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[Somewhat OT] Mention of D&D on VH1's "I Love the 80s"


No matter how much I cannot stand 80's music and hair and fashion to this day, the 80's will always be loved in my heart.


They had the best damn saturday morning cartoons ever!

Captain N: The Game Master
Legend of Zelda
G.I. Joe
Danger Mouse
Pole Position
Dungeons & Dragons
Galaxy Rangers
Incredible Hulk
Spiderman and his Amazing Friends
Mysterious Cities of Gold
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

There's gotta be a bunch I'm forgetting...

I love the Mortal Kombat cartoon and Street Fighter, Savage Dragon, and E.V.O. but I think those were all early 90's on USA. So were Wing Commander and a few others I believe...

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Tom Cashel said:
Best music from the '80s that is still good:

Camper Van Beethoven and The Pixies.

Both very influential and great bands. Add to them:

* Sonic Youth puts out Daydream Nation in 1988
* hardcore punk bands emerge like Husker Du, Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Crass, etc. with more biting satire to supplant the older glam punk bands of the 70's like Clash, Stooges, Sex Pistols, and Ramones (punk rock certainly didn't die in the late 70's)
* Goth and proto-goth music: New Order, the Cure, etc.
* Industrial music is born: Ministry, Big Black, etc.
* Tom Waits puts out his "Rain Dogs" album in 1985
* Electronica is born
* The most important musical event of all, however, was the ascendence of hip hop over the musical scene with bands like Run DMC, the Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, NWA, etc. This is a really, really, huge thing, and it happened in the 80's.

The eighties is easily a contender for the most dynamic time in the entire history of western modern popular music, mostly due to the sudden influx of cheap electronic instruments and recording equipment priced for the consumer, yet for some reason everyone remembers the bad stuff first... :)

There were so many great and creative bands making so much music in all kinds of genres. This stuff happened throughout the early mid and late 80's too, not just the early 80's.


First Post
Jeremy said:
No matter how much I cannot stand 80's music and hair and fashion to this day, the 80's will always be loved in my heart.


They had the best damn saturday morning cartoons ever!

Captain N: The Game Master
Legend of Zelda
G.I. Joe
Danger Mouse
Pole Position
Dungeons & Dragons
Galaxy Rangers
Incredible Hulk
Spiderman and his Amazing Friends
Mysterious Cities of Gold
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

There's gotta be a bunch I'm forgetting...

I love the Mortal Kombat cartoon and Street Fighter, Savage Dragon, and E.V.O. but I think those were all early 90's on USA. So were Wing Commander and a few others I believe...

Amen to that.

Here are a few more 80's cartoons the I enjoyed:

Danger Mouse
Jase and the Wheeled Warriors
Defenders of the Earth
The Real Ghostbusters
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Saved By the Bell (not really 80's or cartoons but more early 90's)

For myself, I tend to blend in the late 80's early 90's together, since I was fairly young during the early 80's.

One of my fond memories of the 80s are of waking up 5:00 am in the morning to watch those Saturday morning cartoons that didn't stop until noon.


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80's music

On 80's music:

There have been lots of compilations og 80's music, but they all seem to have the same type of music, mostly the stuff from the early to mid 80's, pop music. Every collections seems to have a song by Blondie, Kajagoogoo, Flock of Seagulls, Aha, The Go Go's etc.. These bands helped to define the era, but they aren't the powerhouses of the era. The acts missing off of thse compilations say more about the era than those included: Bruce Springsteen, John Mellancamp, Micahel Jackson, Run DMC, LL Cool J, REM, The Police and others seriously influenced the music of that era, while the acts usually included flavored it.



caudor said:

- Madonna 'striking a pose'

Early Madonna was hot.

- Our favorite game almost went belly-up

"almost" duzzint count.

- Punk Rock and Pop Rocks

I found it easy to ignore both

- Too many Tupperware Parties

*shrug* Tupperware parties sold a lot of Tupperware. kinda geeky in their own way.

- New Coke

Stupid idea, happily on history's trash-heap.

- 'I'm too sexy for my shirt...'

Good tune, funny, I give it a 98 (not *that* gives you a good idea how old I am!)

- Michael Jackson changed before our eyes

It's sad that the Thriller make-up is now better looking than he actually is now.

- Spuds MacKenzie ...no wait, I liked that dog!


Does anyone have a D&D character named Spuds?

I didn't; I think one appeared in a game I played in back then.


Re: Marcarana

caudor said:
Well, my memory is a blur now...I was born in the 60's and everything seems to have happened in the 80's.

I hit my teens in the late 60's; blurry memories are not just due to being young. ;) LOTS was happening in the 60's! Music became something to groove to instead of dance to. Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida is one of my favorite tunes.

Only one regret: I was 13, living in Philadelphia, and a buddy of mine asked if I wanted to go to a rock concert. I thought he was nuts when he told me it was in New York someplace....



MThibault said:
I don't miss the thin leather neckties but I'm glad I was silly enough to wear one. Remembering that tie keeps me grounded when I see teenagers with baggy pants nowadays. Sure they look goofy, but probably no worse than I did in my day.

My 8th grade graduation party I wore a Nehru shirt! It twas white with GOLD TRIM!!! My god, after that you can't be embarrassed by much. :D


For everyone who saw the show on VH1:

There was a graphic of a robot that they kept using over and over agian. It was like a silhouette of a giant, Voltron-esque robot, and it looked REALLY familiar, but I couldn't place it.
Any of you children-of-the-eighties-who-loved-giant-robot-cartoons have sharper eyes than me, and know what the silouhette was?

Another thing the eighties had in their favor...God, I loved the toys. Transformers and go-bots. GI Joe. Remember Mask? The green mortorcyle that turned into a helecopter? I loved that thing. OOH! And BATTLE BEASTS! I think I've still got a lunchbox full of the little critters, somewhere...


First Post
Re: 80's music

Hawkeye said:
On 80's music:

There have been lots of compilations og 80's music, but they all seem to have the same type of music, mostly the stuff from the early to mid 80's, pop music. Every collections seems to have a song by Blondie, Kajagoogoo, Flock of Seagulls, Aha, The Go Go's etc.. These bands helped to define the era, but they aren't the powerhouses of the era. The acts missing off of thse compilations say more about the era than those included: Bruce Springsteen, John Mellancamp, Micahel Jackson, Run DMC, LL Cool J, REM, The Police and others seriously influenced the music of that era, while the acts usually included flavored it.


The mid 80s were also the high water mark of guitar skill. Nothing before or since compares to the heavy metal guitar gods of that era. Most people dismissed the entire genre, but there were some incredible riffs in 80s metal, the likes of which are unheard of today.



jasper said:

hey steak boy.It is a normal reaction.
In the 70's we had american graffii, and Happy days.
There about a 20 year cycle where the current generation remembers their parents cool generation stuff.

Just don't call me steak-boy, and it's all better. I'm not surprised by this stuff, so I don't act like it's a revolutionary idea. Everything gets repeated... even my choice of nick! Someone stole it for Ragnarok Online!

Also, I loved the 80s cartoons... I'm surprised many of you share this particular interest. I was 4-6, you were 16... but then again I still love DBZ -so it's all fair.
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