Special Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk


Weredragons: These are people who are able to transform themselves into a hybrid form that combines a humanoid shape with distinctly dragon-like features such as scales, fangs, claws, wings, and a long tail. All have wings, even those species emulating the non-winged gold dragons. Each of these creatures have the same alignment as the dragon it resembles. They have 8 hit dice. Their bites and clawed hands each do 1d6 points of damage. They can also use the dragon’s breath weapon once each day.

Well that's not much to go on. There's also the common FR7 Lycanthrope "template" or rather "guidelines", and I quote:

Some guidelines for creating new lycanthropes are:
● Climate: Any, but tending toward the animal’s range.
● Frequency: Rare.
● Organization: As per normal animal.
● Active cycle: The lycanthropic form is only present during the night.
● Diet: As per animal.
● Intelligence: Any.
● Treasure: Any.
● Alignment: Any.
● Number appearing: As per animal.
● Armor class: Normal animal AC minus 1d4.
● Movement: Normal human or animal rate (depending on form).
● Hit Dice: Lycanthrope hit dice are the sum of normal human and normal animal hit dice.
● Number of attacks: As per animal.
● Damage/attack: At least as dangerous as the normal animal.
● Special attack: As per animal.
● Special defenses: 90% of new lycanthropic species can only be harmed by silver or magical weapons of +1 or greater.
● Magic resistance: 90% of new lycanthropic species have no magical resistance.
● Size: Any hybrid forms are halfway between the human and animal sizes.
● Morale: Most are steady (11-12) or very steady (13-14).

I'm assuming we'll use a similar approach to the Lycanthrope Template, only with a "base dragon" instead of a "base animal". I'm inclined not to give them a Curse of Lycanthropy bite since I don't fancy the idea of campaigns swimming in these critters.

So how close to the original do we want to be? Shall we keep the 8 HD and hybrid form only, or shake it up a bit by allowing full Dragon form and having the HD vary with type of dragon.

For reference, the youngest Small, Medium and Large SRD True Dragons are as follows:

Very Young Copper Dragon (Small, 8 HD)
Very Young Black Dragon (Small, 7 HD)
Very Young Brass Dragon (Small, 7 HD)
Very Young White Dragon (Small, 6 HD)
Wyrmling Silver Dragon (Small, 7 HD)
Wyrmling Blue Dragon (Small, 6 HD)
Wyrmling Bronze Dragon (Small, 6 HD)
Wyrmling Green Dragon (Small, 5 HD)

Young Copper Dragon (Medium, 11 HD)
Young Black Dragon (Medium, 10 HD)
Young Brass Dragon (Medium, 10 HD)
Young White Dragon (Medium, 9 HD)
Very Young Silver Dragon (Medium, 10 HD)
Very Young Blue Dragon (Medium, 9 HD)
Very Young Bronze Dragon (Medium, 9 HD)
Very Young Green Dragon (Medium, 8 HD)
Wyrmling Gold Dragon (Medium, 8 HD)
Wyrmling Red Dragon (Medium, 7 HD)

Young Adult Dragon (Large, 17 HD)
Young Adult Dragon (Large, 16 HD)
Young Adult Dragon (Large, 16 HD)
Young Adult White Dragon (Large, 15 HD)
Juvenile Silver Dragon (Large, 15 HD)
Juvenile Blue Dragon (Large, 14 HD)
Juvenile Bronze Dragon (Large, 14 HD)
Juvenile Green Dragon (Large, 13 HD)
Very Young Gold Dragon (Large, 11 HD)
Very Young Red Dragon (Large, 10 HD)

So it's the biggest species of True Dragon - the Red and Gold - that have the fewest Hit Dice when they reach Medium or Large, indeed they hatch out at Medium size.

The FR7 Weredragon's 8 Hit Dice does match two of the lowest-HD Medium Dragons, the Wyrmling Gold and Very Young Green, so we could use that as the baseline for our Weredragon's Hit Dice.

The averages are 6.5 Hit Dice for Small, 9.1 Hit Dice for Medium, 14.1 Hit Dice for Large, which suggests 5 or 6 levels of Dragon for Small Weredragons, 8 levels for Medium and 13 levels for Large.

We'll probably want to expand it to include Tiny and Huge or Larger Weredragons too.

