S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold


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Once the freezing fog disappates, Deric looks the room over -- a few cloaks hang on pegs set into the wall, the floors are covered with hides here and there.

Each footlocker contains crude giant clothing.

However, there is a chest in the northeast corner of the room atop a stool.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
action: sacrifice bull's strength for cure moderate wounds: 2d8+8+2(aug heal feat)

TArget: ndregon

"er ya go laddie. We don want to be beryin in a grave to soon. Ya got lots more years of fight in ye still!"


First Post
action: sacrifice bull's strength for cure moderate wounds: 2d8+8+2(aug heal feat)

OOC: Per my calculations, your modifier for a CMW would be +13 (augmented healing feat -- CMW is 2nd level spell, so 2hp * 2nd level = +4, then with your touch of healing feat, you cast healing spells at +1 CL, so +9).


Thy wounds are healed!
"Ah feeling better already," Dregon says standing up after cleaning Shatterspike. "It's to bad these things are so tough to kill and yield such little reward."

He shrugs, "Better than sitting around a fire getting old, HA!"

OCC: Current status if you please s@s so I may update a mini stat block. Thank you.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: Per my calculations, your modifier for a CMW would be +13 (augmented healing feat -- CMW is 2nd level spell, so 2hp * 2nd level = +4, then with your touch of healing feat, you cast healing spells at +1 CL, so +9).

OOC: oh, that is 2 points per spell level. not +2 to caster level. screwy day yesterday. thanks. I am so no use to healers and that feat is still actually new to me.


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Why set a chest on top of stool? Deric learned from bad experiences with chest and traps in the past that it is best to let the experts handle such situations.

Who is the resident expert on locks and traps? I doubt these giant oafs would have the skills needed to trap that chest but that tentacled beasts presence is making me think twice before opening anything around here.

detect magic on the chest and the goods I rummaged through.

Voidrunner's Codex

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