Thanks.It is really good. There are some negatives though. Darkness is a problem for your allies. The AOO uses your reaction so it only works against 1 enemy per round, after the 1st enemy the rest will walk up and attack you unmolested (albeit with disadvantage). And because it uses your reaction you won't be able to use shield. Finally the hound can not see through the darkness either, so it does not see your enemies (assuming they are in the darkness) and does not have advantage on attacks. Like your enemies it does not get an attack of opportunity on an enemy that moves away from it to attack you. Finally if the hound knocks an enemy down you no longer have advantage to attack the enemy if it is more than 5 feet away (prone gives the attacks from outside 5' disadvantage which cancels the unseen advantage).
The Sorcerer just hit and run. The Darkness moves with him, the hound (with advantage) and allies can attack normally without disadvantage. It's not 100%, but It just move out and your friends will do their job normally.
If the enemy is prone because your hound does, just cast a saving throw spell (applying disadvantage). It's so flexible.
If the enemy doesn't come close enough, just cast firebolt or empowered fireball like a standard sorcerer does, but with advantage on attack rolls and applying disadvantage against your spells.
The idea here is, if the threatining enemy tries come close enough, It's dead.
"Finally they can also grapple you and then move you out of the darkness. All of these things involve wasted turns for the enemy, so it is not ideal for them, but they will try to counter your power base."
It doesnt work, because the darkness moves with the weapon. Also, Sorcerer's Magical Guidance helps him on skills checks. It isn't a good idea.
The Sorcerer can dash, move to a better position or just "bye" and still cast quicken empowered fireball.
It isn't unkillable, but It isn't easy to defeat.
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