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So Mad Can't See (Update 09/10; Victory!)

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Sounds like you're doing waht you need to be doing. Check out the legality of traps on your property, and go with that, I'm thinking. If it wanders onto your property, it's probably fair game if they've already classified the cats as vermin. Some catnip should probably get them in the trap, too.


Vraille Darkfang said:
1. It smells like a dirty litterbox in our yard. We can not even open our windows. My wife filled SIX!!!!!!!!! Wal-Mart sacks full of Cat Crap just along 1 side of our house the other day.
*Takes off paladin outfit, dons blackguard garb* She obviously has zero regard for your property or well-being. I say turnabout is fair play. Does she leave her car doors unlocked? If so, it's hypothetically possible that SOMEONE, at the height of the heat wave, COULD deposit all six bags of "nature's joy" under the seats of her car. After all, since it came from her cats, that person would simply be returning her property...hypothetically speaking of course.

Vraille Darkfang said:
So, we gave animal control a call. They infomed us that cats that do this fall under the Pest/Vermin/Nuisance Category (much like Rats/Wasps, etc).

I'm calling Animal Control on Monday to verify, but if the Cat is considered a Nuisance/Vermin (possibly worse, if it has no proof of Rabies Vaccine), I believe I can set out my own Live Animal Trap & then just cart whatever I catch to the Pound.
IANAL, but it is my belief that there are no laws protecting vermin since they're, you know, vermin. Generally speaking, you can kill vermin by any manner that would not endanger humans or the surrounding area. If that's poison, arrows, 2x4s with nails dipped in the cat's own feces carefully camoflauged in the torn-up flower beds, or someone practicing the "hammer toss", I don't think the police can really do much. Also, cats really don't like being pepper sprayed. Nope, not even a little. *carefully places blackguard garb back in storage, re-dons paladin outfit* Not that I would ever endorse these things. They would be wrong...granted, not as wrong as someone abetting wild animals to destroy someone else's property...


First Post
WayneLigon said:
Sounds like you're doing waht you need to be doing. Check out the legality of traps on your property, and go with that, I'm thinking. If it wanders onto your property, it's probably fair game if they've already classified the cats as vermin. Some catnip should probably get them in the trap, too.

He should be careful .. after all, he's probably a commoner and we all know how though housecats are :)

That makes traps all the more appropriate.


First Post
Vraille, you should bag the catshit and then dump it on her doorstep. Take a shovel to spread evenly. That is simply intolerable.

Also, definitly get a trap and ask the animal cops if it's legal, etc. That would help as well, I am sure.

Hope this works out :)



If that doesn't appeal, try spreading orange peel around your garden. It smells nice to people but not to cats. They can't stand it.

If you use big pieces, it makes it easy to collect and replace when it gets old.


First Post
I'm a vegetarian and an animal rights activist, yet that story you told enrages even me. Those cats need to be taken away to the animal shelter (or pound, as in the south) so that they do not breed and make even more cats. Just capture them and take them to the shelter.

As for the woman, she needs to be taken out back behind the chemical shed and shot.


First Post
My grandfather owns a large chunk of land up in Virginia. Back in the day he used to farm sheep on it. One of his neighbors had this big black dog that she let run wild. The dog would do things like take people chickens and carry them back to her. It also would lead packs of dogs, both wild and owned by neighbors, in attacking his sheep and killing some of them on a regular basis. One time he fired a shotgun loaded with birdshot into the middle of the pack to sting them a bit. They still came back the next day.

Now, before he switched for farming my grandfather worked in a steel mill. He hated it so much that every weekend he'd buy a brick of .22 rounds and shoot them off the relieve his stress. So one day when he had his sheep locked in his barn the pack ran around trying to break in and generally driving the sheep crazy. So my grandfather shot the leader of the pack in the ear. He managed to make it back home before he died. Since the bullet had gone in the dogs ear there wasn't a mark. The vet knew my grandfather so he covered for him and his neighbor never realized her dog had been shot.

I think my grandfather felt a bit bad about doing this. To this day he still claims he fired over the dog's head and it looked up at the last second.

Now this story doesn't totally apply to your situation. My grandfather was a poor man with a large family who's way of feeding that family was in danger. I'm just telling this to illustrate that we aren't many generations removed from people who were fine with killing things to protect their property. If you turn a pet over to an animal shelter and it gets put down I wouldn't feel bad. You're still being much more civilized than people used to be or many people would be in your situation.


First Post
I'm suprised that the cops havent done something about this. Look into city ordinances and regulations. She should be getting fines for all of what you said. Have your neighbors call the police every time the cats destroy property. The police will look into the matter when you have several people upset about it.

I understand that your towns Animal control is made up of only two people. Perhaps by calling a neighboring town or major city you can get some assitance. Even try calling the States Animal control or humane societies. Look into national or atleast nationally spread out groups that help combat animal abuse. I am sure if they investigate this matter they will take away all her animals, its one thing to have barn cats if you live in a rural area and have a barn, and the need to keep other vermin away, but having feral cats killing birds and small animals in a more populated area could spread disease quickly.

Try this group out they may be able to help or suggest options

And nearly every state has their own groups, look into them and you will not only be calling in more help but also the thunder. Some of these Animal Rescue groups can and will use legal means to take away animals and fine owners, they may even have this lady jailed if she is found to be abusing animals, I am sure this woman has more cats in her home and not all are being cared for.


Okay so now that you've gotten the HELPFUL suggestions out of the way, how about some unhelpful but more entertaining ones?

Suggestion 1:
Only one thing can save you now: ROBOSAPIEN.
Give that cat a chance to "drop the kids off", and then hit the ROAR button. The cat won't come back as long as he can see Mr. Robot standing guard in your yard.
Or, put Robosapien in GUARD mode to automatically go off when a cat drops by. Maybe he'll be the world's first robotic scarecat.

Suggestion 2:
If you fear that Robosapien might override it's programming and violate the fourth law of robotics (don't bowl using cats), you could try catching the cats with a live-trap. And then dying them a variety of colors. It'll make them easier to see. And, it's fun for the whole family. Heck, once Fluffy is a neon green, you may find him much more loveable.

Suggestion 3:
Cats make GREAT gift baskets! Especially for neighbors who don't get the point. All you need is a wicker basket, some cellophane wrapping paper, a big ribbon, and one very angry cat. Once you make your neighbor your friend, she'll be much more receptive to your suggestions about animal care.

Suggestion 4:
Duct tape. Lay it out sticky side up on the top of the fence separating you from your neighbor. Be sure to staple, nail or tape the duct tape down. Next time a cat tries coming over the fence... You get to watch the cat do a little foot dance.

Suggestion 5:
Snakes will be snakes. You can't help it if a snake were to somehow wind up in your neighbor's basement. That's what she gets for leaving the window open all the time...

Voidrunner's Codex

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