So… the Dungeon Master’s Guide strictly necessary?
I don’t want to offend anyone with my lack of convention, but I have never really seen the DMG as an essential purchase. In the 1st edition, it was a requirement because it contained the rules tables - but once this was de-emphasised in follow on editions, it all just seemed blurb to me. I design campaigns as I want - or just get a campaign book, I can create magic items too, as I feel fit….and the DM’s advice always seemed bleh to me.
So if you get the Player’s Handbook and the Monster Manual, and possibly a Campaign World supplement or an adventure module or two, what do we actually need from the DMG?
I don’t want to offend anyone with my lack of convention, but I have never really seen the DMG as an essential purchase. In the 1st edition, it was a requirement because it contained the rules tables - but once this was de-emphasised in follow on editions, it all just seemed blurb to me. I design campaigns as I want - or just get a campaign book, I can create magic items too, as I feel fit….and the DM’s advice always seemed bleh to me.
So if you get the Player’s Handbook and the Monster Manual, and possibly a Campaign World supplement or an adventure module or two, what do we actually need from the DMG?