Shadowrun.DnD5 'DNA/DOA'

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: On the plus side, he's either got to drop his longarm now or eat the Disad

Juno's before us in the ini. Maybe she can drop him before we get there...?

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First Post
Juno pops back up over the barricade, trying to ignore the pain in her midsection. Her armor and orthoskin had stopped the rounds from getting through her skin, but the blunt trauma felt like a troll MMA fighter had spent a round just slamming its hamfist into her.

Her silenced gun chooped twice, and she quickly backed up behind the desk, looking for better cover.

Pistol shooty (double shot): 1d20+8 18 2d8+7 11 1d20+8 14 2d8+7 13


First Post
Juno leaned over the barricade and shot the guard twice, although the second shot bounced off the man's armor. He staggered a bit from shock but its’ obvious that his armor absorb most of the blow. Then Davos flipped over the short wall and raced into close contact with the guard while slashing his sword in the man’s face. Unfortunately for the adapt, the man’s armor and reflex deflected the adapts blows. NTensity shifted his senses towards the astral plane as his spirit when fully back into astral space. Just as he was about to issues orders he noticed two things – first that there was an fire elemental making a bee-line straight at him and that the larger mutant was stalking out of the open doorway, using the gunfire to muffle its footfalls! Sovereign’s hands moved to what he was watching in AR and with a smile he said “Ha, cracked it. There are three guards on the western room and two on the eastern room. There are also two other active comlinks on the other side of the northern door!” At NTensity’s worrying Diggs and Fluffy turned and blasted away at the large mutant but Diggs’s aim was way off and the combat shotgun flechette rounds were deflected by the creature’s hide. It roar in rage at the sight of the team.

The security guards rifle fled to his side in its sling as the man quickly drew his pistol and blasted Davos center mass with almost a perfect shot! The adept will knocked off his feet and into oblivion! The others could not tell if he was alive or not! In astral space the spirit slammed into NTensity but the residual effects of the drugs he had taken mitigated any damage he would have suffered.

GM: Initiative
20 – Juno
13 - NTensity, Davos, Diggs and Sovereign
12- Azechatecha Guards, the Spirit and Mystery Man
[sblock=Rolls and Results]Juno hit with the first shot, missed with the second. Damage is 11-7 = 4 points of damage bring him down to 12 hp remaining.
NTensity uses a Bonus action to shift to astral perception. For his action he can either attack the incoming spirit just before it attacks him, or order his spirit to take an action.
Davos moved and missed the guard all three times.
Diggs (assuming NTentisty shouts a warning) fires at the big mutant, Attack (vs. AC 13); Damage if it hits: 1D20+3 = [1]+3 = 4; 2D8+4 = [6, 8]+4 = 18, natural one that’s a miss; Fluffy Attack (vs. AC 13); Damage if it hits: 1D20+6 = [6]+6 = 12; 2D10+2 = [2, 10]+2 = 14, oh missed by one!
Sovereign uses AR to located other targets; Computer Use skill: 1D20+4 = [17]+4 = 21, success.

Guard drops rifle (no action), part of his round draws one item (the pistol) and shots at Davos Attack (vs. AC 18), ballistic damage if it hits: 1D20+8 = [20]+8 = 28; 2D8+5 = [8, 8]+5 = 21, HOLY Cow, another crit and max damage with the first two die!! Yikes, critical damage: 2D8 = [5, 8] = 13, so 34 total damage minus 2 hardness brings Davos down to 0 hp!!! He will need a Death save next round. Sorry two critis from this guard! wow...
Big Mutant moves into the room stealthy = Stealth vs. Passive Perception (bonus from gunfire): 1D20+5 = [9]+5 = 14, good enough for those still in the room EXCEPT NTensity as he mentioned he looked back specifically to see if mutant was coming. This kind of all happened at once so the mutant does not get an extra action AS on its turn it was stealthing, etc.
Spirit attacks NTensity from the astral plane (because you are perceiving), astral attack, damage if it hits: 1D20+5 = [15]+5 = 20; 1D8+2 = [7]+2 = 9, hit for 9-2 (your astral hardness) 7 damage bringing him down to 2 temporary hps left. You still need to make a Constitution save DC 10 or your concentration spell (Physical Barrier) falls.
Also NTensity can make a Perception roll in astral space!
The unknown security guards do something[/sblock][sblock=Conditions]Juno HP 17/29
Davos HP 0/29
Diggs HP 47/47
NTensity HP 30/30 (+2 temp hp)
Sovereign HP 35/35

