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Save vs. Middle-Age group OOC thread


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This is a thread for Out of Character comments and conversation on the games played by the Save vs. Middle-Age group. If you are here, then you have been invited by a member of the group. This is a play by post group, and we'll have a thread in the "Playing the Game" sub-forum.

Our current game is: Labyrinth Lord.

We'll be generating characters pretty much by the book. That means 3d6 for each stat. Now, if you wish you can take them in order (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha) or you can make the rolls and assign them to the stat you please. For hit points, rather than roll, we'll use the house rule that you get the max for your class (e.g. a cleric would have 6 hit points). For your stat rolls, please use Secure Dice [www-rpglibrary-org/software/securedice/](replace dashes with dots in address bar) with subject line "stat rolls." If for whatever reason, your stats are exceedingly low, I'll let you re-roll. Also, go ahead and roll for your starting money as per the LL book using the roller above, subject "starting cash." Spend it however you like, though mind your carrying capacity. If you choose to be an elf or magic-user, we'll determine your starting spell(s) as the last step.

Also, as this is a retro-clone game and there are no healing surges or life whammies or anything else that keeps your character from dying, we'll be using a house rule for inheritance. In addition to leaving money and valuables, your dead character gets to pass on to the next character an amount of experience equal to one level below his current before death. So if he was a 5th level cleric when he took the big dirt nap, he'd pass on 6,251 xps. And on that note, I'd not get too attached to your character until at least 3rd level. :]

Once everyone has the characters posted here, I'll get the initial adventure post going in the thread over in the Play the Game sub-forum. Feel free to ask any questions here, or PM me.

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First Post
This is a thread for Out of Character comments and conversation on the games played by the Save vs. Middle-Age group. If you are here, then you have been invited by a member of the group. This is a play by post group, and we'll have a thread in the "Playing the Game" sub-forum.

Our current game is: Labyrinth Lord.

We'll be generating characters pretty much by the book. That means 3d6 for each stat. Now, if you wish you can take them in order (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha) or you can make the rolls and assign them to the stat you please. For hit points, rather than roll, we'll use the house rule that you get the max for your class (e.g. a cleric would have 6 hit points). For your stat rolls, please use Secure Dice [www-rpglibrary-org/software/securedice/](replace dashes with dots in address bar) with subject line "stat rolls." If for whatever reason, your stats are exceedingly low, I'll let you re-roll. Also, go ahead and roll for your starting money as per the LL book using the roller above, subject "starting cash." Spend it however you like, though mind your carrying capacity. If you choose to be an elf or magic-user, we'll determine your starting spell(s) as the last step.

Also, as this is a retro-clone game and there are no healing surges or life whammies or anything else that keeps your character from dying, we'll be using a house rule for inheritance. In addition to leaving money and valuables, your dead character gets to pass on to the next character an amount of experience equal to one level below his current before death. So if he was a 5th level cleric when he took the big dirt nap, he'd pass on 6,251 xps. And on that note, I'd not get too attached to your character until at least 3rd level. :]

Once everyone has the characters posted here, I'll get the initial adventure post going in the thread over in the Play the Game sub-forum. Feel free to ask any questions here, or PM me.


Nirgil Gutter-Shutter
Level 1 Thief
AC 7

STR 11
CON 13 +1 HP per HD
DEX 13 -1 AC, +1 Missle attack, +1 Init, +5% XP
WIS 10
CHA 8 +1 Reactions, 3 Retainers, Morale 6

Pick Locks 17
Find and Remove Traps 14
Pick Pockets* 23 * -5% per each 5 levels the thief is lower than the victim.
Move Silently 23
Climb Walls 87
Hide in Shadows 13
Hear Noise 1-2

Breath Attacks 16
Poison or Death 14
Petrify or Paralyze 13
Wands 15
Spells or Spell-like Devices 14


starting cash: 140gp


10 daggers (10 lb)
Padded Armor (10 lb)
Backpack (2 lb)

