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Solo Game ... Focus on Character/World Development

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Hey all. Perhaps you have seen a few of my games around or have even read through my Story Hour. {See sig for links if you haven't noticed and are interested} I have posted a few nuts and bolts of my current Homebrew world Enigmatica here on ENWorld and I am always interested in taking the world and using games to test it out a bit. That is admittedly my justification for this advertisement.

However, I am not looking to run a normal game. I already have two of those and am truly quite happy with them. They've both been running for over a year now and my players are outstanding. But to be honest, I have been intrigued by a few threads here advertising for solo games. That has caught my attention.

Here's what I am looking for. I don't have any particular game in mind as of yet. I am looking for a player who is interested in character development above all else. In particular I am loking for a player who is interested in developing their character as a part of the world around them. Involvement in organizations/affiliations for example. Or perhaps involvement in the military. Perhaps a part of the world intrigues you and you'd like to develop a character that is designed to interact with a specific part of the world. Perhaps a particular homebrew race strikes your fancy and you want to flesh out the racial interactions. Essentially, what I am proposing is a game that the premise evolves out of a discussion by DM/player in which the player is invested because they are the main character.

So, if you are still reading this you are likely serious about character/world development. I'd encourage you to read through my Homebrew World Info (Enigmatica - see link in sig, too!) and see if anything strikes your fancy.

Here's what I ask up front:

1. Character Name:

2. Brief background. [Not long. This can be fleshed out once you know you've been picked. I'm in no hurry]

3. Future goals for character [Game concept, essentially. What would you like this character to do with their life? That'll give me an idea as DM as to what kind of adventure you would like to be involved in. This will be the major influence upon who is picked. ;) ]

4. Desired starting Level. [I'm flexible, but I'll admit I prefer starting between 2-4.]

5. Do you want to travel with any hirelings or partners (NPCed by the DM, of course)? If so, you get the chance to pick what you want. {I get to make up the specifics, though! ;) } Please assume you are the leader and idea man/woman for the group and answer the following points: how many in your group ... any suggested classes/feats/spells/etc ... what are the relationships between your character and the hirelings/partners ... and anything else that fits the bill? If you want a truly "alone" adventure, that's cool. Just say so and ignore this point.

Here's what I prefer in DMing, This will help you understand what I enjoy, just to be fair.

1. I despise DMing theiving rogues. Trapfinders, dungeon-delvers, and social rogues are great! I hate pickpockets, essentially. Pickpockets get caught and are thrown in jail.

2. I prefer to DM Good alignments and Lawful Neutral. True Neutral is cool so long as the alignment suits the concept (druid, for example) but please choose alignment carefully. Chaotic Neutral is by far my least favorite non-evil alignment, but if the proposal is a smash hit I'd think about pursuing conversation further. Please don't ask about evil. The answer is not at this time.

3. For solo games, please don't be a strong-silent type. That just won't really work. It can be fine in a party of 4 or more, but not here! :)

Resources and Character Generation:

1. I allow Core books carte blanche (except using a race from the MM. That I prefer to be asked about ahead of time).

2. With prior approval (essentially just a heads up) I allow CW, CD, CArc, CAdv, PHB II, XPH, Draconomicon, most UA variant classes, most stuff from the MotP, and BoED. I will be getting Dragon Magic and either Complete Mage (assuming it is good) or Lords of Madness (if Compete Mage sucks). Those books will be added to the list once I have purchased them in about 2 weeks.

3. I use a 32 point buy, but for this game I am going to be flexible. If a player wants less, I can scale the game down if they prefer. If they want more ... I'll consider it.

4. I do have several 0-LA modified races from the MM that typically have an LA. Races such as Aasimar, hobgoblins, tiefling, gnolls, etc. Ask if you would like more details. My justification for this is that in Enigmatica monster alignments are thrown out of the window. For example, not all goblinoids are evil. Some (including some orcs) have found that civilization and neutrality (and even goodness!) has its perks. As civilization ensues, racial blurring occurs and special powers are weakened. Thus 0-LA options exist. Of course, some alignment assumptions are still true and some races do not mix well in the Prime Material Plane. Celestials, Demons, Devils, Dragons, undead, etc are not changed. Primarily only those in the Prime Material Plane have become 'blended.'


