Scotley's Tomb of Horrors 3.5

Walking Dad

First Post
Garagos, AC 29 (T19, FF27), HP 107/107, F +11,R+6,W+10

Garagos takes a step, standing over / protecting his fallen allyas he continues to bring the pain toward the hag!
And he calls: "Logan, show this undead what kind of priest you are!"

5 ft step to SG's square.
Waraxe fullattack (hit1, damage1, hit2 damage2) (1d20+12, 1d10+5, 1d20+7, 1d10+5) against the same hag as the last time.
Can you roll for me, please? If not, I will use the honor system.

AC 33 vs giants

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Logan Lightbringer, Cleric9, AC28,FF27T17,HP76/76, DR3/-, F+9,R+4,W+11, current Str=7

Logan is duly impressed by Harrison's plea, "Hark! Was that an awesomely alliterative allocution from the agile Harrison? On my way, sir, if I can extricate myself from this hag's clutches. Sine' Gile, can you cover my withdrawal so that I can hurriedly help the hapless Harrison?" OOC: I'm hoping Sine'Gile can keep me from opening myself for an AoO. If he can't do that, Harrison will just have to wait, and I'll instead just attack this round. But, if he can cover me, then Logan makes his way by the safest route to Harrison's side to apply the hopefully ponderous, always pure balm of Pelor to Harrison.
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Zorn, realizing that his spells are not very effective against the evil woman, switches tactics. The very young dragon swoops down upon the vile creature and attempts to bite it.

attack+ 1d20+11=24 damage 1d8=5

None of the dice rolling webistes are working for me. I rolled the dice myself on the honor system.



Logan Lightbringer, Cleric9, AC28,FF27T17,HP76/76, DR3/-, F+9,R+4,W+11, current Str=7

"Hang On, Harrison! I'll get there when I'm able, but I'm a little bit occupied at the moment."

Walking Dad

First Post
Garagos, AC 29 (T19, FF27), HP 107/107, F +11,R+6,W+10

Garagos calls: "Logan, turn this undead already!"

Sorry, Garagos is a bit bossy, not me ;)

AC 33 vs giants


First Post
Fin grabs his chest in pain as the large creature's club slammed into him, Fin unable to dodge this particular giant. Spitting out blood, the dwarf looked at Harrison with a pained look and said "Sorry, he's all yers, me sword ain't doing nothing to him." before sommersaulting out of the way, continuing on to try and reach his beloved bow.

Move: Tumble full speed (take a -10 to the roll, forgot that in the roll, therefore total = 21)
Standard: Take a double move to get to his tent.
If possible grab his bow???

HP: 37/79
AC: 22 (26 against Giants...take that ogres)
F/R/W: +7/+10/+2


Logan Lightbringer, Cleric9, AC28,FF27T17,HP76/76, DR3/-, F+9,R+4,W+11, current Str=7

Garagos, AC 29 (T19, FF27), HP 107/107, F +11,R+6,W+10
Garagos calls: "Logan, turn this undead already!"
Sorry, Garagos is a bit bossy, not me ;)
"Undead? Where?" Logan holds forth his holy symbol and boldly presents it forcefully to every opponent he sees with his off-hand, while maintaining his defensive posture against the hag.

OOC: Your wish is my command!
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Fin 24
Zorn 19
Garagos 16
Harrison 12
Sine'Gile 12
Tsal'Eie 10
Jason 9
Enemy 8
--Woman 1 AC 24
--Woman 2 AC 22
--Ogre's AC 19
--Swamp Formian AC 23
--Woman 3 AC 15
Logan 2

"Logan, show this undead what kind of priest you are!"
the dwarf shouts. "Turn this undead already!"

"Undead? Where?" Logan holds forth his holy symbol and boldly presents it forcefully to every opponent he sees with his off-hand, while maintaining his defensive posture against the hag. This has the desired effect and the undead Ogre lumbers off into the swamp with a splash. The hideous hag priestess hiss evilly at Logan. "Hark! Was that an awesomely alliterative allocution from the agile Harrison? On my way, sir, if I can extricate myself from this hag's clutches."

Fin grabs his chest in pain as the large creature's club slammed into him, Fin unable to dodge this particular giant. Spitting out blood, the dwarf looked at Harrison with a pained look and said "Sorry, he's all yers, me sword ain't doing nothing to him." before somersaulting out of the way, continuing on to try and reach his beloved bow. The agile dwarf re-emerges an instant later bow and arrow in hand.

Zorn, realizing that his spells are not very effective against the evil woman, switches tactics. The very young dragon swoops down upon the vile creature and attempts to bite it. The dragon's jaws close on the hag and vile greenish blood fills his mouth.

Garagos takes a step, standing over / protecting his fallen allies he continues to bring the pain toward the hag! He lands two powerful blows that cause her to cry out in pain. "Grofos help me my love." She calls.

Harrison, the seasoned warrior knowing that the giant would hit him reguardless of anything he does so the best thing to do is approach and attack. He was not wanting to lead the formian giant closer to the party so leading it back was not an option. Stepping forward he plunges his blade into the giant.

Sine'Gile remains on the ground while Tsal'Eie launches a violent attack with her mace landing a blow on the hag that brought down Sine'Gile. The Hag croaks out, "Grofos..." as she tumbles into the muck.

Jason moves in and strikes his own hag foe again with a glancing blow. Taking a defensive stance she casts another unholy spell waving a symbol of evil. A a cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness spreads out in a cloud around her taking in Jason, Lucien and Zorn. (16 damage and sickened for 3 rounds unless making a DC: 16 Will save for half damage and to avoid being sickened.)

The Swamp Formian turns his attention from Harrison to Tsal'Eie and Garagos as he shouts in a booming voice, "Mistress!" His flail bases the lizard woman, but the blows he directs at the dwarf cannot best Gargos' impressive mix of dwarven steel and dwarven cunning.

The remaining hag turns from attacking Logan to aid her fallen sister with a potion.

OOC: Actions for the next round?


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