If we have different types of Weredragons have different Hit Dice, it'd seem simpler to base it on age categories - i.e. a Small Weredragon has, say, a number of dragon levels equal to the Hit Dice of a Wyrmling Dragon, a Medium Weredragon uses a Very Young Dragon's Hit Dice, a Large Weredragon uses a Young Dragon's HD, a Huge one a Juvenile Dragon and so on up to a Colossal Weredragon having dragon levels equal to a Mature Dragon of its type (at +3 per age category that's 18 HD more than a Tiny Weredragon). All True Dragons can grow up to Gargantuan size, so if this template follows the "within one size category of the base creature’s size" rule of the Lycanthropy template all Weredragons will be able to go up to Colossal.

Don't really want a Colossal Weredragon to have 40+ dragon Hit Dice like a Colossal True Dragon, since it'll have plenty of giant Hit Dice from its base creature already.

'Course we could get around that by just having this template apply to Humanoids, but I quite like the idea of Giant Weredragons and the like. Presumably they tend to match the elemental type - i.e. Frost Giant White Weredragons.

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It's been literally just over a month since I last posted on this conversion and no-one replied, so I think I'll proceed without you!

At least I'll post a Working Draft to get things started…


Weredragon [True Drakanthrope] (Template)
This reptilian humanoid is clearly no mere lizardfolk. It looks magnificent and terrifying, from the horns that crown its head to the tip of its sinuously powerful tail. The gaze of its slit-pupilled eyes shows piercing intensity and intelligence.
Note: details of the hybrid form's appearance will match the base dragon, which determines the weredragon's scale color, whether it has wings, gills, fins, or horns (and what those look like) and similar details. For examples, see Sample Weredragons.


Creating a Weredragon
"Weredragon" is a template that can be added to any humanoid or giant (referred to hereafter as the base creature). Becoming a drakanthrope is very much like multiclassing as a dragon and gaining the appropriate Hit Dice.

The weredragon takes on the characteristics of some type of true dragon (a creature of the dragon type with age categories), referred to hereafter as the base dragon. The base dragon must belong to an age category with a Level Adjustment. A true dragon that lacks age categories with Level Adjustments cannot become a weredragon. Drakanthropes based on normal monster dragons such as dragon turtles or wyverns use the Weredrake Weredrake template instead.

Size and Type: The base creature's type does not change, but the creature gains the shapechanger subtype plus any subtypes possessed by the base dragon.

The base dragon can be any true dragon that can reach a size within one size category of the base creature. For example, a copper dragon can grow from a Tiny wyrmling to a Gargantuan wyrm or great wyrm, so the base creature of a copper weredragon can range from Diminutive to Colossal in size (i.e. from one size smaller than Tiny up to one size bigger than Gargantuan).

In dragon form, a weredragon can be the size of the base creature, the base dragon, or any size between the two, but defaults to whichever size is bigger.

Examples: a human wyrmling brass weredragon's dragon form is normally Medium size (the size of a human, its base creature) but can shrink to Tiny size (the size of a wyrmling brass dragon, its base dragon) or become Small (the size between Tiny and Medium). A gnome young gold weredragon's dragon form is normally Large (the size of a young gold dragon) but can shrink to Small (the size of a gnome) or become Medium (its intermediary size).

Weredragons can adopt a hybrid shape that combines features of the base creature and the base dragon. A weredragon's hybrid form can assume the same sizes as its dragon form.

Some weredragons are unable to shapechange into dragon form and are only able to adopt their base creature and hybrid forms.

A weredragon uses either the base creature or the base dragon's statistics and special abilities in addition to those described here.

Hit Dice and Hit Points: Same as base creature plus those of the base dragon.

To calculate total hit points, apply Constitution modifiers according to the score the weredragon has in each form.

Speed: Same as the base creature or base dragon, depending on which form the weredragon is using. Hybrids use the base creature's speed and have a fly speed equal to one-half the base dragon's flight speed (if any) with a maneuverability one step worse than the base dragon's (minimum clumsy). If the base creature already has a fly speed, the hybrid form uses whichever flying speed and flight maneverability is better.

Armor Class: Weredragons have their natural armor bonus increase by +2 in humanoid or giant form. In dragon form, a weredragon in its default size has a natural armor bonus equal to the base dragon's natural armor plus the base creature's natural armor or a +5 natural armor bonus, whichever is higher. In hybrid form, a weredragon's natural armor bonus is equal to that of its base creature form or dragon form, whichever is better.

Base Attack/Grapple: Add the base attack bonus for the base creature to the base attack bonus of the base dragon's Dragon Hit Dice. The weredragon's grapple bonus uses its attack bonus and modifiers for Strength and size depending on the weredragon's form.

