Special Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk


Weredrake [Vulgar Drakanthrope] (Template)
A reptilian humanoid of strange and striking appearance.
Note: The appearance of a weredrake's hybrid form can vary immensely, depending on the base dragon and base creature. A storm giant dragon turtle weredrake, for example, looks very different from a storm giant wyvern weredrake. For examples, see Sample Weredrakes.

Weredrakes are a strange draconic equivalent of lycanthropes. Most are born after bizarre magical catastrophes, but a few are created in unrepeatable arcane experiments and accidents. A weredrake can breed true with its own kind, but the likelihood of one finding such a mate is remote. They have low fertility, and unions with mates who aren't weredrakes will usually only produce regular offspring.

Creating a Weredrake
"Weredrake" is a template that can be added to any humanoid or giant (referred to hereafter as the base creature). Becoming a weredrake is very much like multiclassing as a dragon and gaining the appropriate Hit Dice.

The weredrake takes on the characteristics of some type of creature of the dragon type (referred to hereafter as the base dragon). The base dragon cannot be a dragon with age categories; drakanthropes based on such true dragons use the Weredragon template instead.

The base dragon must be a creature whose original type is dragon, it may not be a creature that possesses the dragon type by virtue of a template (such as a half-dragon otyugh) or similar means.

Size and Type: The base creature's type does not change, but the creature gains the shapechanger subtype plus any subtypes possessed by the base dragon.

The base dragon's size must be within one size category of the base creature's size (Small, Medium, or Large for a Medium base creature).

Weredrakes can adopt a hybrid shape that combines features of the base creature and the base dragon. A weredrake's hybrid form is the same size as the base creature or the base dragon, whichever is larger.

Some weredrakes are unable to shapechange into dragon form and are only able to adopt their base creature and hybrid forms.

A weredrake uses either the base creature or the base dragon's statistics and special abilities in addition to those described here.

Hit Dice and Hit Points: Same as base creature plus those of the base dragon.

To calculate total hit points, apply Constitution modifiers according to the score the weredrake has in each form.

Speed: Same as the base creature or base dragon, depending on which form the weredrake is using. Hybrids use the base creature's speed and have a fly speed equal to one-half the base dragon's flight speed (if any) with a maneuverability one step worse than the base dragon's (minimum clumsy). If the base creature already has a fly speed, the hybrid form uses whichever flying speed and flight maneverability is better.

Armor Class: If the base dragon is a normal monster the weredrake's natural armor bonuses increase by +2 in all forms. In hybrid form, a weredrake's natural armor bonus is equal to that of its base creature form or dragon form, whichever is better.

Base Attack/Grapple: Add the base attack bonus for the base creature to the base attack bonus of the base dragon's Dragon Hit Dice. The weredrake's grapple bonus uses its attack bonus and modifiers for Strength and size depending on the weredrake's form.

Attacks: Same as the base creature or base dragon, depending on which form the weredrake is using.

A weredrake in hybrid form gains two claw attacks and a bite attack as natural weapons; the bite attack becomes a gore attack if the base dragon has a gore attack but no bite attack. In hybrid form, a weredrake may attack with just its natural weapons, or wield weapons with one of both of its claws while making secondary attacks with its remaining natural weapons.

If the base dragon has a special attack tied to another natural weapon, such as the poison of a wyvern's sting attack or the tail sweep of a Huge albino wyrm's tail-slap attack, it also gains that natural attack when in hybrid form.

Damage: Same as the base creature or base dragon, depending on which form the weredrake is in. The hybrid form’s attacks deal damage as indicated in the Hybrid Form Damage Table. If the table would give the hybrid form claw and bite attacks that deal more damage than the base dragon form, use the base dragon's damage instead.

Table: Hybrid Form Damage
Hybrid Size​
Claw & Bite​
Other Attacks​
As base dragon​
As base dragon​
As base dragon​
As base dragon​
As base dragon​
As base dragon​
As base dragon​

Special Attacks: A weredrake retains the special attacks of the base creature or base dragon, depending on which form it is using. Saves have a DC of 10 + ½ weredrake's HD + the weredrake's modifier in whatever ability the form (creature or dragon) uses for that special attack, or Charisma if this isn't noted.