I think that should be good for now. If you are interested, let me know. Feel free to post a "placeholder" spot and come back and put your idea in later. For the time being, however ... I will say this much:

I will give preferential treatement to those who demonstrate some familiarity with the game world. That kind of familiarity can be gleaned through reading the Homebrew Info and reading through my Story Hour if you like reading fiction.

I hope to attract a player that can post often. By often, I mean frequently. Since this will be a solo game I hope at least daily if not multiple times per day. Multiple is not a requirement, of course. And we all go on vacations and the like so I understand that there will be breaks in the game. But I would hope that under normal circumstances the game would move right along.

Also, I will keep this open before making a decision for a minimum of 71 hours. So ... Noon (EST) on Thursday October 5th. If there is no interest, then it'll just die. :( If there is much interest and the ideas are still coming well, I might be persuaded to extend it. But if you want to be included in the selection for certain, have at least a skeleton outline of your thoughts up by then.

ENJOY! And ... I look forward to seeing if there is any interest.
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First Post
Wow, solo games are jsut appearing suddenly. It must the third recruitment threda I see this week. I want to play a a solo game, and I think PbP are the best for that.

I must tell that I've played a lot of Roague, and it is my favorite class. Just look in my signature for Rinaldo di Senzio, my favorite PbP character I made up to now.

I'll give it a try. I'll come back later this week with a good concept. But having a trapmaker and a merchant in other game, I might want to try more a spy type character.

EDIT: Also, to note, I am running a solo game in an homebrew world. If you want to see about it, just look at my sig. It is Bordell's Tales. The RG have a description of what my character know about teh world. I must tell I havn't detail it as much as your world, but many information havn,t been written because:

A) It is not important for now
B) the main character doesn't know about them, so it doesn,t need to be there. With time, it will become mroe detail as the player meet new people, learn new things, or remember some (using knowledge skill).
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First Post
Interested...here is my placeholder spot.

I'd probably be most interested in a multi-classed fighter/rogue type (or maybe ranger/rogue). Good fighting skills, but also with good social skills (diplomacy and bluff and such).

Possible stat block (32 point buy) - Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 08, Cha 14

1. Character Name: To Be Determined

2. Brief background: I'm thinking along the lines of a character of noble background, who has set out on his own to explore the world and find himself. Maybe to distance himself from his affluent family, or something o that effect. Or maybe his family has fallen into disgrace and poverty (a false wrong done them?), and he seeks a way to restore the family to their rightful place.

3. Future goals for character: TBD

4. Desired starting Level. 4 or 5 would be a good starting level. This would allow him to start with a good mix of the fighting and social skills mentioned above.

5. Do you want to travel with any hirelings or partners: Probably travel with a loyal valet or some such. Someone skilled in mundane tasks, such as stiching up worn garments and cooking dinner. Perhaps a level of fighter, to help serve as a bodyguard.
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First Post
Well you already know what I'm like with character development ;)...so I'll fill out the simple bits right now and think about the rest after I sleep.

1. Won't know until I pick a race and perhaps even a class. ;)

2. Undecided as yet. (Thinking a rogue/arcane, maybe beguiler, style of character right at the moment, though that may change.)

3. Undecided as yet.

4. Happy to start wherever you are.

5. Start out solo, pick up NPC companions as we go.


First Post
Here's what I ask up front:

First draft:

1. Character Name: That will come in time...

2. Brief background: Part of some resistance group, he would be an undercover agent of the resistance. Most likely he would be roguish, maybe with a few arcane power (multiclass caster or maybe a beguiler or something like that)

3. Future goals for character: Part of some resistance group, he want to free his people from the tyran. He would be undercover among the organization he want to take down. He would also have a personal vendetta toward a lieutenant, who has given great pain to him. Other complication could be added (imprisonned family, run-away lover or a lover in the opposite camp, traitor among the resistace group, ect...)

