But despite that, the '70s was just absolutely rife with totally naff music and bands and stars. There was cool stuff too but my god, the balance was towards extreme naff-itude. Even a lot of '70s stuff people claim is "classic" is bit questionable, in a way '60s stuff claimed to be classic generally isn't.
For those not sufficiently from the south of England or not of the right age, naff means tacky, tasteless, accidentally campy in a bad way, and so on. There isn't a decade in human history which was more inherently naff that the 1970s! The music, the clothes, the architecture, the furnishings, I could go on. I mean the 1980s and 1990s and the '00s all gave it a fair shot but they just never approach the sheer depth of embarrassment and tastelessness the 1970s could muster.