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Second Golden Age of Oannon-- Recruitment/OOC (Currently Open)

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Altair said:
I'd prefer to read your character sheets first. Either post them here or send them to me. I'd prefer the latter, as I'd rather not let the other players know your stats.
I can't PM you on these boards (it requires a subscription, which costs money), and you've disabled the ability to send e-mails to your account. So I'll put my sheet in an spoiler block.

Name: Daniel Fry
Class: 1 Fighter
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: None

Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 180lb
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Str: 16 +3 (10p.)     Level: 1        XP: 600/1000
Dex: 12 +1 (04p.)     BAB: +1         HP: 10/10
Con: 10 +0 (02p.)     Grapple: +4     Dmg Red: 0/-
Int: 10 +0 (02p.)     Speed: 30'      Spell Res: 0
Wis: 08 -1 (00p.)     Init: +0
Cha: 12 +1 (04p.)     ACP: -2

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +4    +0    +1    +0    +0    +0    15
Touch: 11              Flatfooted: 14

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                     +2    +0    +0     +2
Ref:                      +0    +1    +0     +1
Will:                     +0    -1    +0     -1

Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical
Glaive                    +5     d10+4        20x3
Falchion                  +4     2d6+4     18-20x2

Languages: Common

Power Attack           (Human)
Skill Focus: Diplomacy (lvl 1)
Weapon Focus: Glaive   (lvl 1 Fighter)

Diplomacy:  +6   (2 ranks (CC), 3 feat, 1 cha)
Intimidate: +5   (4 ranks, 1 cha)
Ride:       +5   (4 ranks, 1 dex)

Equipment:          Cost  Weight
Chain shirt        100gp    25lb
Glaive               8gp    10lb
Falchion            75gp     8lb
Potion of CLW       50gp
Backpack             2gp    .5lb
--Bedroll            1sp     5lb
--Flint and Steel    1gp
--Sack               1sp    .5lb
--Trail Rations      5sp     1lb
--Waterskin          1gp     4lb

Total Weight: 54lb      Money: 12gp 3sp

             Lgt   Med   Hvy   Lift   Push
Max Weight:   76   153   230    230   1150

XP Awards:
Sparking a revolution: 600xp

Born to Luke and Michelle, Daniel has resided in Stonebridge all his life. His parents, using the meager inheritance of their own parents, worked hard to get themselves out of the farms. They had just managed to open up a blacksmithing shop when the civil war started; while Daniel was being raised to believe anyone could work themselves out of poverty, his family's business was collapsing from harsh taxes and tithes to corrupt officials. His parents' small shop provided the opportunity for him to learn the use of weapons and armor, but that opportunity may soon be over. Daniel's idealistic ideas of the working spirit is being crushed at the same rate as the store. He is now beginning to understand the truth of the world; the rich always get richer at the expense of the poor, and there is only one way to break the cycle: revolution. [/sblock]
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First Post
Dekana said:
I can't PM you on these boards (it requires a subscription, which costs money), and you've disabled the ability to send e-mails to your account. So I'll put my sheet in an spoiler block.

Sorry, I didn't realize that (long time lurker first time poster sort of thing). It's no problem though. You can begin posting now if you'd like.

I'd rather not enable e-mails as this is the address I recieve important e-mails from and I don't want it to get cluttered up.
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First Post
I might be interested in giving it a try, I dunno yet. Might come up with a cleric or an arcane caster, but I'm also considering a Dragon Shaman (though it's 3.5, from the Player's Handbook 2, one of the few books I own that's 3.5 rather than 3.0; Dragon Shamans venerate the power of dragons but can also serve a patron deity; they get some minor auras, a breath weapon after a while, and a healing touch instead of spellcasting).

Heheh, unfortunately, my favorite 3.0 classes aren't on the menu, since they're all oriental or psionic ones. But I'm okay with that.

I have a question though: if life-returning magic is removed in your campaign, are death spells also removed? Otherwise, it's awfully easy to get slain by a Slay Living, Destruction, Implosion, Phantasmal Killer, Wierd, Finger of Death, Circle of Death, Cloudkill, Power Word Kill, or the like, without any of the game's standard balancing factors being included.

Just something I think needs to be considered by any DM that's removing the return-to-life spells, as they don't always think about just how many spellcasters and monsters have instant-death abilities in D&D, though at least most of them allow a saving throw. Not a make-or-break choice, but it definitely affects the grimness of the campaign.


First Post
I'd have no problem with a dragon shaman, though, know that in most parts of Oannon, those who worship dragons are shunned or even persecuted by the right-wing followers of Pelor, however, they do find hospitality in certain other circles.