Attacks: Same as the base creature or base dragon, depending on which form the weredragon is using. A weredragon in hybrid form gains two claw attacks and a bite attack as natural weapons. A Large or larger hybrid form gains a wing attack, a Huge or larger hybrid form gains a tail slap attack, and a Gargantuan or larger hybrid form gains a tail sweep attack, if the base dragon has those attacks.

Damage: Same as base creature or base dragon, depending on which form the weredragon is using. In hybrid form, the claw attacks and tail sweep attack have the damage of a dragon of the same size, while the bite, wing and tail slap attacks have the damage of a dragon one size category smaller.

Special Attacks: A weredragon retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 weredragon's HD + weredragon's ??? modifier unless noted otherwise.

Special Attacks: A weredragon retains the special attacks of the base creature or base dragon, depending on which form it is using, and also gains the special attacks described below. Unless otherwise noted, weredragons only gain the special attacks of the base dragon's wyrmling age category regardless of the base dragon's size and Hit Dice.

In hybrid form a weredragon retains the special attacks of the base creature and gains the special attacks described below. If the base dragon has a special attack tied to another natural weapon, such as a [dragon's attack] or the crush attack of a Huge true dragon, it also retains that special attack in hybrid form. If both base forms possess the same special attack, the hybrid form uses the base dragon's version.

Breath Weapon (Su): A weredragon can use its breath weapon when in hybrid form.

Crush (Ex): A weredragon whose base dragon possesses the crush special attack can use it when in hybrid form.

Frightful Presence (Su): A weredragon whose base dragon possesses the frightful presence special attack can use it when in hybrid form.

Tail Sweep (Ex): A weredragon whose base dragon possesses the tail sweep special attack can use it when in hybrid form.

Spells and Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Weredragons based on true dragons only gain spells and spell-like abilities that the base dragon possesses at the wyrmling age category.

How many True Dragon special attacks do we want to allow - I was thinking we should restrict it to what the base dragon can do at at wyrmling age plus being able to access the true dragon default special attacks of Breath Weapon, Crush, Frightful Presence and Tail Sweep.

I don't think we should give weredragons the usual Curse of Lycanthropy special attack - mainly to avoid the risk of PC weredragons!.

Special Qualities: A weredragon retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 weredragon's HD + weredragon's ??? modifier unless noted otherwise.

Special Qualities: A weredragon retains all the special qualities of the base creature and the base dragon, and also gains those described below. Unless otherwise noted, weredragons only gain the special qualities of the base dragon's wyrmling age category regardless of the base dragon's size and Hit Dice.

Saves: .

Saves: Add the base save bonuses of the base dragon's Dragon Hit Dice to the base save bonuses of the base creature.

Abilities: A weredragon's mental ability scores improve according to its kind. These adjustments are equal to the base dragon's normal ability scores –10 or –11 or +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom and +2 Charisma, whichever is higher.

When it assumes dragon form, a weredragon's physical ability scores also improve. When in its default size, the base adjustments are equal to the base dragon's wyrmling ability scores –10 or –11. If the ability improvement would be less than +8 Strength and +2 Constitution, the weredragon gains those adjustments instead. If the weredragon assumes a dragon form smaller than its default size, the hybrid form's Strength and natural armor bonus are reduced according to the Table: Changes to Statistics by Size in Dragon & Hybrid Form. A weredragon in hybrid form modifies its physical ability scores by the same amount.

Table: Changes to Statistics by Size in Dragon & Hybrid Form

Default Size​
Reduced Size​
Natural Armor
Repeat the adjustment if the creature shrinks more than one size.

In addition, a weredragon may also gain ability scores increases by virtue of its extra Hit Dice.

Example One: A wyrmling bronze dragon is a Small dragon with Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14 and +5 natural armor bonus; applying –10 or –11 comes to ability improvements of Str +8, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +4 for a wyrmling bronze weredragon (note its Strength adjustment uses the true drakanathrope minimum of +8, not the Str +2 derived from Str 13 minus 10 or 11). A dwarf warrior is a Medium humanoid with Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6. Therefore, in humanoid form a wyrmling bronze weredragon dwarf has Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10 and NA +2. In default dragon form, the dwarf weredragon is a Medium creature with Str 21, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10 and NA +5. If its dragon or hybrid form reduces in size to Small it has Str 17, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 10.

