Ok, you presented it as ambiguous and debatable where the line between value added and value lost could be found.Well, just to split hairs, I do think there were "lost sales", but they've gained far more by expanding the game network by giving so much away for free.
Like I said, I didn't buy the core book because the SRD is free. I consider that a lost sale, even if the fact that I've decided to run a Pathfinder game because it's free means that people from my table have bought 10 books because of the fact that I'm running the game now. Pathfinder is still up 9 sales because of that decision, because they've gained 10 sales by sacrificing one. It's a purely semantic distinction about what a "lost sale" constitutes, but it's important to recognize that they've maximized sales by sacrificing some sales of base rules to gain player base which will more than make up for that loss.
We have resolved this that it is clearly a strongly net positive. Hurray.