As for insta-death spells, casters who are powerful enough to cast them are rare, and always a force to be feared, as rightly they should be. But don't worry about it too much, you'll probably be fearing more for the lives of your henchmen than yourself. Nameless mook wizards will never have an insta-death in their spellbook and only the higher level mages will keep perhaps Cloudkill memorized, but never a save-or-die like Finger of Death. As for undead who can kill on contact like bodaks or banshees, well, they'll be nonexistant.

If you're going to create a character, you can plop him into the IC thread at any time, though don't wait too long or you might fall behind in expirience.
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First Post
Dekana, can you post your character's background please? Even something as short as a paragraph would suffice. As I never elaborated at all on the setting's geography, if you need to make up a town or a lord, or anything of the sort, feel free to go ahead and do so.

(Sorry if I posted this more than once, my computer's internet connection is getting rather wonky)


First Post
Hrm. Out of the couple of character ideas I considered and made some tentative stats for in the past day or two, this is what I've decided on for now. But I have a question regarding it: I'd choose Tome & Blood as my supplement for this wizard, aiming for the Mindbender prestige class or maybe Fatespinner, but conceptually oriented towards Mindbender right now. A kind of manipulative gnome, but not entirely serious or uncaring.

Is the Mindbender prestige class (and the requisite Leadership feat) acceptable for him to take around 6th/7th level (assuming he lives that long)?

Nezzern "Nosey" Taggert, Male Gnome Evoker
[sblock=Character]Nezzern "Nosey" Taggert
Height: 3'-8", Weight: 48 pounds, Eyes: Navy, Hair: Golden Blonde, Skin: Dark Tan
Race: Rock Gnome, Age: 70 years (young adult), Male
Character Level: 1, Classes: Wizard (Evoker) 1, XP: 0
Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Patron Deity: Boccob, Size: Small, Type: Humanoid (Gnome)
Languages/Literacy: Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Gnome

Strength: 6, Dexterity: 10, Constitution: 14, Intelligence: 16, Wisdom: 10, Charisma: 14
HP: 6, AC: 11 (10 base, +0 Dex, +1 size), Initiative: +0 (+0 Dex), Speed: 20 feet
Fortitude: +2 (+0 base, +2 Con), Reflex: +0 (+0 base, +0 Dex), Will: +2 (+2 base, +0 Wis)
BAB: +0, Melee: -1 (+0 base, -2 Str, +1 size), Ranged: +1 (+0 base, +0 Dex, +1 size)

Attacks: Club -1 melee for 1d6-2 damage, Dagger -1 melee or +1 ranged for 1d4-2 damage, Light Crossbow +1 ranged for 1d8 damage

Skills: Alchemy +5 (1 rank, +3 Int, +2 racial), Bluff +4 (2 ranks cross-class, +2 Cha), Diplomacy +4 (2 ranks cross-class, +2 Cha), Handle Animal +3 (1 rank cross-class, +2 Cha), Hide +4 (0 ranks, +0 Dex, +4 size), Intimidate +3 (1 rank cross-class, +2 Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int), Knowledge (Geography) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int), Knowledge (Religion) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int), Knowledge (The Planes) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int), Listen +2 (0 ranks, +0 Wis, +2 racial), Sense Motive +1 (1 rank cross-class, +0 Wis), Spellcraft +4/+6 (1 rank, +3 Int, +2 to learn Evocation spells)

Feats: Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Enchantment)

Racial Traits: Humanoid (gnome) type, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, Small size, 20 foot base speed, low-light vision, +2 on saving throws against Illusions, +2 Listen, +2 Alchemy, +1 on attack rolls versus Goblinoids and Kobolds, +4 dodge AC versus creatures of the Giant type, Speak With Animals 1/day at caster level 1 with burrowing mammals only, Dancing Lights 1/day at caster level 1, Ghost Sound 1/day at caster level 1, Prestidigitation 1/day at caster level 1, Wizard as favored class

Class Features: Summon Familiar (none summoned yet), Wizard Specialty (Evocation specialist, banned from Conjuration, +2 on Spellcraft checks to learn Evocation spells), Wizard Spells (arcane, Intelligence-based, prepared, requires a spellbook for preparation; save DC 13/14 or 15/16 Enchantment, has 3+1/1+1+1 spells per day; has the 0-level spells Daze, Daze, Disrupt Undead, and Light prepared; has the 1st-level spells Magic Missile, Sleep, and Sleep prepared; knows the 0-level spells Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Flare, Light, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, and Read Magic; knows the 1st-level spells Protection From Evil, Shield, Charm Person, Sleep, Magic Missile, and Spider Climb)