In hybrid form a weredrake retains the special attacks of the base creature and gains the special attacks described below. If the base dragon has a special attack tied to another natural weapon, such as the poison of a wyvern's sting attack or the tail sweep of a Huge albino wyrm's tail-slap attack, it also retains that special attack in hybrid form. If both base forms possess the same special attack, the hybrid form uses the base dragon's version.

Breath Weapon (Su): A weredrake whose base dragon possesses a breath weapon can use it when in hybrid form.

Crush (Ex): A weredrake whose base dragon possesses the crush special attack can use it when in hybrid form.

Frightful Presence (Su): A weredrake whose base dragon possesses the frightful presence special attack can use it when in hybrid form.

Tail Sweep (Ex): A weredrake whose base dragon possesses the tail sweep special attack can use it when in hybrid form.

Special Qualities: A weredrake retains all the special qualities of the base creature and the base dragon, and also gains those described below.

Alternate Form (Su): A weredrake can assume the form of a specific dragon (as indicated in its entry) or a bipedal hybrid of the base dragon and base creature.

Changing to or from dragon or hybrid form is a standard action.

A slain weredrake reverts to its humanoid form, although it remains dead. Separated body parts retain their draconic form, however.

Most weredrakes have full control over this power, but some are subject to involuntary change into their dragon or hybrid form (as per Lycanthropy as an Affliction in the Lycanthrope template) under specific triggering conditions. What counts as a triggering event varies between individual "afflicted" weredrakes, but common triggers are the sight of a large amount of treasure or the scent of a dragon and accumulating enough damage to reduce the weredrake's hit points by one-quarter (and again after each additional one-quarter lost).

Damage Reduction (Ex): In 90% of cases, a weredrake in animal or hybrid form has damage reduction 10/silver plus any damage reduction possessed by the base dragon. Multiple damage reductions granted by the weredrake template never stack or combine. Thus, if the base dragon has DR 5/magic the weredrake has DR 5/magic and DR 10/silver (meaning its damage reduction reduces the damage from non-magical silver weapons by 5 points and non-silvered non-magic weapons by 10 points). Should the base dragon also have damage reduction that ignores silver, the weredrake has DR 10/silver or the base dragon's DR/silver, whichever is higher.

One in ten weredrakes do not gain DR 10/silver as described above. These variants usually gain DR 10 penetrated by another material such as cold iron, obsidian, bronze, jade, electrum or gold when in animal or hybrid form, but a rare few gain DR 10/silver and magic instead (or even another material and magic).

Draconic Senses: If the base dragon possesses darkvision, low-light vision or scent the weredrake can use these senses in any form. If the base dragon possesses other sensory abilities such as blindsight, it can use the special ability in humanoid or hybrid form, but when in humanoid form the ability has half the base dragon's range and/or effectiveness.

Draconic Defenses: A weredrake possesses the base dragon's immunities and resistances in all its forms. This usually includes the immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis effects common to creatures with the Dragon type.

Drakanthropic Communication: In any form, a weredrake can communicate with creatures of their dragon form. If the base dragon is a bestial creature incapable of language, the weredrake can communicate simple concepts and (if the dragon is friendly) commands, such as "friend," "foe," "flee," and "attack." A weredrake in dragon form can always speak Draconic even if the base dragon cannot.

Saves: Add the base save bonuses of the base dragon's Dragon Hit Dice to the base save bonuses of the base creature.

Abilities: All weredrakes gain +2 to Wisdom and +2 to Charisma.

In addition, when in hybrid form, a weredrake's physical ability scores improve according to its kind. These adjustments are equal to either +4 Strength and +2 Constitution or to the base dragon's normal ability scores –10 or –11, whichever is higher.

A weredrake in dragon form modifies its physical ability scores by the same amount unless the dragon form is smaller than the hybrid form, in which case the hybrid form's Strength adjustment is reduced according to the Table: Changes to Statistics by Size.

Table: Changes to Statistics by Size
Old Size (Base Creature & Hybrid)​
New Size (Dragon Form)​

Example: A pseudodragon is a Tiny dragon with Str 6, Dex 15, Con 13; applying –10 or –11 comes to Str –4, Dex +4, Con +2. In hybrid form, a werepseudodragon uses the weredrake's minimum Strength adjustment of +4. In dragon form, the werepseudodragon uses the hybrid form's Str +4 if the base creature is Tiny or Diminutive, but if the base creature is Small the weredrake adds the –4 penalty from Changes to Statistics by Size Table to give the dragon form Str +0. In both dragon and hybrid forms, a pseudodragon weredrake has Dex +4, Con +2.