4. Desired starting Level. 3 to 5 will allow more flexibility and more survivability for such game...

5. Do you want to travel with any hirelings or partners: most likely, he would have none, but he might find himself once in a while with other resistant. If he is a wizard, he migth have a familiar that help him in his mission...

Nonlethal Force

First Post
For Rhun

Rhun said:
Interested...here is my placeholder spot.

So noted. Welcome to the midst!

Rhun said:
I'd probably be most interested in a multi-classed fighter/rogue type (or maybe ranger/rogue). Good fighting skills, but also with good social skills (diplomacy and bluff and such).

Of course such a combo would be acceptable. If you are looking for a place to start that would make such a combo very realistic, I'll direct you to this post: Confederation of Tongra While such a combo could come out of anywhere as this combo is extraordinarily adaptable and useful, A glance under Duke Norford's lands might offer a brief (admittedly, sorry) description of the surroundings and a possible background could be found within.

Rhun said:
2. Brief background: I'm thinking along the lines of a character of noble background, who has set out on his own to explore the world and find himself. Maybe to distance himself from his affluent family, or something o that effect. Or maybe his family has fallen into disgrace and poverty (a false wrong done them?), and he seeks a way to restore the family to their rightful place.

In the same line post you will notice the land division under Lord Ironblood. [If you read my Story Hour, this name should not only be familiar but it should bring up strong contrasting feelings!] Lord Ironblood is fiercely protective of his land and demands much from his people. While few lands are safer, Lord Ironblood is not exactly the "people's leader." He is cruel and ultimately out to protect himself. He is extremely lawful [as a read of the Story Hour would indicate] but at the same time I think it is fair to say that he is anything but good.

If you are looking to change a family name, this might give an interesting perspective. Lord Ironblood is well known, and even respected for his legalism and ability to protect his people ... but not really well liked. Think about it, but the possibility of a minor noble of Lord Ironblood's heritage serving in the land of Duke Norford might help get the creative juices going.

Rhun said:
5. Do you want to travel with any hirelings or partners: Probably travel with a loyal valet or some such. Someone skilled in mundane tasks, such as stiching up worn garments and cooking dinner. Perhaps a level of fighter, to help serve as a bodyguard.

Easily enough done should the request be made official upon selection.

Feel free to run with this idea even further - or find other aspects in the Homebrew info that fit your concept better ... or even take it in a different direction.
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
For Unleashed

unleashed said:
Well you already know what I'm like with character development ;)...so I'll fill out the simple bits right now and think about the rest after I sleep.

Noted and welcome. Actually, I had been thinking about seeing if you wanted to get Keryth's alternate thread going again. But this will also do - either way. I didn't mean to drop Keryth and Dahlia like that ...

Look forward to seeing what you got after some sleep.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
For Velmont

Velmont said:
First draft:

So noted. Welcome to the midst!

Velmont said:
2. Brief background: Part of some resistance group, he would be an undercover agent of the resistance. Most likely he would be roguish, maybe with a few arcane power (multiclass caster or maybe a beguiler or something like that)

I would suggest looking into the military organizations of the Contra Villa and Kata Rhuparohn in the section on Military Organizations if you are inspired by my suggestion to your next point.

I think you might also be interested in the Eiss Nukti found in the Cross-Territorial Organizations section. If you have a particular hatred for the undead you might even find the Adversari Mortuum to your liking as well. There are listed right below the Eiss Nukti.

Velmont said:
3. Future goals for character: Part of some resistance group, he want to free his people from the tyran. He would be undercover among the organization he want to take down. He would also have a personal vendetta toward a lieutenant, who has given great pain to him. Other complication could be added (imprisonned family, run-away lover or a lover in the opposite camp, traitor among the resistace group, ect...)

Speech of a resistance group does not go lightly in the land of Enigmatica. The whole world is in a perilous balance against the forces of evil that writhe and seethe just on the other side of the Quelhalost Mountains. Legends tell of 6 portals to the lower planes that bubble forth evil with considerable regularity. Thank the gods that evil does not often get along with each other!

