Shields, Leather, Daggers, & Healing Potions: Most Popular D&D Items

It's time for another one of D&D Beyond's big data dumps! We've already seen the most common adventures, classes by tier, subclasses, multiclass combos, spells, and more. This time round, they take a look at the most often chosen weapons on their platform. Shields, leather armour, daggers, and potions of healing dominate.

It's time for another one of D&D Beyond's big data dumps! We've already seen the most common adventures, classes by tier, subclasses, multiclass combos, spells, and more. This time round, they take a look at the most often chosen weapons on their platform. Shields, leather armour, daggers, and potions of healing dominate.

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32% of active characters are equipping a shield, and 42% wear leather armour. Almost nobody wears ring mail. Lots of characters get leather armour for free.

Screenshot 2019-04-30 at 14.04.16.png

Daggers are also often free. Rapiers beat longswords. Nobody is Indiana Jones. Duel wielding a weapon counts twice is in this data set.

Screenshot 2019-04-30 at 14.05.30.png

Watch the whole video here.


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High Priest of Kort'thalis Publishing
You know what's even better than a PC's armor and high dexterity? Personality and how it's roleplayed.

That +1 modifier might help you in a particular situation, but solid character development through play shall lead you to the promised land.



Expert Long Rester
On Rapiers. They beat Longswords, but not Longswords+Warhammers+Battleaxes combined so I wouldn't say dex builds are far outdistancing Strength builds based on that. At least not for people who what 1d8 weapon damage.


On Rapiers. They beat Longswords, but not Longswords+Warhammers+Battleaxes combined so I wouldn't say dex builds are far outdistancing Strength builds based on that. At least not for people who what 1d8 weapon damage.

Sort of though. Only 3 of the top 10 equipped weapons are Str based. It's not really hard to imagine that Dex is king here.


Expert Long Rester
Sort of though. Only 3 of the top 10 equipped weapons are Str based. It's not really hard to imagine that Dex is king here.

Dual wielding is counted twice though, without knowing what percentage is dex dual wielding (and strength dual wielding) you can't tell how big the gap between king and queen is.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
On Rapiers. They beat Longswords, but not Longswords+Warhammers+Battleaxes combined so I wouldn't say dex builds are far outdistancing Strength builds based on that. At least not for people who what 1d8 weapon damage.
I think this is why a popular houserule is to reduce the damage of the rapier to 1d6.


Dual wielding is counted twice though, without knowing what percentage is dex dual wielding (and strength dual wielding) you can't tell how big the gap between king and queen is.

Kinda sorta though. Sure, there could be tons of longsword and dagger wielders out there, but, honestly? I doubt it. Dual wielding is only 1/4 of the possible options for fighter types (the most likely to be using martial weapons) and if Str were king, then wouldn't we see a lot higher examples of two handed weapons?

Although, honestly, I think that 1st level characters are HEAVILY skewing these results. It would be far more interesting to see this same data from say, 5th level onwards. It's not like 1st level characters can afford plate mail after all. I think we'd get a clearer picture of what's actually seeing play if we stripped out levels 1-3 from the data.

I have no clue about this reply to my quote... please elaborate.
I think that they were attempting to imply that in a world with magically enhanced creatures and objects like Dragons, Monks, Bracers of Armour etc, mundane, non-magical creatures and equipment would not behave as they do in our world.

Sort of though. Only 3 of the top 10 equipped weapons are Str based. It's not really hard to imagine that Dex is king here.
Only 3 of the top 10 equipped weapons are Dex Based.

Does anyone know what they mean by "Equipped"? Does it mean that it just has the stats on the character sheet and that the character is carrying them, or does it mean that the character is actively wielding it, and would have to start spending actions to swap to a different weapon?
I mean almost all characters carry at least one dagger as a backup weapon and tool. They work just fine for both Str- and dex-based characters, and are a handy ranged option.
And a lot of character classes start with daggers as part of their beginning equipment.
It doesn't mean that most characters would be using a dagger over their primary weapon, just that most characters have one on their person somewhere.

As has been pointed out, I think that the preponderance of characters generated at level 1 and possibly never played might be emphasising the weapons and armour found in the starting equipment of classes.


Expert Long Rester
Kinda sorta though. Sure, there could be tons of longsword and dagger wielders out there, but, honestly? I doubt it. Dual wielding is only 1/4 of the possible options for fighter types (the most likely to be using martial weapons) and if Str were king, then wouldn't we see a lot higher examples of two handed weapons?

Not my point. My point is that many of the short sword, dagger, and even rapier numbers are having 2 apply to one character while I think less of the Longsword, Warhammer, Battleaxe numbers are doubling up.

Making it hard to judge how many melee characters are Dex based or strength based given the data for weapons

Although, honestly, I think that 1st level characters are HEAVILY skewing these results. It would be far more interesting to see this same data from say, 5th level onwards. It's not like 1st level characters can afford plate mail after all. I think we'd get a clearer picture of what's actually seeing play if we stripped out levels 1-3 from the data.

This I completely agree with.

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