In addition, a weredrake may also gain ability scores increases by virtue of its extra Hit Dice.

Skills: A weredrake gains skill points equal to (6 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die of its dragon form, as if it had multiclassed into the Dragon type. (Dragon is never its first Hit Die, though, and it does not gain quadruple skill points for any Dragon Hit Die.) Any skill given in the base dragon's description is a class skill for the weredrake's dragon levels. In any form, a weredrake also has any racial skill bonuses of the base creature and of the base dragon, although conditional skill bonuses only apply in the associated form.

Feats: Add the base dragon's feats to the base creature's. If this results in a weredrake having the same feat twice, the weredrake gains no additional benefit unless the feat normally can be taken more once, in which case the duplicated feat works as noted in the feat description. This process may give the weredrake more feats than a character of its total Hit Dice would normally be entitled to; if this occurs, any "extra" feats are denoted as bonus feats.

It's possible that a weredrake cannot meet the prerequisites for all its feats when in humanoid form. If this occurs, the weredrake still has the feats, but cannot use them when in humanoid form. A weredrake receives Iron Will as a bonus feat.

Environment: Same as either the base creature or base dragon.
Organization: Same as base dragon or solitary.
Challenge Rating: By class level or base creature, modified according to the HD of the base dragon: 1 HD or 2 HD, +2; 3 HD to 5 HD, +3; 6 HD to 10 HD, +4; 11 HD to 20 HD, +5; 21 or more HD, +6.
Treasure: Same as either the base creature or base dragon.
Alignment: Same as the base dragon.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: —.

Sample Weredrakes
The following sample creatures have gained the weredrake template.


Werepseudodragon, Forest Gnome Form
Small Humanoid (Gnome, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 plus 2d12+6 (25 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (+1 size, +2 natural, +4 chain shirt, +1 light shield), touch 11, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/–1
Attack: Longsword +4 melee (1d6/19-20) or light crossbow +5 ranged (1d6/19-20)
Full Attack: Longsword +4 melee (1d6/19-20) or light crossbow +5 ranged (1d6/19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Alternate form, blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., drakanthropic communication, forest gnome traits, immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, pass without trace, scent, spell resistance 19, telepathy 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +5
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: Craft (alchemy) +2, Hide +11*ᴬ (+15 in forests), Listen +8, Spot +8
ᴬ includes –3 armor check penalty
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (light crossbow), Iron Willᴮ, Weapon Finesseᴮ

Werepseudodragon, Pseudodragon Form
Tiny Humanoid (Gnome, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 plus 2d12+6 (25 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 60 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 20 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/–5
Attack: Sting +7 melee (1d3 plus poison)
Full Attack: Sting +7 melee (1d3 plus poison) and bite +2 melee (1)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft. (5 ft. with tail)
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Alternate form, blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 10/silver, drakanthropic communication, forest gnome traits, immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, pass without trace, scent, spell resistance 19, telepathy 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: Craft (alchemy) +2, Hide +20* (+24 in forests), Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (light crossbow), Iron Willᴮ, Weapon Finesseᴮ

Werepseudodragon, Hybrid Form
Small Humanoid (Gnome, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 plus 2d12+6 (25 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 30 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 19 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+1
Attack: Sting +6 melee (1d4+2 plus poison); or bite +6 melee (1d2+2); or longsword +6 melee (1d6+2/19-20); or light crossbow +6 ranged (1d6/19-20)
Full Attack: Sting +6 melee (1d4+2 plus poison) and bite +1 melee (1d2+1) and 2 claws +1 melee (1d4+1); or longsword +6 melee (1d6+2/19-20) and sting +1 melee (1d4+2 plus poison) and bite +1 melee (1d2+1) and claw +1 melee (1d4+1); or light crossbow +6 ranged (1d6/10-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Alternate form, blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 10/silver, drakanthropic communication, forest gnome traits, immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, pass without trace, scent, spell resistance 19, telepathy 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: Craft (alchemy) +2, Hide +16* (+20 in forests), Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (light crossbow), Iron Willᴮ, Weapon Finesseᴮ

Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or clutch (3-5)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment:

A petite humanoid dragon less than half as tall as a human, bat-winged and covered in fine scales the red-brown of autumn leaves. Its long flexible tail ends in a bulbous barb resembling a scorpion's stinger.