However, this does mean that resistance groups can take on a new designation against such a massive foe. Both the Confederacy of Tongra and the Alliance of Fenneress maintain a not-so-subtle resistance groups which expends great resources to simply keep the evil on the other side of the Quehalost Mountains. They are not resisting against their own government, of course. They are resisting demons, devils, all sorts of undead, and this doesn't even begin to take account the evil mages, clerics, and necromancers that have fled the three more sane countries to grab any power that can be found in Quehalost.

If this sounds intriguing, I would recommend looking at the post of The Alliance of Fenneress and figure out your alignment first. Specifically I would direct you to the description of Baron Dhast's lands if you plan on being more Lawful and Baron Krethgee's lands if you want to take a more chaotic bent. [Although I caution you against CN alignment as stated in the first post. It can be done, but it is not my favorite.]

Velmont said:
4. Desired starting Level. 3 to 5 will allow more flexibility and more survivability for such game...

Not a problem. At these levels, if you wanted to tie your character to a cross-territorial organization, he would just be at the cusp of introduction. That would give us a good place to begin the story if you find any of those organizations interesting. Of course, we wouldn't need to go that route, merely beginning the brainstorm.

Velmont said:
5. Do you want to travel with any hirelings or partners: most likely, he would have none, but he might find himself once in a while with other resistant. If he is a wizard, he migth have a familiar that help him in his mission...

Perfectly acceptable.
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First Post
I've look at the information you have pointed me, and I must tell that one quickly ctach my attention. The Eiss Nukti is excatly the type of organization I was thinking of. A group that infiltrate and stay more hidden, trying to stay in the shadow.

I was thinking that a multi-class Rogue/Cleric could be another possibility, but most likely I would go for domain like Trickery, which help to keep a cover and give some interesting spells, like Invisibility and Disguise Spell, but most likely I would also take a few level of Rogue, as I wouldn't have enough skill points. Spells are cool, but have a duration, skills can be use at will. For now, I don't know yet what my final, but most likely a rogue/spellcaster of some type.

As a member of Eiss Nukti, I would be definitly Good, trying to eradicate evil as much as possible. I would most likely be Neutral, but with Lawful tendency, mainly toward the order itself, less toward the place I have infiltrated. Loyal to the organization to haev there support, and also because he share the same vision, but going against the order he infiltrate doesn't matter, as long as the Eiss Nukti's cause progress.

How the game could look like: most likely, the Eiss Nukti would have a goal in the area where the game take place, and my character would be working in that direction. But my character would most likely have some personal goal. As a lawful emmber of the organization, he would most likely pass it next to the organization, but with a neutral alignement, who knows what can happen? Those personal goal could be determine once we decide where the game take place.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
For Velmont

Velmont said:
I've look at the information you have pointed me, and I must tell that one quickly ctach my attention. The Eiss Nukti is excatly the type of organization I was thinking of. A group that infiltrate and stay more hidden, trying to stay in the shadow.

Excellent! I must add that you are not the first player to latch onto the Eiss Nukti. There is something about the Eiss Nukti that is intriguing. Perhaps it is a little bit of "V" (for Vendetta) in each of us who game?

If you are interested in doing so, your concept could lean more towards political intrigue and less towards combat - although combat would certain happen from time too time. Have you looked at the Spymaster from Complete Adventurer? Could give you a few non-combat tricks to enhance those skills you keep talking about. Not that I am recommending it, merely throwing ideas out there for you to consider.

Cleric with rogue often works well so long as the spells aren't meant to be offensive unless cleric is your main class. The problem with multiclassing with cleric is that they can fall behind the opponents' saves easily. But if your spells are likely buffs and heals, opponent's saves are not a consideration!

Anyway, keep the thoughts churning. If you think more along this path, feel free to come up with some suggestions as to possible enemies and/or organizations your character would want to infiltrate. Military? Political? Merchant? Guilds? Once I have a few of those ideas I can start directing you to a region in particular. Of course, if you want to scan through the brief summaries of each land and there is an area that catches your attention that'd be cool, too. I am assuming by your comments tat you are more interested in having your character work within the civilized areas of Barghost/Tongra/Fenneress and not so much against the hordes of evil that is Quehalost. Correct me if I am wrong there.

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