Picking Attorneys is Like Picking Kickball Teams: Don't Pick Yourself

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I am the mysterious professor.
Sovereign citizens an exclusively American form of stupid or has it spread to other countries? If it has can I apologize on behalf of America? I ask this while currently in treaty negotiations with my county Sheriff.


Sovereign citizens an exclusively American form of stupid or has it spread to other countries? If it has can I apologize on behalf of America? I ask this while currently in treaty negotiations with my county Sheriff.
I've seen video of SovCits from the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK.

EDIT - And yes, they all seem to try the uniquely American arguments in other countries.


I am the mysterious professor.
All I can say is don’t pick a lawyer as a spouse…or a redhead…there’s a lot of dimensions of soulless there…
I'm confused. Don't pick a lawyer as a spouse or a redhead? What if the lawyer is blond, brunette, or bald? Hold up...that begs a whole new line of inquiry. If a bald person used to be a redhead are they still soulless? What if I put on a red wig do I lose my soul? Do I need a lawyer to sue to get it back? Are souls small claims? Can I go before Judge Judy?


I am the mysterious professor.
I've seen video of SovCits from the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK.

EDIT - And yes, they all seem to try the uniquely American arguments in other countries.
Do any of those other countries have a fringe on their flags?


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I'm confused. Don't pick a lawyer as a spouse or a redhead? What if the lawyer is blond, brunette, or bald? Hold up...that begs a whole new line of inquiry. If a bald person used to be a redhead are they still soulless? What if I put on a red wig do I lose my soul? Do I need a lawyer to sue to get it back? Are souls small claims? Can I go before Judge Judy?
If you have to ask these questions, I’m afraid I have bad news…


I am the mysterious professor.
If you have to ask these questions, I’m afraid I have bad news…
I guess I'll stop shaving my head. I'll take the wig back to Spirit Halloween, and give up on my dreams of meeting Judge Judy.
Le sigh
*shuffles off muttering *

Voidrunner's Codex

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