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[San Francisco area] Seeking one or two 3.5 players!

Jeff Wilder

First Post
Seeking one or two players for a twice-monthly 3.5 DnD game. We're currently playing the Age of Worms adventure path. PCs are 4th level. Most WotC splatbooks available, but with approval.

We play on Sundays, typically 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We play in Pacifica, just south of San Francisco. The campaign is fueled by combat and progress toward the adventure path goals, but we enjoy roleplaying-intensive scenes as well, and would welcome players who can swing us more in that direction.

We are: Four 30-something professionals. Expect the usual from gamers of our age: Star Wars quotes, computer nerdery, inappropriate humor, and so on. We do, on the plus side, all bathe regularly. (Not usually together.) Two of us smoke, but outdoors; we'd prefer non-smokers, but it's not a deal-breaker. There are cats, so allergies can be an issue. We are all actual friends, and hang out outside the game.

You are: Mature enough to handle occasional immaturity, although actual age is mostly irrelevant. (The lower cut-off would be about 16.) You know the rules, or are willing to put the effort in to learn the basics. You don't argue with the DM at length or throw hissy-fits when the DM makes a ruling you don't like. You're willing to meet briefly over coffee, so you can get a sense of us and vice-versa. Although it's not necessary, hopefully you'd eventually be interested in doing things outside the game (movies, cons, dinners, and so on). Couples are welcome, but cling-on SOs aren't.

If you're interested, contact me at:

jeff dot wilder at yahoo dot com

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