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Scotley's Tomb of Horrors 3.5

Mista Collins

First Post
Maybe it is because his body's adrenaline is working harder to move his limbs as he attacks, or maybe whatever was on that bolt was stronger, but either way Logan's body can't fight it off and its effects take hold.

Their leader is lucky we are indoors or else the holy flame of Pelor would strike him down! Logan thinks to himself as he continues his assault on the man in front of him. His first attack goes wide as whatever poison was on that dart must have affected his muscles. He follows up with a second attack, hoping to do better.

[sblock=rolls]Fort Save vs DC 14 (1d20+9=10) FAILURE!

The attacks are if he is still able to. Modify as needed.

Attack and Damages. (1d20+10=12, 1d8+3=9, 1d20+5=19, 1d8+3=8)[/sblock]

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On his next turn, Zorn will hurry back to the Inn to check on his new companions. If Fin is still outside, Zorn will tell him about the two men down the street.


Round 4

Initiative Order
Tagret 26 (ac23)
Fin 24 (ac22)
Logan 13 (ac28)
Harrison 13 (24)
Zorn 11 (ac16)
Garagos 6 (ac29)
Attackers 6 (ac16 or 17 except for Middlebrook who is ac 21 or 13 touch)
Jason 1 (ac24)

"Yield the easy way or hard way but you will not deny justice!" Jason hits, but does not fell his foe. Perhaps not all of these men are evil?

Tagret slices into his opponent and leaves the man on the floor in a bloody heap.

"Ahhh, Now this is more like it! Come to Fin, let's see if you prove more challenging than your friend over there" Fin shouts as he indicates the dead man hanging in the web. He steps forward and drives his blade into the opponent's right leg drawing a thin line of blood. He follows it up with a strike to the enemies chest, drawing yet another strike on the man, "Ha! Ye shoulda known better than to try and take on a dwarf laddie."

Maybe it is because his body's adrenaline is working harder to move his limbs as he attacks, or maybe whatever was on that bolt was stronger, but either way Logan's body can't fight it off and its effects take hold.

Their leader is lucky we are indoors or else the holy flame of Pelor would strike him down! Logan thinks to himself as he continues his assault on the man in front of him. His first attack goes wide as whatever poison was on that dart must have affected his muscles. He follows up with a second attack, hoping to do better. (1 point con damage and make another DC:14 save in one min. Logan recognizes the poison as Blue Whinnis)

"Who is next?", asks Harrison. He looks quickly about and moves in on Middlebrook, but the man proves elusive and his powerful blow merely destroys a chair the man snags with a toe and slides into the warriors' path.

Zorn returns to the front of the inn to find Fin engaged in a bit of sport with the one fellow who managed to escape the web he cast earlier.

Garagos starts with an overhandblow and continues with a wicked underhand swing that proves unnecessary as the dwarf's first blow is more than enough to take the man out of the fight.

Middlebrook whistles sharply, drops his crossbow and pulls a bundle from his belt and tosses it at Harrison before leaping out the back window. Harrison manages to get in a wound on the retreating fellow, as the bundle explodes in a thunderous noise and splash of goo.

Jason's foe goes on the defensive and makes for the door as well. (He'll need to get past Tagret, so take an Attack of Opportunity vs. AC 20 if you wish to try and stop him.)

[sblock=Harrion]He is covered in goo -4 to dex and -2 on attacks, DC: 15 reflex save or be glued to the floor.[/sblock]

[sblock=All within the inn]The thunderstone explodes on Harrison's chest with a deafening roar. All within except Tagret who is just out of range make a DC: 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a -4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast. [/sblock]

[sblock=Fin and Zorn] At the sound of a sharp whistle from within, the man fighting Fin tries to retreating, falling back and then running. A loud thunderclap sounds from within. Two men and a body remain in the web at the front door, blocking entry into the inn. And there are two fellows webbed down the street.[/sblock]



First Post
Seeing the man facing him flee, Fin gives chase, thankful for his boots, which allow his short legs to propel him the same speed as a normal human. He will attempt to strike the fleeing enemy with the butt of his rapier, hoping to knock him unconscious, but the awkward angle of the attack thwarts Fin's efforts.

[sblock=ooc/Rolls] Is the man facing Fin still standing? Thanks!
Subdual Strike (1d20+5=14, 1d6+3=6) [/sblock]
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[sblock=Fin]He was not slain, though wounded. He is attempting to run away. You may give chase, he's wearing chainmail, so won't be any faster than Fin.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
though the contents of the tangle foot bag are splattered on his person, Harrison is able to leap to a sfe clean spot and not be stuck to the floor.

Reflex save for tanglefoot bag:
reflex or glued to floor with reduced dex on save (1d20+3=16)

He is getting quite tired of these anticks when the thunderous boom causes all to go still in his ears with the exception of the loud ringing that is


Fortitude save for thunderstone:
fort save for thunderstone (1d20+8=17)

He is able to shake of the effects quickly though and the ringing dissipates to a manageable level.

]ooc[ sweet! both saves are made ]/ooc[
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