Security Guard #1 HP 12/28
Spirit HP 26/26
Big Mutant 50/69* yes more than he had when he ran away![/sblock][sblock=Fire Spirit] Medium elemental (fire spirit) 3
Armor Class: 14 (natural +dex; hardness 3 including vs. spells)
Hit Points: 26; Threshold: 19 (recover +4)
Speed: 30ft, Fly 60ft
STR 14 (+2), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2), INT 14 (+2), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 14 (+2)
Condition Immunity: Mind-Effects, Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned, Inhaled Effects.
Resistance: Magical Spells & Effects, Ranged Weapon Attacks.
Senses: Ignores Visual obscure penalties, passive Perception 14
Skills: Arcana +4, Intimidate +4, Investigation +4, Perception +4, Stealth +4
Flame Aura: while manifesting, melee attacks against it must make a Dexterity Save DC 14 or suffer 1d8 fire damage.
MagicalMagnitude 3; Magical Attack Roll +6; Saving Throw 14; Magical Points 15
Spells Known: Agony (Time 1 action, Magnitude 3, Range 120ft, Duration Until successful save), Fear (Time 1 action, Magnitude 2, Range Self, Duration up to 1 minute Concentration), [Fire] Bolt (Time 1 action, Magnitude 2d6 fire for 1, +1d6 fire per +1 mag, Range 120ft)
Astral Attack: Melee unarmed weapon attack +5 to hit, one target, Reach 5ft; Hit 1d8+2 damage.
Fire Breath: Ranged weapon attack +6 to hit, one target, Range 15ft; Hit 2d6 fire damage.
Flame Fist: Melee unarmed weapon attack +5 to hit, one target, Reach 5ft; Hit 1d8+2 fire damage.
Fire Bolt Spell: Ranged spell attack +6 to hit, one target, Range 120ft; Hit 2d6 fire damage base +1d6 per +1 mag (maximum 4d6).[/sblock]Heroes actions!! Davos needs a death save.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: Can Diggs use a karma point to boost Fluffy's attack?

Sneaky bastard sons of bitches!

NTensity raises his arm to block the fiery blow

OOC: (NTensity uses his reaction with the Parry feat: 9 damage - Parry with Astral strength: 1D10+2+3 = [9]+2+3 = 14 = 0 dam!)

"Hold him!" If he manifests, they're in big trouble! "Fire elemental, incoming! Sov, canyu get'us the fire control system?!" He's even forgetting to swear.

It's B-B-Q night at the Rejo Recombinación!

Ducking below the elemental's follow-up blow, the troll shaman raises both fists up from the floor - towards the charging mutant!

With a shower of blue sparks another wall bursts up from the floor, blocking the south corridor!

Meanwhile, in the astral, the dripping champion of cursed bathrooms everywhere is fighting : yellow police tape shoots out from seemingly every part of her, seeking to strangle, to tame, to smother!

[sblock=Actions]Free=Drop Armor
Standard=Cast Physical wall down the south corridor, hopefully catching the big mutant going at full speed (hopefully he gets a bloody nose)

That "Hold Him!" was directed at Bessy. If I understand you correctly, Bessy had an attack action last round too? She's going to try to grapple until she gets it, then straight damage, 2 attacks per round in the astral:
Grapple then smother: 1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24; 1D8+2 = [3]+2 = 5
1D20+5 = [2]+5 = 7; 1D8+2 = [1]+2 = 3
1D20+5 = [6]+5 = 11; 1D8+2 = [2]+2 = 4
1D20+5 = [4]+5 = 9; 1D8+2 = [6]+2 = 8

Success grapple on the first try, then... Uh... She starts crying, apparently

Question, GK: Can you maintain a spell from the astral? (i.e. go full astral to confront the elemental AND maintain the walls?) The spirit task Sustain Spell sort of implies he can, but I just wanted to make sure)[/sblock]

ConcentrATION: Hold the line: 1D20+2 = [15]+2-2 = 15 Didn't need it after all
Astral perception Corner of the virtual eye: 1D20+4 = [7]+4 = 11
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First Post
(OOC - Okay, a little confused. Is the guard behind the barricade still the only physical target, or have reinforcements arrived?)


First Post
GM: Yes he is the only guard. There are 5 others on the other side of the barricade in the two open rooms (those are the ones Sovereign warned you about). There is also a Fire Elemental in Astral Space and the big mutant creeping up behind you BUT Diggs and Fluffy are shooting at it and only NTensity can interact with the astral form of the elemental

Voidrunner's Codex

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