Example Two: A wyrmling red dragon is a Medium dragon with Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 and +6 natural armor bonus; applying –10 or –11 and a weredragon's minimum ability improvements gives it Str +8, Dex +0, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +2 for a wyrmling red weredragon (note that only its Constitution adjustment is better than the true drakanathrope minimum of +2). A fire giant is a Large giant with Str 31, Dex 9, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11 and +8 natural armor. Therefore, in giant form a wyrmling red weredragon fire giant has Str 31, Dex 9, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 13 and NA +10. In default dragon form the fire giant weredragon is a Large creature with Str 38, Dex 9, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 13 and NA +14. If its dragon or hybrid form reduces in size to Medium it has Str 30, Dex 9, Con 23 and NA +12.

Skills: A weredragon gains skill points equal to (6 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die of its dragon form, as if it had multiclassed into the Dragon type. (Dragon is never its first Hit Die, though, and it does not gain quadruple skill points for any Dragon Hit Die.) Any skill given in the base dragon's description is a class skill for the weredragon's dragon levels. In any form, a weredragon also has any racial skill bonuses of the base creature and of the base dragon, although conditional skill bonuses only apply in the associated form.

Feats: Add the base dragon's feats to the base creature's. If this results in a weredragon having the same feat twice, the weredragon gains no additional benefit unless the feat normally can be taken more once, in which case the duplicated feat works as noted in the feat description. This process may give the weredragon more feats than a character of its total Hit Dice would normally be entitled to; if this occurs, any "extra" feats are denoted as bonus feats.

It's possible that a weredragon cannot meet the prerequisites for all its feats when in humanoid form. If this occurs, the weredragon still has the feats, but cannot use them when in humanoid form. A weredragon receives Iron Will as a bonus feat.

Environment: Same as either the base creature or base dragon.
Organization: Same as base dragon or solitary.
Challenge Rating: By class level or base creature, modified according to the HD of the base dragon: 1 HD or 2 HD, +2; 3 HD to 5 HD, +3; 6 HD to 10 HD, +4; 11 HD to 20 HD, +5; 21 or more HD, +6.
Treasure: Same as either the base creature or base dragon.
Alignment: Same as the base dragon.
Advancement: By character class or same as the base dragon; the weredragon can only advance to base dragon age categories with a Level Adjustment.
Level Adjustment:

Sample Weredragon
The following sample creature has gained the weredragon template.

In the Realms
During the Time of Troubles … .

Originally appeared in FR7 - Hall of Heroes (1989).
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I wondered about adding an additional modifier to smooth out the HD range of the "true weredragons". Currently a Medium-size specimen ranges from +6 HD (White Weredragon) to +11 HD (Gold Weredragon), but the smaller wyrmlings (Black, Brass, Copper, White) are Tiny, a whole two sizes smaller than the Medium size of the larger wyrmlings (Gold, Red, Red).

Like so:

Hit Dice and Hit Points #2: Same as base creature plus a number of d12 hit dice depending on the base dragon. If the base dragon has normal monster Hit Dice the weredragon simply adds the base dragon's HD. If the base dragon is a true dragon with age categories and the weredragon is Small size or larger, it gains HD equal to the dragon's wyrmling age plus an additional +3HD for every size category above Small plus an adjustment of –1HD penalty per size category the base dragon's wyrmling stage is smaller than Medium size. Tiny weredragons have additional HD equal to half the Hit Dice of their wyrmling age (round up for wyrmlings with 3, 5, 7 etc. Hit Dice, if the wyrmling age has a single Hit Dice a Diminutive weredragon gets +½ HD). Diminutive and smaller weredragons have one-quarter the Hit Dice of a wyrmling (wyrmlings with a single Hit Dice get +¼ HD, 2 Hit Dice wyrmlings get +½ HD, 3–5 Hit Dice wyrmlings get +1HD, 6–9 Hit Dice wyrmlings get +2HD, 10-13 Hit Dice wyrmling get +3 HD and so on, with every four more wyrmling Hit Dice increasing the additional HD by another +1HD). The following tables present Hit Dice adjustments for the standard dragons.

Weredragon Hit Dice (Chromatic Base Dragons)
SizeHD Adjustment (M/S/T wyrmlings)BlackBlueGreenRedWhite
Medium+1/+2/+3 HD7d128d127d128d126d12

Weredragon Hit Dice (Metallic Base Dragons)
SizeHD Adjustment (M/S/T wyrmlings)BrassBronzeCopperGoldSilver
Medium+1/+2/+3 HD7d128d128d129d129d12


Weredragon Hit Dice (Chromatic Base Dragons)
SizeHD Adjustment (M/S/T wyrmlings)BlackBlueGreenRedWhite
Medium+1/+2/+3 HD7d128d127d128d126d12

Weredragon Hit Dice (Metallic Base Dragons)
SizeHD Adjustment (M/S/T wyrmlings)BrassBronzeCopperGoldSilver
Medium+1/+2/+3 HD7d128d128d129d129d12

Upon reflection, you can get similar results with.