These drakanthropes of forest gnome and pseudodragon are extremely shy and reclusive, so it is hard to determine how rare they are. They are naturally benign and have been known to aid visitors to their woodland homes, although they avoid revealing themselves as they do so. If they must communicate with a stranger, werepseudodragons prefer to do so telepathically while in hiding. These creatures have a playful side and occasionally play pranks on others. This mischief is harmless or helpful if the other creature appears benevolent, but will aim to sabotage or repel a hostile intruder.

A forest gnome werepseudodragon is about 1 foot long in dragon form with a 2-foot tail and weighs about 7 pounds. In humanoid and hybrid form it stands 2 to 2½ feet tall. The forest gnome form weighs around 25 to 30 pounds, the hybrid form is about 40 pounds and has a 3- to 4-foot long tail.

This werepseudodragon speaks Draconic, Gnome, Elven, Sylvan, and a simple language that enables them to communicate on a very basic level with forest animals.

Forest gnome werepseudodragons avoid combat, preferring to use their stealth and spell-like abilities to avoid direct confrontations and lead opponents away. If forced to fight, they rely on their venomous sting.

Alternate Form (Su): A werepseudodragon can assume a bipedal hybrid form or the form of a pseudodragon.

Blindsense (Ex): A werepseudodragon can locate creatures within 60 feet by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues). Opponents the pseudodragon can't actually see still have total concealment against the pseudodragon.

Drakanthropic Communication: A werepseudodragon can communicate with pseudodragons. It can speak Draconic when in dragon form even if the base dragon cannot.

Forest Gnome Traits: In addition to the forest gnome's automatic and bonus languages, pass without trace, spell-like abilities and racial skill bonuses, this werepseudodragon possesses the following:
● Low-light vision.
● Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes treat gnome hooked hammers as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.
● +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions.
● Add +1 to the saving throw DCs for all illusion spells the gnome casts. This stacks with similar effects, such as the Spell Focus feat.
● +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds, goblinoids, orcs, and reptilian humanoids.
● +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against creatures of the giant type (such as ogres, trolls, and hill giants).

Pass without Trace (Su): A forest gnome has the innate ability to use pass without trace (self only, as a free action) as the spell cast by a druid of the forest gnome's class levels.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 16, initial damage sleep for 1 minute, secondary damage sleep for 1d3 hours. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 12), prestidigitation. Caster level 1st.

Telepathy (Su): Werepseudodragons can communicate telepathically with creatures that speak Common or Sylvan, provided they are within 60 feet.

Skills: In dragon form, werepseudodragons have a chameleonlike ability that grants them a +4 racial bonus* on Hide checks. Forest gnomes have a +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) and Listen checks as well as a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks, which improves to +8 in a wooded area.

*In forests or overgrown areas, this bonus improves to +8.

The werepseudodragon presented here is a 1st-level forest gnome warrior, using the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.


Werewyvern, Hobgoblin Form
Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 plus 7d12+28 (80 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 studded leather, +1 light shield), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+9
Attack: Longsword +9 melee (1d8+1/19-20) or javelin +9 ranged (1d6+1)
Full Attack: Longsword +9/+4 melee (1d8+1/19-20) or javelin +9/+4 ranged (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., drakanthropic communication, immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +7
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +12, Listen +13, Move Silently +16, Spot +16, Survival +4
Feats: Ability Focus (poison), Alertness, Flyby Attack, Iron Willᴮ, Multiattackᴮ

Werewyvern, Wyvern Form
Large Humanoid (Goblinoid, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 plus 7d12+28 (80 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (poor)
Armor Class: 21 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +10 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+17
Attack: Sting +12 melee (1d6+5 plus poison) or talon +12 melee (2d6+5) or bite +12 melee (2d8+5)
Full Attack: Sting +12 melee (1d6+5 plus poison) and bite +10 melee (2d8+5) and 2 wings +10 melee (1d8+2) and 2 talons +10 melee (2d6+5)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 10/silver, drakanthropic communication, immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +9, Listen +13, Move Silently +17, Spot +16, Survival +4
Hide 11, Listen 11, Move Silently 11, Spot 11, Survival 4
Feats: Ability Focus (poison), Alertness, Flyby Attack, Iron Willᴮ, Multiattackᴮ

