Scotley's Tomb of Horrors 3.5


Fin 24
Zorn 19
Garagos 16
Harrison 12
Sine'Gile 12
Tsal'Eie 10
Enemy 8
--Woman 1 AC 24
--Woman 2 AC 22
--Ogre's AC 19
--Swamp Formian AC 23
--Woman 3
Logan 2

Knowing that his favourite method of tactics has been throw out the window by the surprise assault by the swamp denizens, Fin shakes the cobwebs out of his head and stands up, taking in the scene around him.

The dwarven rogue rushes forward and with his expert skill and grace, tumbles past the 'women' and ends up on the other side of one flanking with Logan Lightbringer, his chain shirt gingling slightly as he moves. As he sets himself for a stab in one of the hags backs, she twists at the last moment causing his stab to be ineffective.

Zorn takes a step back towards Fin, only to discover that the dwarf has moved with considerable speed into heart of the fray. Temporarily ignoring the pain, he conjures a line of deadly electricity and fires it at the nearby Ogre. The hulking brute tries to move out of the path of the lightning, but he is too slow and takes the full force of the magic. This seems to drive him in to a rage. The thunderclap that results from the lightning serves to rouse any still sleeping members of the company.

Garagos stands up and readies his axe and shield. Sleeping in his restful armor, he feels ready to face the trouble.

Hissing, spitting and writhing in the terrible grasp of the hag, Sine'Gile finally manage to cut her with his blade, causing her to howl in pain and rage, but she does not let go.

Tsall'Eie rises and takes up her mace. She shouts something unintelligible, but her pointing claw makes her intent clear. More foes approach from behind.

The raging ogre barbarian takes a step forward and swings his great club (1d20+17=34, 1d20+12=19) in an arc that strikes both Garagos (21) and Zorn (16).

The other Ogre concentrates his attacks (1d20+17=30, 1d20+12=17) on Harrison hitting (2d8+13=23) once.

The giant strides forward and swings his massive flail only to strike the mud next to Fin creating an impressive, but harmless splatter.

The first hag reaches for Logan again, but this time he is ready for her and avoids the blow. The second hag continues to grapple with Sine'Gile.

OOC: Okay, Logan's up. Everyone else can act as well.

reflex save (1d20+3=15)


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Logan Lightbringer, Cleric9, AC28,FF27T17,HP76/76, DR3/-, F+9,R+4,W+11, current Str=7

Logan, devastated by the horror of the creature's hideous touch, is a bit weak in the knees. Nevertheless, he connects solidly against the hag with his morning star, if perhaps not dealing as much damage as usual. (Forgot to adjust the damage roll for the str drain, so the result listed here doesn't quite match up with the Invis. Castle roll)

to hit= 30
damage = 3
Logan's second attack at the hag with his morning star (1d20+10=30, 1d8+3=6)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: Sorry, you dwarves all look alike...:D

hey isnt that a racial slur? that is soooo mean!]/ooc[


Harrison's shield arm is is out of place as the first strikle from the ogre hits him in the sholder leaving a burning numbness in that arm, however that does not stop him from defending himself from the second strike.

he analizes the movements of the large creature and tries to get in a couple of strategic stabs in the thick hide...

Feat: power attack: -4 bab, +4 damage

attacks (1d20+12=22, 1d20+7=8)

no criticals


damage for first attack (1d8+11=13)

i doubt that an 8 hits, especially since it is a natral 1.
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First Post
With Logan drawing the woman's attention, and keeping an eye on the foes surrounding him, Fin launches into a flurry of viscious stabs at the hag's exposed back, but his strikes are errant again.

Realizing that being surrounded on all sides by enemies is not the place he wants to be, Fin will tumble past the reach of the woman and the ogre barbarian, placing his allies between himself and his foes.


HP: 79/79
AC: 22
F/R/W: +7/+10/+2

Standard: Attack Woman 1 Attack 1; Damage 1 (Piercing); Sneak Attack 1; Attack 2; Damage 2 (Piercing); Sneak Attack 2 (1d20+11=15, 1d6+3=6, 5d6=19, 1d20+6=14, 1d6+3=9, 5d6=21)
Ouch... this could be painful.
Move: Tumble to H11 (moving at 1/2 speed)
Tumble (1d20+16=20) against Woman 1
Tumble (1d20+16=22) Against barbarian 2


Logan Lightbringer, Cleric9, AC28,FF27T17,HP76/76, DR3/-, F+9,R+4,W+11, current Str=7

Logan says, "Flee friends! Save yourselves, so that I will not have perished in vain!"


ooc: Sorry, I've been having trouble logging in.

Zorn walks back 20 ft. and casts a spell. With a flourish of motion and mutterings in Draconic, he transforms into a very young Bronze Dragon.

AC=18 (10+8 natural), HP=23


ooc: Sorry, I've been having trouble logging in.

Zorn walks back 20 ft. and casts a spell. With a flourish of motion and mutterings in Draconic, he transforms into a very young Bronze Dragon.

AC=18 (10+8 natural), HP=23


ooc: Sorry, I've been having trouble logging in.

Zorn walks back 20 ft. and casts a spell. With a flourish of motion and mutterings in Draconic, he transforms into a very young Bronze Dragon.

AC=18 (10+8 natural), HP=23

OOC: Double post, trying to make up for lost time? ;) Glad to have you back.

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