Special Conversion Thread: Frogs n' Toads


Monster Junkie
Since Echohawk's tally of remaining unconverted creatures shows Dragon Magazine in a significant lead, and since Current Request thread has a backlog for Dragon, I've decided to spinoff some of the groups of creatures into special threads.

This one will focus on the following creatures:
Archer Frog (#247)
Ghoul Frog (#247)
Leech Toad (#247)
Spined Toad (#247)
Giant Vampire Frog (#50)
Poisonous frogs (#237)
Neotropical toad (#237)
Spottle toad (Dungeon #12)

Here are some things to help us along:

Fire Toad (S)[OA w/errata]: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 7
Giant Toad (M)[OA w/errata]: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 9, Cha 5
Poisonous Toad (M)[OA w/errata]: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 9, Cha 5
Ice Toad (L)[OA w/errata]: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7
Frog, Killer (M)[Dun #126]: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 10
Frog, Medium Monstrous (M)[Dun #82]: Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 4

Skills: All toads receive a +12 racial bonus on Jump checks.
Skills: A killer frog has a +8 racial bonus on all Hide and Jump checks.
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Monster Junkie
Here's the first one....

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any fresh water, often tropical
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
TREASURE: Incidental
MOVEMENT: 6, Swim 12
THAC0: 16
SIZE: M (6' long)
MORALE: Average (8)

Archer frogs look like large specimens of the standard giant frog. They are usually mottled shades of green and brown.

Combat: In their natural surroundings, archer frogs' coloration gives them a natural camouflage, imposing a -3 penalty to opponents' surprise rolls. Like giant frogs, they attack with their tongues to a range of 18 feet, at +4 to hit. An archer frog's tongue, however, ends in a hardened series of wicked barbs.

The frog uses its tongue to pierce the body of its prey, causing 1d8 hp damage and drawing the victim into its, mouth. The tongue barbs prevent prey from escaping; those that manage to pull free from the tongue suffer an additional 3d4 hp damage.

A victim pierced by an archer frog can cut itself free by slicing through the tongue. The tongue is AC 9 and must suffer 6 hp damage in a single blow to be severed. This damage is not subtracted from the archer frog's hit points. Once severed, the tongue regenerates, barbed tip and all, in about two weeks.

Once the prey is within the mouth, the archer frog's acidic saliva begins the process of digestion, causing an addition 1d4 hp damage each round, until the prey has been totally liquefied and swallowed. Non-organic materials (such as armor, weapons, and jewelry) are not digested; these items are spit out by the archer frog after dissolving its meal.

Once an archer frog has "speared" a victim on its tongue, it is virtually defenseless until its current victim is dissolved. For this reason, an archer frog prefers to target solo prey; parties of two or more capable of fighting back are seldom attacked.

Habitat/Society: Archer frogs, possibly because of their larger size and greater food requirements, are not found together in as great numbers as are other species of giant frogs and toads.

They tend to hunt on their own, gathering only to mate and sleep. Possibly this is to prevent two different archer frogs from accidentally spearing the same prey--an awkward situation that would endanger both frogs until the victim was fully dissolved and the frogs' tongues were freed.

Because of their unique hunting method, archer frogs tend to concentrate on larger prey. Creatures smaller than a rabbit are difficult to spear with their tongues and are often ignored by the archer frogs in favor of creatures closer to their own size. The frogs have large, expandable throat-sacs which hold prey in much the same manner as a pelican's beak. This enables a full-grown archer frog to digest something as large as an elf or human in its mouth.

The throat-sacs also come into play during courtship rituals. In the springtime, the male archer frogs inflate their sacs and issue forth impressive bellows and croaks. These bellows
attract females of the same species while simultaneously warning off competing males. They can often be heard from well over a mile away

Ecology: If properly preserved, an archer frog's barbed tonguetip can be used as a spearhead, harpoon tip, or similar weapon. Its flesh is considered a delicacy among many humanoid races. In fact, a common practice among those who hunt archer frogs is to silently follow one as it hunts, attacking it immediately after it captures prey of its own. This ensures that the archer frog is defenseless when attacked and also gains the frog's prey
as well as the archer frog itself.

On rare occasions, archer frogs have been domesticated by humanoid races, usually bullywugs, grippli, or lizard men. Bullywugs and lizard men use archer frogs as guard animals,
often keeping them tied by a leash or chain to a certain area. Grippli, because of their smaller size, can use archer frogs as riding mounts. In either case, the archer frog makes a below average war beast, as its combat abilities extend only to the first victim it spears with its tongue. Still, as the diminutive grippli assert, that's one less foe that they must face.


Extradimensional Explorer
That's kind of fun! How about a Ref save to avoid being pulled in and the usual thing about cutting your way out? Anything else tricky for this one?


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
That's kind of fun! How about a Ref save to avoid being pulled in and the usual thing about cutting your way out? Anything else tricky for this one?

We can look to the bonespear for inspiration...

Attach (Ex): If a bonespear hits with a horn attack, the horn buries itself in its target, held in place by numerous barbs on the horn's surface. EAch round thereafter that a creature remains impaled by a horn, it takes additional horn damage automatically and incurs a cumulative -1 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. On the bonespear's turn in subsequent rounds, it attempts to drag its prey closer (see below).

A single attack with a slashing weapon against a tendon (made as an attempt to sunder a weapon) that deals at least 15 points of damage severs a horn from its tendon. A creature impaled by a severed horn takes 1d6 points of damage per round automatically until the horn is removed. Removing a horn (a full-round action) deals 2d8 points of damage to the victim, but if the character removing the horn makes a successful Heal check (DC 20), this damage is reduced to 1d4 points.

Drag: After spearing a victim, a bonespear attempts to drag the victim closer on the bonespear's turn in each subsequent round. This activity resembles the bull rush maneuver, except that the bonespear drags its victim 10 feet closer +1 foot for each point by which its Strength check exceeds the victim's. The bonespear gains a +4 bonus on its drag check if it is set in its immobile stance. Against a Medium victim, the bonespear's Strength modifier is +10, or +14 if it is set in its stance.

A bonespear can draw in a creature from a distance of 10 feet or less and bite with a +4 bonus on its attack roll in the same round.

Horns (Ex): Most encounters with a bonespear begin when it fires its two horns. If a horn misses its intended target, it is quickly reeled in. Reeling in a horn is a full-round action. Each horn has a range of 60 feet (no range increment). A bonespear will always try to hit a single target with both horns, but is capable of attaching to two different targets at the same time.

Mortis said:
Which is strange as toads tend to walk rather than hop or jump unlike frogs. :D

Indeed. :D


Extradimensional Explorer
That bit from the bonespear does look good. All we'd have to do practically is change the numerical values...


Monster Junkie
Sounds good. Let's revisit that later.

First, let's look at ability scores. Both the frogs we have existing stats to compare are conveniently the same size as this fella:

Frog, Killer (M)[Dun #126]: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 10
Frog, Medium Monstrous (M)[Dun #82]: Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 4

That gives a range of Str 11-16, Dex 12-14, Con 12-18, Int 1, Wis 10-14, Cha 4-10.

I'd be tempted to lean closer towards the killer frog's stats, as it is far more recent.

Is there any indication that toads are smarter than frogs? Lizards tend to have Int 1 as well, yet toads get Int 2. Odd.


Extradimensional Explorer
I'd lean toward the killer frogs, as well.

From my experience, toads aren't noticably smarter...


Monster Junkie
Since this one is slightly bigger (1 foot longer) than the killer frog and relies more on its ranged attack, how about this array?

Str 17, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 10

Voidrunner's Codex

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