S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold


Thy wounds are healed!
"I would do as ye say King Grommet..." Dregin starts to say and pauses to se if the tiny arms do their crown thing or the tiny horns play. As nothing happens he shrugs and steps up to the beast. <5-step>

"...but it would be a poor way to show respect to the Ancestors. They have taught warriors for generations and generations. And I honor them by using the abilities learned to defeat my enemies and the enemies of the Ancestors."

[sblock=OOC] I figure it is probably dead before Dregon's turn. If so coup de grace. If not rolling attack.[/sblock]

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OOC: [MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION] : the touch of healing feat will no longer work on Void, as he is at 50% health now. Do you want to change his action this round?

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
action(revise): cast Cure lightwounds in exchange for endure elements
Adjust ments:
+5 (1/lvl, max 5)

total = 13 of healing to void


First Post
End of Combat


16 - Hill Giant #7 - Attack Dregon - 1 HIT for 21 damage
10 - Void -
10 - Deric - Eldritch Blast at Giant #7 - HIT for 18 damage

The last giant, struggling under the weight of his wounds, brings his club once more to bear against Dregon, smashing tendon and sinew just as the final eldritch blast from Deric takes away his remaining lifeforce.

The giant tumbles to the floor, dead.


Grommet: (60/77)
Dori: (82/82):Bulls Strength (44/80 rounds)
Void: (31/36) :
Dregon: (12/89):
Char: (38/49):

Giant #5 - dead
Giant #6 - dead
Giant #7 - dead


First Post
Dori keeps touching Dregon until some of his wounds are healed, while the gith decides to go scouting.


Grommet: (60/77)
Dori: (82/82):Bulls Strength (44/80 rounds)
Void: (31/36) :
Dregon: (66/89):
Char: (38/49):


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Thy wounds are healed!
"A tough fight and make no mistake," Dregon says sitting down on a chest.

"I'll be alright," he says to Dori. "But I thank ye none the less. Just need to catch me breath."


First Post
With a smile cracked across his face as he watches the last giant buckle underneath the power of his blast be walks over to him companion Dregon.

"Careful friend. These giants are formidable and I might not always have a clear shot to bring them down for ya." Deric gives Dregon a pat on the shoulder as he walks over to the downed giant. "I wonder if they have anything of value... doubtful but worth looking I guess."

[sblock=ooc]search the giants and the room until the gith returns... rolls needed?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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