D&D (2024) So what's with 2024 and beyond?


I've been out of the loop for awhile, but it seems like we don't know anything more about 2024 than we did a year or so ago. Still three core rulebooks, right? What about the "classic setting revisited?" And what happened to the new setting(s) that were mentioned awhile back? I see a Vecna adventure path is planned?

So what have I missed over the last year or so, in terms of rumors for 2024 and beyond? Where is D&D going? Do we know when the core rulebooks will be released? Any other plans that have been hinted at?

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I've been out of the loop for awhile, but it seems like we don't know anything more about 2024 than we did a year or so ago. Still three core rulebooks, right? What about the "classic setting revisited?" And what happened to the new setting(s) that were mentioned awhile back? I see a Vecna adventure path is planned?

So what have I missed over the last year or so, in terms of rumors for 2024 and beyond? Where is D&D going? Do we know when the core rulebooks will be released? Any other plans that have been hinted at?
The structure of the 2024 rulebooks will evolve from 2014. Crawford said the 2024 designers are using the 2014 books, with the updated versions of their sections alongside them.

There is now a good sense of what the species and classes will look like, even while some of it is still firming up.

The Bastion system is a new addition to the core rules.

Except for an emphasis on the multiverse that has many world settings − which I hope means core rules that are setting-neutral − there is less information about the default setting. The species descriptions sometimes mention default setting assumptions, but as a separate textbox, which I feel is ok.

They wont release information about the "classic setting" until the product is ready.


Book-Friend, he/him
I've been out of the loop for awhile, but it seems like we don't know anything more about 2024 than we did a year or so ago. Still three core rulebooks, right? What about the "classic setting revisited?" And what happened to the new setting(s) that were mentioned awhile back? I see a Vecna adventure path is planned?

So what have I missed over the last year or so, in terms of rumors for 2024 and beyond? Where is D&D going? Do we know when the core rulebooks will be released? Any other plans that have been hinted at?
We know that there will be three core rulebooks, that they will not be released simultaneously (due to printing logistics), and that the rules will remain 100% compatible moving forwards (ao a Subclass from SCAG or Xanathar's will still work on a 2024 Class chasis, Princes of the Apocalypsecan be run using the new Monater Manual as the reference instead, etc). We also known that there is going to be a big Vecna campaign, and that it involves "The Multiverse" and world-hoppijgnin aome fashion. Icewind Dale: Rise of the Frost Maiden have hints at Vecna's doings with the Obelisks, but that's about it.

We do not know about Amy other product, but since they have released 5 books a year recently, it's possible there is 2 or more other book in the offering, but they haven't let on.

We do not know the status of anything Winninger teased, since Winninger is gone, buuuuut...and this is a big but...we do know some interesting stuff about the new DMG. The structure and contents is a total rewrite and reconnection, with one of the big focuses being providing an Advebture template for building one's own Advebtures along with a sample, while the next chapter has a template for building ones own longform campaign along with a sample...and the next chapter will provide a template for world building along with a sample thst ties into a poster map thst will be in the DMG. We don't know what the example Setting is, but we know thst it will be both succinct and sufficient for a DM to make their own version, and for a 50th Anniversary edition Greyhawk is a strong contender.


Book-Friend, he/him
I've been out of the loop for awhile, but it seems like we don't know anything more about 2024 than we did a year or so ago. Still three core rulebooks, right? What about the "classic setting revisited?" And what happened to the new setting(s) that were mentioned awhile back? I see a Vecna adventure path is planned?

So what have I missed over the last year or so, in terms of rumors for 2024 and beyond? Where is D&D going? Do we know when the core rulebooks will be released? Any other plans that have been hinted at?
For spoilers on the Vecna teases in the Adcentures, you can see this thread: https://www.enworld.org/threads/vecna-adventure-next-year-and-obilesks-spoilers.700033/


WotC have said before that thw Stormwreck isle vox is meant to last for the 2024 books.
Unless they produce a '24 compatible version, I fail to see how. The pregens lack new features like updated species traits and weapon mastery. Spells and monster stats will not always match. It will be usable, but the rules will no longer segue from starter to PHB without conversion.

Even if the adventure is the same, I wager an updated version will be coming out.

I've been out of the loop for awhile, but it seems like we don't know anything more about 2024 than we did a year or so ago. Still three core rulebooks, right? What about the "classic setting revisited?" And what happened to the new setting(s) that were mentioned awhile back? I see a Vecna adventure path is planned?

So what have I missed over the last year or so, in terms of rumors for 2024 and beyond? Where is D&D going? Do we know when the core rulebooks will be released? Any other plans that have been hinted at?
Off the top of my head
  • Three core rulebooks
  • Feats at first level replacing random background bennies, with all the good feats being level 4+ and giving an ASI
  • All classes given various degrees of polish based on how much they needed
    • Four subclasses per class
    • All casters as ritualists
    • All warriors get "weapon masteries" that fit their weapons
    • No vision of how tier 4 martials work
    • Fundamental changes rejected by surveys but all classes improved and pain points polished away
  • DMG overhauls barely seen so far - just the Bastion System but a lot planned
  • MM overhauls involve reading tea leaves


Book-Friend, he/him
Unless they produce a '24 compatible version, I fail to see how. The pregens lack new features like updated species traits and weapon mastery. Spells and monster stats will not always match. It will be usable, but the rules will no longer segue from starter to PHB without conversion.

Even if the adventure is the same, I wager an updated version will be coming out.
Not necessarily, since rhe rukes are compatible, but I'm just saying what they said that it was meant to last for store shelves for years.

Voidrunner's Codex

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