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So ... Supergirl


Mod Squad
Staff member
Yup, pure semantics and argument for argument's sake. Buh-bye.

Buh-bye. Don't let your lack of understanding of what semantics is hit you on the way out.

The snarky tone isn't helping.

The snark, in fact, makes things worse. If you're going to disengage, just do it quietly and walk away. These statements are effectively attempts at 'parting shots", trying to get in a last word that has no value except perhaps to the ego. Poking at each others' egos is just increasing animosity in the surroundings.

We have more than enough animosity in the world, and on these boards, so please refrain from generating more. Thanks.

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The Laughing One
While I like the series (first series I watch on the day it comes out) as a whole, there are to many times I facepalm how 'Supergirl' is portrayed/acts. The character just often doesn't behave like any 24 year old female I know, it makes the character often unbelievable and that is a shame imho. I liked how Smallville was called 'Smallville' instead of Superman, the first episode was even for me "This kinda reminds me of Superman..." (was never a big fan of Superman as a Comic). I liked how Clark Kent was presented as a kid with superpowers, hell at the age when the series started (just turning 16), Superboy would have been apt.

Kara comes across as a clumsy and uncertain, as a cover that might be fine, but it's not an act. She shoots laser beams out of her eyes for crying out loud! Flies and is pretty much indestructible. She grew up knowing who she is and what she can do, she choose not to do anything with it until her sisters life was in direct danger, that show a lot of dedication and self discipline, nothing like that is really evident in the series. A show about a strong female hero who isn't. (Yet?)

Kara vs. Kat is almost like two one dimensional characters that sometimes inflate to recognizable human beings...


It's charming, so far. The cast is ridiculously likable, especially Melissa Bennoist as Supergirl as a younger less-neurotic Ally MaBeal and Ally McBeal as comic book Anna Wintour.

Look, I never ship, like ever, despite being a big fan of things like Farscape. But I can't wait for the episode where Supergirl & James kiss (did it happen yet? I'm 3 episodes in).

My favorite current supers show is still Agents of Shield, now that they've gone full soap opera (which for my money is always the correct approach to the Marvel Universe). But Supergirl is already closing in on The Flash for the #2 spot.

Voidrunner's Codex

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