Possessions Carried: Club, Dagger, Light Crossbow, 10 Crossbow Bolts, Small Traveler's Outfit (worn, free starting outfit), Small Backpack (holds book, case, vial, pen, and coins), Small Spellbook (27/100 pages used), Small Spell Component Pouch, Scroll Case, 2 Parchment Sheets, Black Ink Vial, Inkpen, Chalk, Flint & Steel, 10 gp, 17 sp, 18 cp

Current Load: Light, 14-1/2 pounds
Light Load: 15 pounds, Medium Load: 30 pounds, Heavy Load: 45 pounds
Lift Over Head: 45 pounds, Lift And Hobble: 90 pounds, Push Or Drag: 225 pounds

Mount: Pony, Bit & Bridle, Riding Saddle, Saddlebags, 20 Crossbow Bolts, Small Traveler's Outfit, Small Bedroll, Soap (1 pound), Torch, 2 Small Waterskins, 2 Small Trail Rations

Appearance: A tall, lanky gnome, Nezzern has skin of a dark tan shade, navy blue eyes, a short, well-groomed mane of golden blonde hair, and a long goatee on his chin. He looks to be a young gnomish man of meticulous grooming, but very skinny, almost like a short elf at just over three and a half feet tall. He wears grey and brown travelers' clothes, a slim backpack, a broad pouch on his belt, and a small case on the other side of the belt. A simple dagger is sheathed at the back of his belt, a crossbow is slung over his back, and he carries a three-foot walking stick, which looks like it serves as a club just as well. Nezzern sometimes rides a pony bearing saddlebags and a nice riding saddle.

Personality: Nezzern aspires to greatness, prestige, and leadership over his own domain and vassals. For now he's of middling birth and social status, and only in his home city of Hazzerbek, among the gnomish delves of the north. He likes to be in control and to have influence over others, to work his will upon the world, but is content to be the advisor of others for now. Order, loyalty, and sticking to one's word are important to him.

Although he likes to come across as the cultured genius that he is, Nezzern still has his gnomish upbringing to deal with, and behaves in a goofy manner sometimes as a result, often using humor to offset his arrogant, scholarly airs, sometimes unintentionally. He gets his nickname of Nosey because of his big nose and, moreso, his tendency to meddle, offer unsolicited advice, and poke around in other peoples' business. Nezzern tries to be friendly and kind towards others, but doesn't go out of his way for others unless he can use it as leverage for a favor or reward.

Wealth is somewhat important to him, but only as a tool. Magic is his means of gaining power over others and ensuring that he remains sovereign over himself, not a goal in and of itself but merely a means to his ends. Nezzern considers knowledge to be valuable and important for its own sake, as well as for its practical uses. Ignoring the blind faith of others in Pelor, Nezzern venerates Boccob the Uncaring, Archmage of the Deities, for his guidance in pursuing knowledge and his governance of arcane power, which Nezzern needs to ensure his control and personal sovereignty.

Background: Nezzern Taggert has been traveling for the past year, leaving his homeland behind and taking stock of some nearby lands, looking for opportunities. He hails from the gnomish city of Hazzerbek, beneath a rocky, strangely snow-less hill out in the Grachen Barrens. Nezzern lived in the Gold Springs Quarter, where his family tended to some of the richer families living around the hot springs. With a bit of aid from a generous patron, Nezzern's parents were able to send him to the Gemfire Collegium, a wizards' academy in the Old Erbek Quarter. Nezzern was recognized early on as a rather intelligent lad, and never liked doing chores and cleaning up after rich people, even nice rich people.

Stating a desire to join the city's guardian wizards, warding off giants and goblin tribes in the nearby hills, Nezzern focused his studies on evocation magic for combat, but still studied a broader selection of basic spells from the Collegium's library. He came to determine that what he'd really like to do is venture outside the city and make something more of himself, rather than serving the community and being at others' beck and call. So after his apprentice studies at the Collegium were complete, Nezzern worked only briefly in Hazzerbek before selling what possessions he could and using them to get traveling supplies, leaving town without a word except to resign from his post.[/sblock]
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First Post
Absolutely, go for it!

I'm conceptualizing that some of you may become lords anyways if you're opportunistic enough.

Though Dekana and Melubb, you may want to slow down a little bit and consider the consequences. I don't know if it'd be realistic to actually hold onto any power for a prolonged length of time all by yourselves, even if you do manage to seize the keep.

Mellubb, could you please post your character sheet and background here to keep things organized?
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I like your 22 point buy and your one-supplement approach, too. Those two things put together exactly match the grimmer feel you said you're attempting to emulate. It's neat to read how other DMs effect the sort of game they have floating around in their head. Good luck with this!

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
brousing through, i saw this thread and was intrigued...i amin too many games as it is (6 in msn air, 1 on mortality.net and 2 on en world) but i just wanted to mention that GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System) is put out by steve jackson games...it is a very ...well...varied! gaming system.
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