38, Spot +40 (+2), Swim +50,
Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multi-attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability, Snatch,

Climate/Terrain: Any underground
Organization: Hive (Several thousand slivers and a queen)
Challenge Rating: 25
Treasure: Quadruple
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 33+ HD (Colossal)

'Her children are ever part of her.'

The sliver queen is the inevitable center of every sliver hive, from where she rules her multi-facetted progeny.
A sliver queen is an immense creature, easily dwarfing most giants and dragons in size. Her skin is the color of molten gold on her side and back, while it is a deep rose color on her underside. Unlike most of her spawn, the sliver queen has two scythe like claws, each at the end of a powerful arm. Her back is covered in powerful and sharp spikes, and her tentacles each end in a powerful stinger filled with a deadly venom. The sliver queen has an immensly well developed cranium and brain, giving here immense intelligence, wisdom, and powerfull psionic and spell-like abilities.
The floor of her lair is covered in a thick layer of sand, which is filled with the treasures her progeny brings her. Ranging from worthless pieces of colored rock, to ancient spell-books worth a fortune. The sand protects the treasures from the passages of time. The walls of the sliver queens lair, as well as the sliver queen herself is adorned with multicolored slivers of all types, lending her their abilities, and making her a nightmare to fight.
No sliver hive has more than one queen.

In combat the sliver queen lashes out with heir spell-like and psionic abilities. Attempting to strike her foes dead as fast as possible, if pressed into melee, she will use her powerfull natural weapons to rip her opponents to shreds. She will not fight a loosing battle however, and will flee using her superior speed and her planeshift ability to leave the battlefield.
Frightful Presence (Ex): A sliver queen can unsettle foes by her mere presence, the ability takes effect automatically whenever she attacks, charges, or uses her intimidate skill, and affects all non-slivers within 360' of the sliver queen with less HD than her. A potentially affected creature that makes a will save (DC: 32) remains immune to her frightful presence for one day. On a failure, an affected creature becomes paniked for 4d6 rounds if it has 4 or fewer HD, while creatures with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds.
Poison (Ex): Sting, fortitude negates (DC: 36), Primary 2d6 int, 2d6 cha, and 2d6 wis, secondary death.
Psionics (Sp): At will - Anchored Navigation, Aura Sight, Conceal Thoughts, Detect Psionics, Detect Thoughts, Empathy, Freedom of Movement, Mind Probe, Negate Psionics, Plane Shift, True Seeing, True Telekinesis, and Whitefire; These are as the powers manifested by a 20th level savant psion, DC 1d20+10 plus power level.
Psionic Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will - All/All.
Spell-like Abilities: At will - Comprehend Languages, Darkness, Daze, Detect Magic, Dispel Magic, Haste, Identify, Protection from Arrows, Protection from Chaos, Protection from Evil, Protection from Good, Protection from Law, Shield, Slow, and Water Breathing; these are as the spells cast by a 20th level sorcerer. DC 16 plus spell level.
Telepathy (Su): A sliver queen can communicate mentally with any sliver from her hive at any distance as long as they are both on the same plane. A sliver queen can also communicate mentally with any creature within 1000' that she is aware of. However, that creature must make an intelligence check with DC: 10 to understand the message. (Slivers do not need to make this check)
Spawn Sliver (Ex): Once per round as a free action, the sliver queen can birth forth a proto sliver. The newborn sliver has all the statistics of a proto sliver, and emediatly gains the benefits of all the shared abilities of the sliveres within 60' of itself.


Comments are as always welcome.


Edit: Changed the telepathy ability of the sliver queen to implement the ideas of InsidiouslyClever.
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To quote your sig....

Certified-100% pure Evil

However... Im not quite content. I personally dislike your choices for spell like abilities and Psionics. I would expect the Brood Mother to have alot of spells to help her hive in-general. For instance I think she should be able to use a form of Emotion(The spell) on any number of slivers as much as she wants. *shrugs* If you're willing to have her less faithful to the card game, but make things, I dunno, more interesting, you could change her spawn ability to something like this...

Spawn Sliver: The Sliver Queen has the ability to produce offspring at a startling rate, one newborn sliver per round. As a free action, she can give birth to a proto sliver. As a standard action, she can give birth to any lesser sliver. As a full round action she can give birth to any Greater Sliver. All Spawned Slivers has all the statistics of a normal sliver, and immediatly gains the benefits of all the shared abilities of the sliveres within 60' of itself.

That way, she'll be more able to bolster her hive directly without having to overhaul her Spells. That, and I think her Telepathy should work differently. If youve read Xenocide (Orson Scott Card), theres an entity like the Sliver Queen with telepathy and such. She dosent speak in a language. She expresses the general feeling of something. Such as if she wanted to convey a boat, she wouldnt say "boat" Shed give you a picture, or a feeling like you're on a boat. And then if you ask her "A boat?" Shed give you the general impression of "So thats what you call it?" Get it? Heres how I think the Telepathy should work...

Telepathy: A sliver queen can communicate mentally with any sliver from her hive at any distance as long as they are both on the same plane. A sliver queen can also communicate mentally with any creature within 1000'. However, that creature must make an intelligence check with DC: 10 to understand the message.(Slivers do not need to make this check)

This way, language isnt a barrier, and theoretically she could chat with things such as Birds and Dogs. Though it would be limited to what her

Well, I couldnt just spew compliments at you. I feel like being critical today. Watcha think?


First Post
I like the telepathy idea and will implement it shortly. As for the change to the spawn sliver ability you are proposing, that would defeat the purpose of the hibernation quality of the slivers. As weaker sliver would never be able to become anything more than what it was born as, in the old system (hibernation), even if something as weak as a proto sliver would survive a genocide attack against a sliver hive, the hive would eventually regrow.

Ok, thats cool. I was just wondering if it was possible to implement a way to speed growth of a single sliver in place of the number of slivers. You know, quality over quantity. *shrugs* Are hibernating slivers any tougher than regular slivers? That would help a hive try and weather out war or something. I dunno. Now that you're getting close to finishing off the slivers from MtG, what do you think about making other ones that would make sense for "natural" evolution? Such non-Queen slivers that create proto-slivers, or perhaps a sliver that extends the range of other slivers shared abilities. Perhaps a way for them to evolve, like they did on Otaria. I dunno. Just throwing around random thoughts.


First Post
Hibernating slivers aren't really thougher, it's just that when slivers hibernate, people and creatures tend to mistake them for rocks... The card hibernation sliver will not be made into a creature, as it is a representation of a phase in an individual slivers evolution. A proto sliver hibernates to become a lesser sliver (only takes 5 rounds!), a lesser hibernates to become an average sliver (takes a day), an average hibernates to become and advanced or greater sliver (takes roughly a month), and a greater sliver hibernates to become a noble (takes a full year) such as the queen.

As for non-queen slivers who produce proto slivers, that is what brood slivers are for :D

And for other ways for slivers to evolve, well, slivers adapt to their enviroment, and area infused with negative energy for example would cause slivers to become undead when they evolve, while for example a submerged area would produce slivers that could breathe water, the elemental plane of fire, would produce slivers with the fire subtype (if they survive long enough to evolve) and so on. I have a mage in my campaign that has entered a liason with the local sliver queen in an attempt to produce new sliver forms, the next gen. slivers (the ones from Legions) will be the result. And yes, I know I'm evil :D

I am also working on a half-sliver template, that can be added to almost any creature! (As long as it is not a construct, elemental, ooze, plant, or undead).

But You will have to wait until the end of march before this next generation of slivers will apear, as I have a couple of other projects I'm working on. But they will be worth the wait, as they rock! :D


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