Scotley's Tomb of Horrors 3.5

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Scott DeWar said:
]ooc[ arrg! i blink and there is cambat ensuing! ]/ooc[

OOC: I like to keep the players on their toes, what can I say?

[sblock=Tagret]If you wish to answer the fighter's question, the figures you saw were all wearing chainmail and most had martial weapons, so while there might be divine caster among them, arcane is unlikely, but not certain.[/sblock]


First Post
Fin Darktracker - 22AC - 79hp

Fin has been enjoying another mug of ale when he hears raised voices and the sound of blades being drawn emanating from the common area. Fin will grab his bow and take a quick look out his window. Seeing a group of armed men gathering outside the tavern, Fin sees that trouble has found them and prepares to rain death from above on these new found enemies. Fin'll think to himself "Ah Ambrose, just like old times. You always had this knack with people didn't ye?" as he pushes open the window and fires two shots from his shortbow, aiming at one who appears to be leading the group. If he can't determine that, Fin will aim at any carrying ranged weapons, followed by those closest to the door. After the shots Fin will attempt to remain hidden in the shadows.

[sblock=ooc] Listen & Initiative (1d20+11=20, 1d20+4=24)

Spot (1d20+11=22)

Hide & Move Silently (1d20+15=33, 1d20+15=30)

First Attack, Damage, Damage if Evil (1d20+12=29, 1d6+4=8, 2d6=6) Total Damage is 14 if evil.

Second Attack, Damage, Damage if Evil (1d20+7=19, 1d6+4=9, 2d6 =8) Total Damage is 17 if evil

Whew...lots of rolls & it appears the IC loves Fin ;). For Hide & MS -20 penalty to above rolls, bringing the Hide down to 12 & MS to 10.
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[sblock=Fin] Being on the second floor at the rear and looking out over the rear of the tavern, Fin sees perhaps ten men at arms gathering at the door and windows.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Garagos, AC 29 (T19, FF27), HP 107/107, F +11,R+6,W+10

"We should move to a more defendable position. The stairs. Up or down, my instincts tell me down, but we have to defend the people upstairs."


"Chainmail never helped a caster to my knowledge, but then again... assuming anything can get people killed. I shall appear when needed." Tagret goes through the kitchen door and .......... disappears.

I would like Tagret to find a way out (either by window or door), and sneak around them.

Init roll (1d20+7=26)


Initiative Order
Tagret 26
Fin 24
Logan 13
Harrison 13
Zorn 11
Garagos 6
Attackers 6
Jason 1

Tagret vanishes into the kitchen. [sblock=Tagret]You have your choice of stairs to the cellar--where there may be a way out, a back door, which will likely lead into the middle of the enemy and a window which will lead to the midst of the enemy and one that might put you beyond their notice.[/sblock]

[sblock=Fin]Fin sees that trouble has found them and prepares to rain death from above on these new found enemies. Fin'll think to himself "Ah Ambrose, just like old times. You always had this knack with people didn't ye?" as he pushes open the window and fires two shots from his shortbow dropping a crossbow wielding mercenary. He fades into the shadows.[/sblock]

At the word of possible danger, Logan puts his helmet on his head and takes up a position in the middle of the common room with his shield nearby in case battle does ensue.

"you said there are six men outside? any spell casters or just men at arms? also do they wear local colors? this area seems to be in an area of armed conflict these days." he says this while donning his helm and shield, redieing for action to guard Garagos' back.

The Kitchen and back door being only part of his worries. the shutters on the windows could be a source of entry, making this a down and outright challenge to defend. he looks to the elvin inkeep with an apology in his eyes, "mi' lady, there may be damages to your fair inn. I am sorry for what i may have to do. Fis is up stairs, he may need to watch for entry up there."

Zorn vanishes from sight.

"We should move to a more defensible position. The stairs. Up or down, my instincts tell me down, but we have to defend the people upstairs."

Middlebrook fires a hand crossbow into the Druid, Robert. He crumples to the floor and the tiger roars and takes a protective position over his fallen companion.

The man at arms close to the bar moves to put his blade at the innkeep's throat.

The other man at arms in the room takes a defensive stance before Middlebrook.

Middlebrook says, "Now let's just remain calm. We know you received considerable wealth today from Ambrose. Hand it over and we'll be on our way and nobody else has to get hurt."

Round 1 actions for Jason, Round 2 for everyone else.

Initiative (1d20+1=6)

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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