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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law trailer


A suffusion of yellow
Even though it was a comedy it was still a superhero show and that sounds like a pretty dull superhero show.

Um, what superheroing did they have Jen do? Besides smashing the TVs and screaming that was it for that scene.

The whole series had what 3 legit superhero fights? (4 if Im generous)

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Eh, superhero comedy and fourth-wall breaking, such as Deadpool and She-Hulk, is just something you get or you don't. I am not a fan of Deadpool and I enjoyed She-Hulk more in the team comic books, than her solo stuff, back in the days when I still read them, so I went into this show more to just make sure I have watched all MCU stuff, than because I was a big fan of this style. But I ended up enjoying the show for itself and thought all the actors did a good job. Even all the fourth-wall stuff in the final episode, that I would normally not care for, was enjoyable.


A suffusion of yellow
Eh, superhero comedy and fourth-wall breaking, such as Deadpool and She-Hulk, is just something you get or you don't. I am not a fan of Deadpool and I enjoyed She-Hulk more in the team comic books, than her solo stuff, back in the days when I still read them, so I went into this show more to just make sure I have watched all MCU stuff, than because I was a big fan of this style. But I ended up enjoying the show for itself and thought all the actors did a good job. Even all the fourth-wall stuff in the final episode, that I would normally not care for, was enjoyable.

I for one love fourthwall breaking comedy, to the point that I do it in my games and even make pop references in my daily life (since all the worlds a stage), that wasnt the issue with She-Hulk

She-Hulks problem was introducing characters like Titania and Josh and the Lab scene and then dumping them without consequence or follow through. Then making Jen such a pathetic character that Madisynn was a sparkling light of hope.

Fourth wall breaks need to serve the narrative and help tell the story not circumvent it and make up for bad writing


Um, what superheroing did they have Jen do? Besides smashing the TVs and screaming that was it for that scene.

The whole series had what 3 legit superhero fights? (4 if Im generous)
It was a superhero show, specifically an MCU superhero show, so it needs some action. Not necessarily fights, but action. Either way, you enjoyed it or you didn't. for what it's worth I did.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Female Hulk
  • Felt no remorse for the property damage she caused.
  • Blamed all of her problems on Intelligencia.

I'm just going to excerpt this part without comment. If you don't see it after you've written it and it's been pointed out, you're not going to.

Again, let's compare the amount of outrage over, say, Hawkeye (another light comedy) and his shenanigans as Ronin. I've seen a lot of criticism of the show for different reasons, but do you know what I haven't seen? Someone say, "Hey, you know what? I didn't like the show because it allowed Clint to return to his family, instead of suffering for all of the .... 'property damage' he inflicted as Ronin."

I mean- yeah, She-Hulk sure did destroy a bunch of televisions. In the MCU, that needs to be PUNISHED! :)


I don't know... The earlier MCU stuff wasn't connected, until it was. We've got a huge number of new chaarcters, with old ones cycling out, so they need to be introduced before they're put into major use.
And you have no idea which characters are important and which not, which amplifies the feeling that the MCU is unfocused.

Who will make up the next Avengers? Will Spiderman be on the team? What about the Eternals? Or what about the still available old Avengers like Ms. Marvel or Dr. Strange? Or will Wong take his place?
Will She-Hulk be part of the Avengers? Will she also do constant 4th wall breaks or will she behave completely differently? And will the Deus Ex wall break in the last episode be canon?


I'm just going to excerpt this part without comment. If you don't see it after you've written it and it's been pointed out, you're not going to.

Again, let's compare the amount of outrage over, say, Hawkeye (another light comedy) and his shenanigans as Ronin. I've seen a lot of criticism of the show for different reasons, but do you know what I haven't seen? Someone say, "Hey, you know what? I didn't like the show because it allowed Clint to return to his family, instead of suffering for all of the .... 'property damage' he inflicted as Ronin."

I mean- yeah, She-Hulk sure did destroy a bunch of televisions. In the MCU, that needs to be PUNISHED! :)
They didn’t focus on the property damage as Ronin…because the villain is trying to KILL ronin. Aka the punishment has already been taken up a notch.

Let’s also remember a key aspect of the show was Hawkeye helped Kate because she got caught up in the Ronin stuff…and he felt responsibility for that. The character actually cared that their previous actions had negative consequences. That is what is missing from she hulk and one of the reasons Jen doesn’t seem all that interesting. I can forgive details about X and Y if the story and message are on point, and the reason I nitpick she hulk is because the story and message is just scrambled and weak


A suffusion of yellow
Someone say, "Hey, you know what? I didn't like the show because it allowed Clint to return to his family, instead of suffering for all of the .... 'property damage' he inflicted as Ronin."

all we know about MCU Ronin is that he was a gangster killing vigilante during the five years of the snap who eventually got brought in by Black Widow to help recover the Infinity stones - for all we know he was punished due to his crimes and then got released to retirement.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
They didn’t focus on the property damage as Ronin…because the villain is trying to KILL ronin. Aka the punishment has already been taken up a notch.

Let’s also remember a key aspect of the show was Hawkeye helped Kate because she got caught up in the Ronin stuff…

Okay, I guess this does need to be spelled out ...

The Ronin "stuff?" Hawkeye straight-up was killing people. It wasn't property damage. HE WAS KILLING PEOPLE. He was the baddie.*

And you keep getting hung up on consequences of ... this property damage? THIS PROPERTY DAMAGE? Have you ever watched an MCU movie? Let's put aside the possibility that there are people in building and cities that might have ... you know ... died ... the sheer amount of "property damage" caused by heroes on a regular basis is insane.

I mean ... I can't point this out any better than you have yourself, multiple times. If you are getting really hung up on this, if you just have to insist that She-Hulk be more punished for ... this property damage ... I don't think you'll find the answers on the screen.

* @Tonguez Actually, we know a lot more. Ronin was never caught. We know that (1) he was Ronin throughout the "snap." That Natasha brought him back to help reverse the snap. So it was some time from 1 to five years leading up to the snap reversal. There is nothing from Yolena indicating that she thinks Hawkeye has suffered in any way, nor do people identify him in any way as having been punished. So no- your belied that he has been punished for his many many many murders makes no sense.

Voidrunner's Codex

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