If the base dragon is a true dragon with age categories it gains additional Hit Dice as follows: Small and Medium weredragons gain Hit Dice equal to half the Hit Dice of the base dragon's wyrmling age category (rounded down) plus +2HD for Small weredragons and +5HD for Medium weredragons.

Weredragon Hit Dice (Chromatic Base Dragons)
Size(HD Adjustment)BlackBlueGreenRedWhite
SmallOne-half wyrmling +2 HD4d125d124d125d123d12
MediumOne-half wyrmling +5 HD7d128d127d128d126d12

Weredragon Hit Dice (Metallic Base Dragons)
Size(HD Adjustment)BrassBronzeCopperGoldSilver
SmallOne-half wyrmling +2 HD4d125d124d126d125d12
MediumOne-half wyrmling +5 HD7d128d127d129d128d12

Tiny weredragons have additional HD equal to half the Hit Dice of their wyrmling age (rounded down), if the wyrmling age has a single Hit Dice the Tiny weredragon gets +½HD. Diminutive and smaller weredragons have one-quarter the Hit Dice of a wyrmling (wyrmlings with a single Hit Dice gives +¼HD, 2–3 Hit Dice wyrmlings give +½HD, 4–7 Hit Dice gives +1HD, 8–11 Hit Dice gives +2HD and so on, with +1HD per four Hit Dice).

Weredragon Hit Dice (Chromatic Base Dragons)
Size(HD Adjustment)BlackBlueGreenRedWhite
DiminutiveOne-quarter wyrmling1d12½d12
TinyOne-half wyrmling2d123d122d121d12

Weredragon Hit Dice (Metallic Base Dragons)
Size(HD Adjustment)BrassBronzeCopperGoldSilver
DiminutiveOne-quarter wyrmling1d121d12
TinyOne-half wyrmling2d123d122d123d12

Weredragons or Large size or more gain dragon HD equal to the base dragon's wyrmling age category's Hit Dice plus an addition +3HD for every size category above Small.

The above would result in the bigger sizes having the same progression as Hit Dice #1.

Putting that together results in:

Hit Dice and Hit Points #2: Same as base creature plus a number of d12 hit dice depending on the base dragon. If the base dragon has normal monster Hit Dice the weredragon simply adds the base dragon's HD. If the base dragon is a true dragon with age categories it gains additional Hit Dice as follows:

Small and Medium weredragons gain Hit Dice equal to half the Hit Dice of the base dragon's wyrmling age category (rounded down) plus +2HD for Small weredragons and +5HD for Medium weredragons.

Tiny weredragons have additional HD equal to half the Hit Dice of their wyrmling age (rounded down), if the wyrmling age has a single Hit Dice the Tiny weredragon gets +½HD. Diminutive and smaller weredragons have one-quarter the Hit Dice of a wyrmling (wyrmlings with a single Hit Dice gives +¼HD, 2–3 Hit Dice wyrmlings give +½HD, 4–7 Hit Dice gives +1HD, 8–11 Hit Dice gives +2HD and so on, with +1HD per four Hit Dice).

Weredragons or Large size or more gain dragon HD equal to the base dragon's wyrmling age category's Hit Dice plus an addition +3HD for every size category above Small.

The following tables present Hit Dice adjustments for the standard dragons.

Weredragon Hit Dice (Chromatic Base Dragons)
SizeAdditional Hit DiceBlackBlueGreenRedWhite
DiminutiveOne-quarter wyrmling1d12½d12
TinyOne-half wyrmling 2d123d122d121d12
SmallOne-half wyrmling +2 HD4d125d124d125d123d12
MediumOne-half wyrmling +5 HD7d128d127d128d126d12
LargeWyrmling +6 HD10d1212d1211d1213d129d12
HugeWyrmling +9 HD13d1215d1214d1216d1212d12
GargantuanWyrmling +12 HD16d1218d1217d1219d1215d12
ColossalWyrmling +15 HD19d1621d1220d1222d1218d12

Weredragon Hit Dice (Metallic Base Dragons)
SizeAdditional Hit DiceBrassBronzeCopperGoldSilver
DiminutiveOne-Quarter Wyrmling1d121d12
TinyOne-Half Wyrmling2d123d122d123d12
SmallOne-half wyrmling +2 HD4d125d124d126d125d12
MediumOne-half wyrmling +5 HD7d128d127d129d128d12
LargeWyrmling +6 HD10d1212d1211d1214d113d12
HugeWyrmling +9 HD13d1215d1214d1217d1216d12
GargantuanWyrmling +12 HD16d1218d1217d1220d1219d12
ColossalWyrmling +15 HD19d1221d1220d1223d1222d12

Hmm… overall I think I prefer progression #1. The "smoother" Small/Medium range of #2 is nice, but the big jump between Medium and Large additional HD is a bit ugly.
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I'm thinking we should rename these creatures since AD&D also used the name "Weredragon" for the Song Dragon.