  • 1 oz ink vial (wrapped in scrap of sheep skin)
  • 20 candles
  • 3 trail rations (3 lb)
  • 2 small sacks (1 lb)
  • 1 large sack (.5 lb)
map case (.5 lb) strapped to backpack
  • 10 sheets of paper
  • 2 quill pens
flint and steel belt pouch
50 ft silk rope (5 lb) wound around waist
thieves tools (1 lb) pouch is strapped to left forearm
1 wineskin (full 4 lb) strapped to backpack
Money: 5EP 3GP 7SP
Character Weight (38.5)

Saddle ( 25 lb)
Saddle bag (.5 lb)

  • 4 pints wine (1 lb)

  • 8 torches (8 lb)
  • 3 days pony feed (organic, free range, cruelty-free)
  • winter blanket (3 lb)
  • crowbar (5 lb)
  • grappling hook (4 lb)
  • 2 large sacks (1 lb)
  • 6 trail rations (6 lb)
  • 1 wineskin (full 4lb)
Pony Weight (57.5)

Draf was a good man, he taught me everything I know about sneakin' and stabbin'. I suppose he wasn't actually a man, not a Hu-Man or even one-a them poncy longear-mans or a shorty-man. He said he was a darkling but I saw a mummer show once at market day and they called what looked like draf a "gobling" Whatever he was, he was as quiet as a spider with twice the bite- didn't he live all his life in the sewer under the lord mayor's keep- with never a peep about him from the constables or any folk that lived there in the keepside, even nosy old Miss Pindars? A didn't he once nick the mayor's own fine riding boots right from outside his chambers? ...And he once snuck up on his kennel of hunting dogs and stole a whole brood of pups right from their ma's teat. Draf said he ate like the mayor hisself on those pups. Draf told me lots of stories, and showed me lots of tricks for getting what folk don't want gettin' got. Only...I wanted a horse, and of course I didn't know it was the Captain's, and how could i know that the whole week wages for the constables was in the saddle bags. I just wanted a fine pony like the ones the swells ride on their hunts. Well, Draf was plenty mad even though I got away clean. He screamed and swore and he said I ruined it all and now they would be looking for us and they wouldn't stop until we was nailed to the market gate. Draf told me to take the pony and run for it and he would run the other way and nice knowin' ya even though it wasn't really, because hes homeless now. Well, I'm homeless now too, but I was before and at least I know all Draf's tricks so I wont have to break my back in the mudfields like nasty, nosy old Miss Pindars always said I would end up doing. She said I would die in the mudfields like the dirty scamp I was, but since I wont work in those damn mudfields I guess I'll live forever.
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First Post
Awesome. Couple things - need you to indicate what you have on the pony and what you are carrying yourself. Also don't forget to add coins to your weight.

Check that - is everything below pony on the list just the stuff on the pony?


First Post
Look at mister moneybags over here.

Blargin Hammerskull, Brother of Flargin, Son of Frakkin, Great-great-great-great-grandfather of Farkin.

Dwarf (neutral)

8 HP

STR 14
DEX 10
CON 12

Starting Cash: 100gp

Longsword (7gp, 4 lbs)
Shield (10gp, 10 lbs)
Splint Mail (75gp, 45 lbs)
Backpack (2gp, 2lbs)
Miner's Pick (3gp, 10 lbs)
Wineskin (1gp, 4lbs)
Wine (2 pints) (1gp, 1/2 lb)
Rations, Trail, 2 days (1gp, 2 lbs)

The Ballad of Clan Hammerskull
(By tradition, the dwarf singing it inserts his own name into the song.)

Grab A Mug of Blargin Ale
And Listen to My Blargin Tale
Of Blargin Wonder
And Blargin Woe
The Vanquishing Of Blargin Foe
By Blargin Hammer
And Blargin Shield
The Battle Ne'er Blargin Yield
Mighty Heart Be Blargin Steeled
As Gory Doom Be Blargin Sealed
For All The Blargin Foes Before Us

Now Raise Your Blargin Voice In Chorus!

Blargin Hammer, Hammer Skull
Blargin Life Is Never Dull

The Blargin Horn Calls Far and Near
To Gather Blargin Friends And Cheer
And Don't Forget The Blargin Beer
Unless You Want A Blargin Beating!

