Spelljammer Spelljammer Academy: Get Free Spelljammer Adventures From D&D Beyond

If you have a D&D Beyond account you can access a promotional Spelljammer supplement for free. Spelljammer Academy is a series of four adventures -- the first, available now, is called Orientation, and will be followed later by Trial by Fire, Realmspace Sortie!, and Behold....H'Catha. Fall in cadets! It's time for your introduction to Wildspace! Spelljammer Academy is a series of four...

If you have a D&D Beyond account you can access a promotional Spelljammer supplement for free. Spelljammer Academy is a series of four adventures -- the first, available now, is called Orientation, and will be followed later by Trial by Fire, Realmspace Sortie!, and Behold....H'Catha.

Fall in cadets! It's time for your introduction to Wildspace! Spelljammer Academy is a series of four adventures that will prepare you for your journeys into space, and it's available to you at no cost with your D&D Beyond account. In the first adventure, you’ll undergo your orientation at the Spelljammer Academy, where you'll learn whether you have what it takes to traverse the deadly expanse of the cosmos. Over time, subsequent adventures in Spelljammer Academy will drop. Unlock one adventure in the series and you'll automatically receive the others upon their release.


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now THIS is pod racing...

Okay this looks awesome (still upset about PDF, but work around seems to be working... but view printab;e handout is nice) part 2 is got an update on skill challanges (strix haven had some of this too) and I love it...

and more danger room/ holodeck D&D play.

nothing as cool as the disentigrate sword yet that I saw but I only skimmed
How are the Skill Challenge updates in this? Compared to Strixhaven's Mage Tower?


Hmmm, I wonder what the Elven Imperial Navy thinks of the Spelljammer Academy. Something tells me that both organizations don't/would not see exactly eye to eye on some things.


Maybe that's why the academy is so secretive and placed in a remote location?
Add in the fact that one of the Founders of the Spelljammer Academy hails from Waterdeep, which from what I read has a whole section of surface Drow refugees living there, probably causes the Elven Imperial Navy some concerns.

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