Maybe call the template "Dracanthrope" since they are dragon-based zoanthropes?

Actually, "Drakanthrope" might be closer to proper Greek, since I believe "Draco" is the Latin form. But it wouldn't be the first time a taxonomic-style name mixed Greek and Latin.


Oh, and I came upon an interesting factoid in the Wikipedia entry for Cynanthropy:

The weredog or cynanthrope is also known in Timor. It is described as a human/canine shapeshifter who is also capable of transforming other people into animals against their wills. These transformations are usually into prey animals such as goats, so that the cynanthrope can devour them without discovery of the crime (Rose, 390).

That's cool enough to add as an "evil option" for Weredogs, or maybe as a Dogwere magical beast?

It's basically just a matter of exchanging Curse of Lycanthropy for some kind of baleful polymorph type ability that turns a target creature (maybe limited to humanoids?) into a goat or other prey animal of the same size.


For convenience and comparison, here are tables for the standard dragons' Hit Dice, Natural Armour and Ability Scores by size/age:

Chromatic Base Dragons Hit Dice by Size
Tiny4d12 wyrmling3d12 wyrmling
Small7d12 very young6d12 wyrmling5d12 wyrmling6d12 very young
Medium10d12 young9d12 very young8d12 very young7d12 wyrmling9d12 young
Large16d12 young adult15d12 juvenile14d12 juvenile10d12 very young15d12 young adult
Huge22d12 mature adult21d12 adult20d12 adult19d12 young adult21d12 mature adult
Gargantuan34d12 wyrm33d12 ancient32d12 ancient28d12 old33d12 wyrm
Colossal40d12 great wyrm

Metallic Base Dragons Hit Dice by Size
Tiny4d12 wyrmling5d12 wyrmling
Small7d12 very young6d12 wyrmling8d12 very young7d12 wyrmling
Medium10d12 young9d12 very young11d12 young8d12 wyrmling10d12 very young
Large16d12 young adult15d12 juvenile17d12 young adult 11d12 very young16d12 juvenile
Huge22d12 mature adult21d12 adult23d12 mature adult20d12 young adult22d12 adult
Gargantuan34d12 wyrm33d12 ancient35d12 wyrm29d12 old34d12 ancient
Colossal38d12 wyrm40d12 great wyrm

Chromatic Base Dragons Natural Armor by Size
Tiny+3 NA wyrmling+2 NA wyrmling
Small+6 NA very young+5 NA wyrmling+4 NA wyrmling+5 NA very young
Medium+9 NA young+8 NA very young+7 NA very young+6 NA wyrmling+8 NA young
Large+15 NA young adult+14 NA juvenile+13 NA juvenile+9 NA very young+14 NA young adult
Huge+21 NA mature adult+20 NA adult+19 NA adult+18 NA young adult+20 NA mature adult
Gargantuan+33 NA wyrm+32 NA ancient+31 NA ancient+27 NA old+32 NA wyrm
Colossal+39 NA great wyrm

Metallic Base Dragons Natural Armor by Size
Tiny+3 NA wyrmling+4 NA wyrmling
Small+6 NA very young+5 NA wyrmling+7 NA very young+6 NA wyrmling
Medium+9 NA young+8 NA very young+10 NA young+7 NA wyrmling+9 NA very young
Large+15 NA young adult+14 NA juvenile+16 NA young adult+10 NA very young+15 NA juvenile
Huge+21 NA mature adult+20 NA adult+22 NA mature adult+19 NA young adult+21 NA adult
Gargantuan+33 NA wyrm+32 NA ancient+34 NA wyrm+28 NA old+33 NA ancient
Colossal+37 NA wyrm+39 NA great wyrm