Werewyvern, Hybrid Form
Large Humanoid (Goblinoid, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 plus 7d12+28 (80 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 30 ft. (clumsy)
Armor Class: 21 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +10 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+17
Attack: Sting +12 melee (1d6+5 plus poison); or bite +12 melee (1d8+5); or longsword +12 melee (2d6+5/19-20); or javelin +9 ranged (1d8+5)
Full Attack: Sting +12 melee (1d6+5 plus poison) and bite +10 melee (1d8+2) and 2 claws +10 melee (1d8+2); or longsword +12/+7 melee (2d6+5/19-20) and sting +10 melee (1d8+2) and bite +10 melee (1d8+2) and claw +10 melee (1d8+2); or javelin +9/+4 ranged (1d8+5)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Alternate form, darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction 10/silver, drakanthropic communication, immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +9, Listen +13, Move Silently +17, Spot +16, Survival +4
Feats: Ability Focus (poison), Alertness, Flyby Attack, Iron Willᴮ, Multiattackᴮ

Environment: Warm hills
Organization: Solitary, pair, or flight (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment:

A great vaguely humanoid reptilian with batlike wings and a long tail ending in a scorpion-like stinger. It stands roughly one and a half times taller than a human. The creature's scales are dark brown-gray, lightening to reddish-orange on its belly and underside.

Since hobgoblins and wyverns are common monsters in warm hills, drakanthropes that combine the two species are not as extraordinarily rare as other weredrakes, although there are still few in existence. Hobgoblin werewyverns are conflicted creatures; their hobgoblin love of organization and tactics clashes with the aggressive solitary nature of a wyvern. Despite their savage nature they often find acceptance in hobgoblin society. These werewyverns seldom fill leadership roles, usually becoming champions and elite warriors who use their flight ability and draconic power to scout for enemies and spearhead deadly commando raids. A hobgoblin werewyvern tends to dwell apart from normal hobgoblins, living in an aerie overlooking the goblinoids' settlement or the nearby wilderness.

A hobgoblin werewyvern's wyvern form is about 15 feet long and its hybrid form stands 12 feet high; in either form it weighs about one ton and has a tail 7 or 8 feet long. Its humanoid form is the size of a normal hobgoblin: a burly humanoid averaging 6½ feet tall.

This werewyvern speaks Common, Draconic and Goblin.

Werewyverns favor attacking from the air, either quick strikes with Flyby Attack or diving onto enemies and then unleashing full attacks. Hobgoblin werewyverns have their kind's liking for tactics and often attack in concert with combatants on the ground.

Alternate Form (Su): A werewyvern can assume a bipedal hybrid form or the form of a wyvern.

Drakanthropic Communication: A werewyvern can communicate with wyverns. It can speak Draconic when in dragon form even if the base dragon cannot.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 20, initial and secondary damage 2d6 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Skills: Werewyverns have a +3 racial bonus on Spot checks. Hobgoblins have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

The werewyvern presented here is a 1st-level hobgoblin warrior, using the following base ability scores: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.

Originally appeared in FR7 - Hall of Heroes (1989).
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Okay, it'd take me some time to go through the Weredragon/True Drakanthrope and rework it to be true dragon only.

It seems more appropriate to edit the Working Draft and then we can amend it in pieces as Rough Drafts.

i.e. I'll rework the Weredragon and then we can do "Size and Type" as the first Rough Draft.


Extradimensional Explorer
That's a lot. We should pick one to do first. I suspect the weredrake will be a bit easier, so let's go with that one.

I guess the first question is about the bracketed bit in the Attacks line. I think I'd keep wing attacks for the hybrid, but the tail should probably not be long enough to do a tail slap. What do you think?


That's a lot. We should pick one to do first. I suspect the weredrake will be a bit easier, so let's go with that one.

Yes, the Weredrake is definitely the simpler conversion since it's closer to the SRD Lycanthrope template in principle so we don't have to worry about all those age categories.

I guess the first question is about the bracketed bit in the Attacks line. I think I'd keep wing attacks for the hybrid, but the tail should probably not be long enough to do a tail slap. What do you think?

Many non-true dragons don't even have wing or tail attacks, but those that do might have it as their "special schtick". The Albino Wyrm for example has an exaggeratedly long and powerful tail.