Now To My Words Ye Blargin Hark
When Delving In The Blargin Dark
Be Blargin Brave
And Blargin Bold
For The Greatest Blargin Tale Be Told
Of Blargin Piles
Of Blargin Gold
In The Blargin Halls of Old
And Ancient Tombs Of Blargin Cold
Blargin Evil Dank With Mold
And Blargin Dead Things That Abhore Us

So Again We Sing The Blargin Chorus!

Blargin Hammer, Hammer Skull
Blargin Life Is Never Dull

If It's Blargin Blood You Crave
Best Start To Dig Your Blargin Grave
For No Force In Hell Can Blargin Save
You From My Blargin Hammer!

By the Blargin Gods You'll Rue The Day
That Blargin Hammerskull Came To Play
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First Post
Character Name: Culas Telnor
Class/Race: Elf
Alignment: Lawful
Age: 92
Height: 120lbs
Weight: 5' 5"
Level: 1
[Starting cash: 190gp]

Hit Points: 6
Armor Class: 3

STR 14 (+1 to hit,damage and force doors)
CON 11
DEX 13 (-1 to armor class, +1 missle attack, +1 initiative)
INT 17 (+2 Languages)
WIS 8 (-1 Save vs all magic effects)
CHA 7 (+1 reaction)

Saving Throws:
Breath Attacks: 15
Poison or Death: 12
Petrify of Paralyze: 13
Wands: 13
Spells or Spell-like Devices: 14

Other Abilities:

Class Abilities and Spells:
-60' Infravision
-Detect hidden/secret doors with roll of 1-2 on 1d6
-Unaffected by ghoul paralysis
-+10% Experience adjustment

Level 1 Spells: 1

Memorized Spells:
Magic Missile

Spells in Spellbook:
Lv 1 Magic Missile
Lv 1 Read Magic
Lv 1 Protection from Evil

Lv 2 Invisibility

-Alignment language?

Inventory (On person):
Backpack (2 lb)
Longsword (4 lbs)
Dagger (1 lbs)
Splint Mail (45 lb)
Flint and steel (nil)
2 trail rations (2 lbs)
1 torch (1 lb)
1 wineskin (4 lb)
1 small sack [coins] (.5 lbs)
Spellbook (3 lbs)
Money 1ep, 9sp, 4cp (2 lbs)
Weight carried: 64.5 lbs

Pony (N/A)
Inventory (On pony):
Saddle (25 lb)
2 Saddle bags (1 lb)
Map case (.5 lb)
1 wineskin (4 lbs)
2 Flasks (empty) (3 lbs)
1 Ink vial (1 oz vial) (nil)
1 Oil (1-pint flask) (1 lb)
2 quill pens (nil)
10 candles (nil)
10 Parchment (sheets) (nil)
2 pints wine (.5 lb)
7 torch ( 7lbs)
5 Trail rations (5 lbs)
7 days pony feed (21lbs?)
1 large sack (.5lb)
2 small sacks (1 lb)
Pony weight carried: (69.5 lbs)
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First Post
Awesome. Couple things - need you to indicate what you have on the pony and what you are carrying yourself. Also don't forget to add coins to your weight.

Check that - is everything below pony on the list just the stuff on the pony?

No, I will clarify the gear distribution.


First Post
Will we start as a band or have to meet? I always enjoy character introductions but I'm new to table topping online so imagining the process could be pretty tedious. For context of my noobieness I was all excited and went through boxes in my garage until I found my dice which have sat unrolled for nearly 2 decades...then I saw the secure dice post.


First Post
@chin - thank you.

@silentp - I appreciate the fine dwarven song. Could you also list your racial abilities and AC (looks like it will be 3)?

@usmcmak - Thanks for being so detailed. One thing - it looks like you are missing a spell book? You'll need that. And go ahead and pick two first level spells and one second level spell to put in the book. Also add a Read Magic spell. To answer your question without giving too much away, no you won't start in "Ye Olde Tavern" sitting at separate tables. My apologies in advance to those really jonesing for that scene.


First Post
I edited the Labyrinth Lord pdf character sheet to have editable fields. Here's the link: drive.google.com/file/d/0B3KCja99V_HGM1R6Y21GTDhia0E/view?usp=sharing

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