D&D 5E Sell me on 5th…

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Well, I wouldn’t be the one running ANY version of 5th- at least, not in the foreseeable future- so you’re talking to the wrong dude.🤷🏾‍♂️
Wait, I thought the point of this entire thread was trying to provide reasons for you (specifically, as the OP) to try 5e?

However, a close friend is thinking about getting into 5Ed, and I’m wondering if I’m not giving the system a fair shake.
Or are we trying to sell your close friend?

200 posts in... Have we sold OP on 5e yet?

Sounds like the your answer to the above is... No?

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Staff member
Wait, I thought the point of this entire thread was trying to provide reasons for you (specifically, as the OP) to try 5e?
It is, but I’d have zero say in which version of it is selected. My guess is he’d run 5th as WotC presents it, at least out of the starting gate.

While he has run games with house rules, IME, he’s rarely run one using informal variants or relying on 3PP products. The only exceptions I know of is using some Judge’s Guild adventures & settings for AD&D/2Ed back in the 1990s…some borrowed from me.
Or are we trying to sell your close friend?
AFAIK, he doesn’t really visit gaming forums. And I don’t pressure others into running games in any system. I’ve never seen that work out well. The last time it happened in our group, I acquiesced to my players who didn’t want to play in a Supers game in HERO, but were open to it in M&M. So I translated stuff into M&M. And M&M’s mechanics partly contributed to the campaign’s fizzling.

I have some relatively negative impressions of 5th from what I saw during the playtest and subsequent threads posted here. But it didn’t matter, though, because nobody in my circle was considering running it.

That has changed.

So now, I’m trying to figure out whether or not he could consider be a strong probable player, a marginally probable player, or some flavor of not interested. Hence the thread.

And TBH, I’ve moved from the latter to the middle. I may not like certain mechanics (as noted), and be unable to model certain types of characters I’ve played or designed in the past, BUT 5Ed seems to be relatively amenable to creating characters in harmony with my overall role-playing preferences.
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Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
It is, but I’d have zero say in which version of it is selected. My guess is he’d run 5th as WotC presents it, at least out of the starting gate.

While he has run games with house rules, IME, he’s rarely run one using informal variants or relying on 3PP products. The only exceptions I know of is using some Judge’s Guild adventures & settings for AD&D/2Ed back in the 1990s…some borrowed from me.

AFAIK, he doesn’t really visit gaming forums. And I don’t pressure others into running games in any system. I’ve never seen that work out well. The last time it happened in our group, I acquiesced to my players who didn’t want to play in a Supers game in HERO, but were open to it in M&M. So I translated stuff into M&M. And M&M’s mechanics partly contributed to the campaign’s fizzling.

I have some relatively negative impressions of 5th from what I saw during the playtest and subsequent threads posted here. But it didn’t matter, though, because nobody in my circle was considering running it.

That has changed.

So now, I’m trying to figure out whether or not he could consider be a strong probable player, a marginally probable player, or some flavor of not interested. Hence the thread.

And TBH, I’ve moved from the latter to the middle. I may not like certain mechanics (as noted), and be unable to model certain types of characters I’ve played or designed in the past, BUT 5Ed seems to be relatively amenable to creating characters in harmony with my overall role-playing preferences.
Ah, thanks for the context!

I think there are a bunch of excellent arguments for 5e in this thread, if you choose to leverage any of them.

Either way, hope your games are awesome

That has changed.

So now, I’m trying to figure out whether or not he could consider be a strong probable player, a marginally probable player, or some flavor of not interested. Hence the thread.

And TBH, I’ve moved from the latter to the middle. I may not like certain mechanics (as noted), and be unable to model certain types of characters I’ve played or designed in the past, BUT 5Ed seems to be relatively amenable to creating characters in harmony with my overall role-playing preferences.

My guess is that as a fan of late 3E, you'll still have a lot of fun with 5E, but it's probably not going to keep you interested long term.

Another way to look at it, though, by having some experience with 5E you'll be able to participate in so many more argume... err... discussions on forums like this one, a whole new world of edition wars will be opened up to you. ;)


Morkus from Orkus
And TBH, I’ve moved from the latter to the middle. I may not like certain mechanics (as noted), and be unable to model certain types of characters I’ve played or designed in the past, BUT 5Ed seems to be relatively amenable to creating characters in harmony with my overall role-playing preferences.
But.........the ranger!! :p

The free Rangers. The ones kept in the coop aren't acceptable to use anymore.

I was just poking a bit of fun at the ranger sidetrack from earlier in the thread. ;)
Free as in the Ranger options such as Favored Foe and Deft Explorer? I agree. :) They are less situational than Favored Foe and Favored Terrain. I used both options for my Bugbear Ranger.


Staff member
Just a tangent off of this in general…how is 5th on its supply of “furry”/anthropomorphic PC races?

For me, they’re one common theme in fantasy literature, legends, faerie tales and myths that is a curiously underused/under-permitted option in FRPGs.

I’d probably have played more of them if I could have. I’ve designed quite a few going back to 2Ed, but most are unused. Hell, half of my 4Ed PCs I created as well as most of my 2023 3.5Ed PC designs were some kind of bestial race.

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