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S1: Tomb of Horrors - OOC


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I dont know much about pathfinder, but i love 3.5. I never even heard of ToH before, even though i've played Greyhawk extensively in 1st Ed.

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WS, pathfinder is similar to 3.5. The main differences are:
- the way skill points work
- point buy values for ability scores are different
- the use of CMB and CMD which is supposed to simplify things like grappling
- various tweaks (mostly boosts) to the races and classes
- changes to some spells, skills & feats and addition of new ones
- traits are like extra half-strength feats that you only get at 1st level
- you get feats at levels 1,3,5,7,9,...

See the online PFSRD here. The SRD includes errata so it takes precedence over the books.

So who's in? It looks like we'll have 3 or 4 players:
Strahd: interested
Ballistic: paladin
Myth: possible
WarShrike: loves 3.5 :lol:

I'll base my Pathfinder conversion of S1 partly on the original, partly on 3.5 conversions and partly just add some ideas of my own. 9th level works better than 10th I think. Pathfinder characters tend to be a little tougher than in 3.5 ... as does S1 :devil:

Character creation will be as follows:
9th level
standard races
20 point buy
hp = max 1st level then average-rounded-up for each additional level (so d10 = 6, etc.)
50k gp
2 traits
sources: Any Paizo in the online SRD. Non-Paizo sources that are in the SRD may be allowed on a case by case basis.
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First Post
I'm looking over the SRD and am considering a Bard/Rogue, or Ranger/Rogue. So if no one wants to make a Rogue, i can have that covered.

I will take a dwarf, since we need an underground dweller with a keen eye in such a place. Not sure about the class yet, maybe a fighter who can take a lot of damage for the others with high Reflex and Fort values.

Myth and Legend

First Post
I doubt I'll have the time. I'm keen on finishing VotD and between that I have family issues now, and then I have to invest time in both making stuf fin After Effects as well as writing my own novel.

I also dislike PF. 20 pb and using a system I loathe would just urge me to break a Wizard, which is not the purpouse of such a game :)


I doubt I'll have the time. I'm keen on finishing VotD and between that I have family issues now, and then I have to invest time in both making stuf fin After Effects as well as writing my own novel.

I also dislike PF. 20 pb and using a system I loathe would just urge me to break a Wizard, which is not the purpouse of such a game :)

OK, MaL, no problem though it would have been cool to have you aboard. I am wondering what it is you dislike about PF.

It is true that 3.X (and PF) provide fewer opportunities for roleplaying than older editions did, especially when it comes to dealing with traps. It may not be fair to a merely average-IQ player to describe what his Int 19 rogue sees and ask him to decide exactly what steps he takes to try to bypass a trap, instead of letting him roll a skill check, but it's a hell of a lot more fun for the intellectuals (like those who founded D&D) to face those challenges as thinking players rather than as die rollers. If you think you have what it takes to play a high-Int PC, then you'd better bring it! And really, I think more players would enjoy that style of play than not. I will try to recapture at least a little of that old-school flavor here, although not to the extent of getting rid of the rogue skills.

How are the rest of you doing?

We could use an arcane caster, especially a wizard since utility spells could come in handy. [MENTION=24609]Strahd_Von_Zarovich[/MENTION], if you are undecided on a class, perhaps you should consider that option. [MENTION=6683661]Ballistic[/MENTION]'s paladin will have some useful abilities. A cleric could also come in handy, and not just for more healing, since they get some decent divination spells. [MENTION=54955]WarShrike[/MENTION], either of the options you mentioned should be fine additions to the party.

EDIT: A few house rules have been added to the first post of the thread.
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Myth and Legend

First Post
I love regular 3.5, I just dislike PF as it is third party (glorified homebrew i call it)

I am confident I can bring it (playing a high Int character). By breaking a Wizard I was referencing just playing an optimized one because of the low PB (the lower the PB the weaker melee and hybrid classes get. A Wizard needs only Int and Con, and with one simple and broken feat from DM even Con can be scrapped).


First Post
Glorified homebrew? So first let me say this, I really do respect your opinion and mean in no way by this, to attack you. But really? isn't every table top just a glorified home brew? DnD is the father of all table tops, I do not deny that and would still play 3.5, but its lost its way. There are more books in than an entire encyclopdeia library, or pretty close to it. Then you add in the 4th Ed...talk about wrist cutters, simply Wizards lost their way and continue to do so, PF is doing the same as well. Much like 3.5, PF is pushing out books at a retarded pace, 1-3 a year. Their following suit with 3.5 and I can't stand it. I actually came to this site in hopes to find something along the lines of AFMBE, D20 Modern, or Warhammer 40K, which apparently are not as popular as I thought/hoped. So again this was in no way an attack on you Myth, just responding to what you said.

I am still interested in this game, though we need to fill in the gaps before I commit 110% of my time to it, mainly because I hate making a character and then the thread/game dies for whatever reason. I'll be watching this thread still and by my count we need at least 2 more players.

I have no problem with 3.5 (I played it a lot) or pathfinder (Only once, with the vanishing HolyMan), thought my favorite system is Chaosium Call of Cthulhu. The new D&D 4th edition is horrible from my point of view.

Now for my dwarf character – a sorcerer is not a typical class for a dwarf so it is ability depended so I will see what I can do. A cleric on the other hand can be handy for a dwarf, I can boost his curing and casting resistance spells ability and the trap finding abilities somehow (not sure how yet).

Myth and Legend

First Post
Ballistic - PF is not created by WOTC and this for me, is homebrew. I don't say they did a bad, or worse job. I have no great experience with it, apart from knowing that they tried to balance the casters by removing/rewriting some spells and failed horribly.

If it lacks balance, and the lore is made up by people like you and me (but who also charge for the use of their stuff) then I'll say no.

I have access to all the 3.5 material and as broken as it is, at least I've learned it since coming here and I know where I can expect things to go sour.

All in all it's a personal thing - I just don't see any benefits to PF in order to research and learn it in favor of 3.5

4th edition I've condemned completely, and the only reason I might try it some day, when the moon turns pink and I have a lot of free time again, is because WOTC supports that, issues out erratas and provides a comprehensive character builder, which is really neat and helpful. Right now building a level 20 caster for 3.5 might take the better part of a week if spread out.

Strahd_Von_Zarovich: Dwarves are generally poor sorcerers. I'd recommend Lesser Aasimar instead, or a Star Elf (if i remember correctly) since they get + cha. If you are dead set on a Dwarf, make use of the Gold Dwarves from Faerun as they at least don't have a -2 Cha (they get a penalty to Dex instead).

A Cleric is a much better choice than a Sorc in this scenario. For healing all you need are the Vigor line of spells from SC, and some wands of Lesser Vigor. All the OOC healing you need. In-combat healing is generally sub-par use of spells, though it depends. A Dwarven cleric can become a fearsome melee fighter. (not Fighter as in the Fighter class - 10 times better!)

It depends on whether the DM will allow DMM (divine metamagic) and DMM: Persist in particular. If not (and he should definitely ban nightsticks from LM) then you can somewhat forego Cha for other stats. If he does allow it, definitely go for a Gold Dwarf (though Human will be better)

Out of the box, clerics are pretty strong. You can also consider a Druid, as the animal companion can scout ahead (as well as summoned animals) and he can wildshape into something with a burrowing speed or something that can break trough walls etc. which could save your party from nasty situations.

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