Chromatic Base Dragons Ability Modifiers by Size
TinyStr+0 Con+2 Int–2 Wis+0 Cha–2 wyrmling
SmallStr+2 Con+2 Int–2 Wis+0 Cha–2 v. youngStr+2 Con+2 Int+0 Wis+0 Cha+0 wyrmlingStr+2 Con+2 Int+0 Wis+0 Cha+0 wyrmling
MediumStr+4 Con+4 Int+0 Wis+0 Cha–0 young
Str+6 Con+4
Int+0 Wis+0 Cha+0 juvenile
Str+4 Con+4 Int+0 Wis+0 Cha+0 v. young
Str+6 Con+4 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 young
Str+4 Con+4 Int+0 Wis+0 Cha+0 v. young
Str+6 Con+4 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 young
LargeStr+8 Con+6 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 y. adult
Str+12 Con+8 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 adult
Str+8 Con+6 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 juvenile
Str+12 Con+8 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 y. adult
Str+8 Con+6 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 juvenile
Str+12 Con+8 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 y. adult
HugeStr+16 Con+10 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 m. adult
Str+18 Con+10
Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 old
Str+20 Con+12
Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 v. old
Str+22 Con+12
Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 ancient
Str+16 Con+10 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 adult
Str+18 Con+10 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 m. adult
Str+20 Con+12 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 old
Str+22 Con+12 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 v. old
Str+16 Con+10 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 adult
Str+18 Con+10 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 m.
Str+20 Con+12 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 old
Str+22 Con+12 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 v. old
GargantuanStr+24 Con+14 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 wyrm
Str+26 Con+16 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 g. wyrm
Str+24 Con+14 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 ancient
Str+26 Con+16 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 wyrm
Str+28 Con+16 Int+12 Wis+12 Cha+12 g. wyrm
Str+24 Con+14 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 ancient
Str+26 Con+16 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 wyrm
Str+28 Con+16 Int+12 Wis+12 Cha+12 g. wyrm

Chromatic Base Dragons Ability Modifiers by Size
TinyStr+0 Con+2 Int–4 Wis+0 Cha–4 wyrmling
SmallStr+2 Con+2 Int–4 Wis+0 Cha–4 very young
MediumStr+6 Con+4 Int+0 Wis+0 Cha+0 wyrmlingStr+4 Con+4 Int–4 Wis+0 Cha–4 young
Str+6 Con+4 Int–2 Wis+0 Cha–2 juvenile
LargeStr+10 Con+6 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 very young
Str+14 Con+6 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 young
Str+18 Con+8 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 juvenile
Str+8 Con+6 Int–2 Wis+0 Cha+0 young adult
Str+12 Con+8 Int+0 Wis+0 Cha+2 adult
HugeStr+20 Con+10 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 young adult
Str+22 Con+10 Int+6 Wis+8 Cha+6 adult
Str+22 Con+12 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 mature adult
Str+16 Con+10 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 mature adult
Str+18 Con+10 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 old
Str+20 Con+12 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 very old
Str+22 Con+12 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 ancient
GargantuanStr+24 Con+14 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 old
Str+26 Con+16 Int+12 Wis+12 Cha+12 very old
Str+28 Con+18 Int+14 Wis+14 Cha+14 ancient
Str+30 Con+20 Int+14 Wis+14 Cha+14 wyrm
Str+24 Con+14 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+6 wyrm
Str+26 Con+16 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 great wyrm
ColossalStr+34 Con+20 Int+16 Wis+16 Cha+16 great wyrm

Metallic Base Dragons Ability Modifiers by Size
TinyStr+0 Con+2 Int+0 Wis+0 Cha+0 wyrmlingStr+0 Con+2 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 wyrmling
SmallStr+2 Con+2 Int+0 Wis+0 Cha+0 v. youngStr+2 Con+2 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 wyrmlingStr+2 Con+2 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 v. young
MediumStr+4 Con+4 Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 young
Str+6 Con+4
Int+2 Wis+2 Cha+2 juvenile
Str+4 Con+4 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 v. young
Str+6 Con+4 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 young
Str+4 Con+4 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 young
Str+6 Con+4 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 juvenile
LargeStr+8 Con+6 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 y. adult
Str+12 Con+8 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 adult
Str+8 Con+6 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 juvenile
Str+12 Con+8 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 y. adult
Str+8 Con+6 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 y adult
Str+12 Con+8 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 adult
HugeStr+16 Con+10 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 m. adult
Str+18 Con+10
Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 old
Str+20 Con+12
Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 v. old
Str+22 Con+12
Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 ancient
Str+16 Con+10 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 adult
Str+18 Con+10 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 m. adult
Str+20 Con+12 Int+12 Wis+12 Cha+12 old
Str+22 Con+12 Int+12 Wis+12 Cha+12 v. old
Str+16 Con+10 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 m. adult
Str+18 Con+10 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 old
Str+20 Con+12 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 v. old
Str+22 Con+12 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 ancient
GargantuanStr+24 Con+14 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 wyrm
Str+26 Con+16 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 g. wyrm
Str+24 Con+14 Int+14 Wis+14 Cha+14 ancient
Str+26 Con+16 Int+16 Wis+16 Cha+16 wyrm
Str+28 Con+16 Int+16 Wis+16 Cha+16 g. wyrm
Str+24 Con+14 Int+12 Wis+12 Cha+12 wyrm
Str+26 Con+16 Int+12 Wis+12 Cha+12 g. wyrm

