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Small Gods: Myriad Puntheons


Staff member
The poster known here as "Mallus" has often told stories of his PC, Joseirus, Egyptian God of Mexican Wrestling, from present-day East L.A.

I find this concept inherently hilarious- an ultra-niche deity to be sure (and probably fun to play). A "Small God."

I'm not associated with that campaign in any way shape or form, but I started thinking...what other Small Gods can the assembled minds of ENWorld come up with? So pony up some ideas!

Setting doesn't matter, but post enough of the concept to give us the general idea, like:

The Mighty Asis, Goddess of Garage Sales and Deep Discounts.

Tyr-Rawr, Goddess of Slight Testiness, Catfights, and Being Sexy.

Bubba Imhotep, Egyptian Redneck God of Advice.
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Skidmark Stinkfinger - God of Sharting, Anal Leakage, and Practical Jokes involving Feces

(too much?)

It's late, what can I say :p


First Post
Amd: God of the ampersand (&).

Kelak: God of leapyear day mornings.

Kalek: God of leapyear day evenings.

Ilabalanakana: Goddess of popular crash diets.

Naervohs: God of unrequited romantic crushes.

Skidrum Norse goddess of illicit office romances.

Chocrun: God of death by chocolate.

Khanjhest: Archfiend of debilitating allergies.

Barisen: Archfiend of developing facial acne before significant social interactions.

Fbhaahm: Archfiend of flat tires.

Voidrunner's Codex

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