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So Mad Can't See (Update 09/10; Victory!)


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Dannyalcatraz said:
I had a couple of bonsai trees that got attacked by squirrels. After one of the trees died, I covered the other one in red pepper.

That did the trick...but the tree died anyway- its injuries were too severe.

You might invest in a great deal of red pepper to sprinkle around your property line and/or your flower beds.

It won't harm your plants, but it should irritate the kitties' noses and eyes...and digestive tracts (after they start grooming themselves. It may just drive them off.

Your just get yourself a pellet gun.

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Good thing I dont live next door to that woman. It would go something like this.

Me: "No ma'am, I haven't seen your cats lately. Do you need help looking for them?"
Woman: "No, they should come around soon. Thank you though."
Me: "Alright. I'll call you if I see them."
Brother in the background: "Brian, get your ass back here and help me cook these!"

Of course, Vraille, that'd happen after a week or so of what you went through.

Ok, Some Quick Updates.

1. The Deal with the Rabid Cat. The story had gotten a little blown out of proportion by the time I heard it. A feral cat did scratch a little girl. There was the possibility that the cat was rabid. A Police Office (or another case) spotted the cat, but had no way to catch it safely. He managed to corner it & was prepared to shoot it, but Animal Control got there before that had to happen. The cat was caught & put down.

Tests showed it was negative for Rabies (it had a bunch of bacterial infections that caused its slavia glands to work overtime). It had Fleas & Ticks (the flea collar on it was over a year old), tapeworms, mange and some oozing sores. It's claws had amounts of Fecal Matter and Dried Blood. The little girl was put on antibiotics as a precaution.

2. We are still dealing with the other 2 cats.

The Bad News: Animal Control's Policy is only to set out traps for 3 days before you move to the bottom of the (very long) list.

More Bad News: Our yard reeks of Cat Crap so bad that we can't even go outside.

The Good News: The Animal Control Lady had to go out to Cat Crap Central to set the Trap. She Used a Mask to try to block out the smell. Thus, we are dealing with a Public Health Issue (as she put it), not a Stray Animal Problem. Thus, there is no limit on how long it takes to capture them. (She also understands why we are so ticked off too).

More Good News. If it can be proven that she is feeding/caring for the animals (which is pretty hard to PROVE to the degree a judge would need it to be), she is the one responsible for the health hazard that is our backyard. (I find the idea of Community service cleaning up crap all over the town ironic). We'll try to get pics of the cats taking dumps in our yard & hiding in the lady's basement. Who knows, I might get lucky and the cops will take the source of my problem (the irresponsible pet owner) away.


A few thoughts:
1 - I've lived in the country and in the city. I've had outdoor cats and (have) indoor cats. My current cats have, minus trips to the vets and one 10 minute escape, been outside a total of about 2 hours in their 8 year lives.

2 - diet food. Nuff said.

3 - Neighbors where I grew up had two dogs they let run loose. Over the years the dogs killed our rabbits, chickens, and a neighbor's geese. We're pretty sure they were also running deer, which is illegal in New Hampshire. This escalated until another neighbor's three-year old German Shepherd was found dead in our field.

A week later, someone shot both dogs.

No one but the owners were sorry.

4 - I think you're obviously on the right track. The woman is housing feral animals. She has a blatant disregard for their health, wellbeing, and actions. She takes no responsibility for their actions, and thus, IMO, forfeits any right to their possesion. "cats will be cats" is exactly the same arguement our dog-owning neighbor used (except it was "dogs will be dogs", of course). You are not responsible for the health and care of her animals. Spend $30 and get your own trap. If the local shelter charges for strays, drop them off at night (ordinarily, I would NEVER recommend this), and make lots of donations at Christmas to make up for it. PHOTOGRAPH EVERYTHING! My wife and I just spent $700 for a digital camera -- best money I may have ever spent. Unlimited pictures, almost no ongoing cost. Photo her basement window, cats, cat waste, damage -- if possible, get testimonial from animal control, health officers, and anyone else official.

And then, if you really wanna play hardball, sue her.

5 - On a lighter, fantasy note -- I've got a dog that comes with a no-cat-comes-back guarantee (my cats survive by moving slow -- really.) She doesn't bark, she doesn't growl, she doesn't warn - she goes from 0 to 60 in the shake of a cat's tail, and can scale a 6' fence - which ain't bad for a dog that only stands 18" at the shoulder.


First Post
Vraille Darkfang said:
*snip*... It was found. It appeared rapid & was put (via a police issue .38) down.
*snip* But it's hard to prove, and just is a real mess, unless you got some sort of extenuating circumstance (say digital pictures or a rapid cat).

Even scarier. You seem to have at least a 3rd Level Wiz, Sor or Bard making those cats Rapid!!

*hangs head in shame*



Getting lost in fantasy maps
Oscaron said:
Even scarier. You seem to have at least a 3rd Level Wiz, Sor or Bard making those cats Rapid!!

*hangs head in shame*
Quite possibly expeditious retreat! Could be 5th-level Wiz with haste, it makes all movement modes rapid! *cough*


Eric Anondson said:
Quite possibly expeditious retreat! Could be 5th-level Wiz with haste, it makes all movement modes rapid! *cough*

At least we're in the 3.5 era. If those cats were operating under 3.0 Haste, I shudder to think of the damage they could inflict on your local NPC-classed neighbors. :)


First Post
Which also shows their malevolence.
All that speed and they purposely slow down to make their 'deposits'.

Forget the red pepper and orange peels. I'm recommending Holy Water!



First Post
As a cat owner, I hope I can state the following without drawing ire.

Find a 'lab animal' center near you. They usually pay for cats (~$15) for dissection or lab use.
Buy a live trap.
(something something)

That what we did when I was a kid. Feral cats are a real problem. Pets, not a problem at all if the owner keeps them as pets, rather than housing ferals.

EDIT: A friend here recommended doing the same as we do with black bears. Get an electric fence (bear strength, not wimpy cow strength) and run it like 8" off the ground around your yard. Then take foil and put tuna in the foil packets and hang them every so often on the wire. Turn on and watch the festivities! The tuna packets makes sure they investigate the fence and get shocked royal. After that, they should leave your house and yard alone. Only a partial fix, but better than nothing, and well within your legal rights.
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