Chromatic Base Dragons Ability Modifiers by Size
SmallStr+2 Con+2 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 wyrmling
MediumStr+6 Con+4 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 wyrmlingStr+4 Con+4 Int+4 Wis+4 Cha+4 very young
Str+6 Con+4 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 young
LargeStr+10 Con+6 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 very young
Str+14 Con+6 Int+6 Wis+6 Cha+6 young
Str+18 Con+8 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 juvenile
Str+8 Con+6 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 juvenile
Str+12 Con+8 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 young adult
HugeStr+20 Con+10 Int+8 Wis+8 Cha+8 young adult
Str+22 Con+10 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 adult
Str+24 Con+12 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 mature adult
Str+16 Con+10 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 adult
Str+18 Con+10 Int+10 Wis+10 Cha+10 mature adult
Str+20 Con+12 Int+12 Wis+12 Cha+12 old
Str+22 Con+12 Int+14 Wis+14 Cha+14 very old
GargantuanStr+28 Con+14 Int+14 Wis+14 Cha+14 old
Str+30 Con+16 Int+16 Wis+16 Cha+16 very old
Str+32 Con+18 Int+18 Wis+18 Cha+18 ancient
Str+24 Con+14 Int+16 Wis+16 Cha+16 ancient
Str+28 Con+18 Int+18 Wis+18 Cha+18 wyrm
ColossalStr+34 Con+20 Int+20 Wis+20 Cha+20 wyrm
Str+36 Con+22 Int+22 Wis+22 Cha+22 great wyrm
Str+32 Con+20 Int+20 Wis+20 Cha+20 great wyrm


Extradimensional Explorer
Whoa, that is a lot of text. It literally took me a week of EN World time to get through that!

But couldn't we somehow simplify this? That's a lot of tables! Why don't we pick a particular age category of base dragon to determine things like physical ability boosts, extra HD, etc (perhaps tied to size of that age category)? Other attributes can be tied to base creature size (hybrid natural attack damage, etc). EDIT: I think this would also allow some flexibility in terms of using other true dragons. I'm not quite sure what to do with other critters of the dragon type without age categories, though. Maybe just use their base MM/SRD/CC size.

I like the dracanthrope name (and the cynanthrope idea)!
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Whoa, that is a lot of text. It literally took me a week of EN World time to get through that!

But couldn't we somehow simplify this? That's a lot of tables! Why don't we pick a particular age category of base dragon to determine things like physical ability boosts, extra HD, etc (perhaps tied to size of that age category)? Other attributes can be tied to base creature size (hybrid natural attack damage, etc).

EDIT: I think this would also allow some flexibility in terms of using other true dragons.

Erm, that's pretty much what the draft template proposes using the Wyrmling as the "base age category" and adjusting it for the base creature's size. The tables are for what values these result in for the standard SRD true dragons for ease of calculation.

The "Creating a Weredragon" text allows other true dragon based weredragons, I just didn't include every variety in the example tables.

I'm not quite sure what to do with other critters of the dragon type without age categories, though. Maybe just use their base MM/SRD/CC size.

I considered including those but decided to stick to true dragons to start with just to make it slightly simpler at least to start with.

If we do decide to add them just using the standard lycanthrope template's approach to the HD and size would be the obvious way to go. Some such weredragons would only work with a Giant as the base creature - the Dragon Turtle's Huge size would require a Large base creature for example. Could have a Medium Humanoid base creature's for a Weredragonne or a Small Humanoid for a Werepseudodragon. Hmm… a Forest Gnome or Halfling Werepseudodragon would make an interesting NPC…

I like the dracanthrope name (and the cynanthrope idea)!

So before I do a copy-replace for "Weredragon" what spelling do you prefer, Dracanthrope or Drakanthrope? I think I like the "k" version better.

Do you want to do the Cynanthrope in parallel or leave it until we've finished these lizardmorphers?

Voidrunner's Codex

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