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[scoop/humor] Preview of the Epic level handbook art!

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I think I know what you all had for breakfast. :p


Bran Blackbyrd

Well, I went over to have a look at the pics and I have to admit I got a hearty chuckle out of them. I'll read more of this thread before I decide whether or not I have shamed myself by doing so.

Chatdemon's last post, however (whether it was right or wrong), cracked me the hell up.
Sorry. :)


First Post
Geez guys, you sure are full of rage.

I love the Iconics. Gooooo Iconics!

And I thought the preview was pretty hilarious. The funniest one was the "Familiar's Familiar." Now THAT had me laughing.

All in all, good stuff, and thanks for trying to bring some humor to the boards. :)

Chatimp - I suck up to Nutkin and follow his lead at every point, hmmm? Yeah, that's exactly it. Very supportable position, which you no doubt have lots of evidence for.

OTOH, I stick by my friends, I know a friendless nerd like you might not understand that, but there you are.

Plus, Anc.'s stick-figure art is funny, so really I don't get the bitching.

Colonel - Hi! *Waves*


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Ruin Explorer said:
Chatimp - I suck up to Nutkin and follow his lead at every point, hmmm? Yeah, that's exactly it. Very supportable position, which you no doubt have lots of evidence for.

Plus, Anc.'s stick-figure art is funny, so really I don't get the bitching.

First off, I was merely replying in kind to your calling anyone who dared say nutkinland.com isn't funny an ass. I don't know you, I don't claim you're a nutkin lackey. In this situation though, you gave exactly the reply I've come to expect anytime anyone says something negative about something related to nutkin or his people (meaning the people who are regulars on his boards). It's always "hey, you cant say that, youre just a jerk/ass/spoilsport/loser/whatever! screw you!"
I've got no gripe with nutkin himself, god knows hes put up with crap from me on his forums in the past, but I called it like I see it. I dont think the site is funny. I claim no divine authority on the matter.

Ironically though, somewhere along the line, this thread became amusing. Not sure if it was the corn flakes & crap, or all the talk about pissing though...

The point is, I am giving Anc. the benefit of the doubt and assuming he was looking for feedback on the link he posted instead of just tooting his own horn. Isn't that what this forum is for? If you open yourself up for commentary, you've got to take the good with the bad and not take it personally.

As for my comments about Regdar and Mialee, I'm fairly sure I know who at least one of them is out of character, and have no problem with their OOC persona, the problem is, I have had to deal with the in character regdar in threads that had no business being in character and found it extremely annoying. Again, a gripe with a behavoir of the person, not a wholesale condemnation of their person.
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Attacking someone because they don't like something you like? Ok fanboy, have fun.

Margo Schreck said:
I think some of you are being awfully mean-spirited considering that Nutkin has been a friend to you before. It's one thing to criticize, but do you have to be so harsh with him?

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