American judges are better prepared to deal with SovCit defendants than they were in decades past. I saw a video recently where a defendant claimed the police arrested the wrong person and the judge was keen to hear what he had to say until he started spewing SovCit nonsense. The judge shut it down quickly by saying, "I don't care about admiralty law or any of that. I thought you were saying they arrested the wrong person and I was concerned that someone might spend some time in jail when they shouldn't be there. We're done."SovCits are some of my favourite people. They're like the legal system's Slinkys; not good for much, but fun to watch metaphorically fall down the stairs.
I had a SovCit employee at work (I'm in HR). He sent us a letter saying he was a NATIVE BORN AMERICAN (the all caps was important) and taxes should no longer be deducted from his paycheck. My coworkers were confused. "Is he saying he's Native American?" I had to explain to them what a sovereign citizen was and we ended up telling him we were required by law to deduct from his check for tax purposes and he needed to take it up with the IRS. The weird thing is that this was a pretty good employee who was being considered for a management position before he quit for the another job.