It just seems a bit of a shame denying them a signature natural weapon in hybrid form.

The only standard monster dragons I found with wing attacks in the CC were the Common Dragonet and Vandalraug Battle Drake. It was only a casual browse though, so there may be some wing-attacking dragon monsters that I missed.

And what about the Cetus, which only has "Gore or Tail Slap"? The Lycanthrope template precedent would be to give it gore/claw/claw in hybrid form like a wereboar.

Some of the smaller species don't have claw attacks either, such as the Firedrake which only has a bite attack. One wonders why it would gain claws in hybrid form, but I guess the same question applies to standard lycanthropes of animals without claw attacks such as the wereboar and werewolf.

Come to think about it, there are multiple dragons with stinger-equipped tails - such as the SRD's Wyvern or Dragon #251's Bloodstinger. Our bloodstinger conversion even gives it Sting as a primary attack. A sting in the tail would be a nice addition to a hybrid form werewyvern!


How about adding the following to the Creating a Weredrake section?:

The base dragon must be a creature whose original type is dragon, it cannot be a non-dragon that somehow gained the dragon type such as a half-dragon otyugh or draconic ogre.

It just feels wrong to have the template be able to produce a weredrake from anything you can slap the Draconic and Half-Dragon templates on.


Speaking of things that just feel wrong, I'm constantly bothered by the fact that the Dragonne is a Magical Beast rather than a Dragon.

It's just so, so wrong!

Hmm… what would a Dragon typed Dragonne look like anyway?


How about adding the following to the Creating a Weredrake section?:

The base dragon must be a creature whose original type is dragon, it cannot be a non-dragon that somehow gained the dragon type such as a half-dragon otyugh or draconic ogre.

It just feels wrong to have the template be able to produce a weredrake from anything you can slap the Draconic and Half-Dragon templates on.

Dang it, I forgot that the Draconic template does not change the base creature's type like the half-dragon template does.

Better make that "The base dragon must be a creature whose original type is dragon, it cannot be a non-dragon that somehow gained the dragon type such as a half-dragon otyugh."


Extradimensional Explorer
Agreed on the caveat about the base dragon, though I wonder about the wording. Half-dragon is an inherited template, so any half-dragon creature is dragon type since birth --- hasn't actually "gained" the dragon type (in a simulationist way of reading the rules). How about we make it explicitly mechanical: "The base dragon must be a creature whose original type is dragon and may not possess the dragon type by virtue of an inherited or acquired template."?

On the attack line, of course it will have the signature attacks in dragon form, but I was thinking that the hybrid would have wings but not necessarily a long enough tail for a slap, since it's roughly humanoid. But I can see the appeal, especially for something like a gore. Any ideas about wording for that?


Agreed on the caveat about the base dragon, though I wonder about the wording. Half-dragon is an inherited template, so any half-dragon creature is dragon type since birth --- hasn't actually "gained" the dragon type (in a simulationist way of reading the rules). How about we make it explicitly mechanical: "The base dragon must be a creature whose original type is dragon and may not possess the dragon type by virtue of an inherited or acquired template."?

How about:

The base dragon must be a creature whose original type is dragon, it may not be a creature that possesses the dragon type by virtue of a template or similar means (such as a half-dragon otyugh).

On the attack line, of course it will have the signature attacks in dragon form, but I was thinking that the hybrid would have wings but not necessarily a long enough tail for a slap, since it's roughly humanoid. But I can see the appeal, especially for something like a gore. Any ideas about wording for that?

Well I can see two basic approaches.

First option — just give it everything!:

A weredrake in hybrid form gains two claw attacks and a bite attack as natural weapons; the bite attack becomes a gore attack if the base dragon has a gore attack but no bite attack. If the base dragon has additional natural attacks such as wing, tail or sting attacks, it gains those attacks when in hybrid form. If the base dragon has more than two claw attacks, its hybrid form can only wield weapons in two of its claws.

Second option — it only gains an additional natural attack if it has a Special Attack that employs it:

A weredrake in hybrid form gains two claw attacks and a bite attack as natural weapons; the bite attack becomes a gore attack if the base dragon has a gore attack but no bite attack. If the base dragon has a special attack tied to another natural weapon, such as the poison of a wyvern's sting attack or the tail sweep of a Huge albino wyrm's tail-slap attack, it also gains that natural attack when in hybrid form.

Voidrunner's Codex

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