Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 Is Almost Upon Us! Discuss What You Want

I don't think that's really relevant? No-one is complaining about his singing, unless I have someone blocked
It pertains to his musical tastes. You tend not to record albums of music you don’t like. It also speaks to his breadth of musical experience. Classical music training requires studying music from a broad range of periods and styles.

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It pertains to his musical tastes. You tend not to record albums of music you don’t like. It also speaks to his breadth of musical experience. Classical music training requires studying music from a broad range of periods and styles.
Okay, but what music is he singing in these albums? You have left this a mystery lol.

But despite that, the '70s was just absolutely rife with totally naff music and bands and stars. There was cool stuff too but my god, the balance was towards extreme naff-itude. Even a lot of '70s stuff people claim is "classic" is bit questionable, in a way '60s stuff claimed to be classic generally isn't.

For those not sufficiently from the south of England or not of the right age, naff means tacky, tasteless, accidentally campy in a bad way, and so on. There isn't a decade in human history which was more inherently naff that the 1970s! The music, the clothes, the architecture, the furnishings, I could go on. I mean the 1980s and 1990s and the '00s all gave it a fair shot but they just never approach the sheer depth of embarrassment and tastelessness the 1970s could muster.
Here's a little secret for you. EVERY decade has bad stuff. In fact it's mostly bad stuff, or stuff that simply doesn't stand the test of time. For every "Laugh, Laugh" there's a thousand "Tiptow Through the Tulips." Disco defined a big chunk of the '70s but you also had folks like Brian Eno, who were a decade or more ahead of their time.


Here's a little secret for you. EVERY decade has bad stuff. In fact it's mostly bad stuff, or stuff that simply doesn't stand the test of time. For every "Laugh, Laugh" there's a thousand "Tiptow Through the Tulips." Disco defined a big chunk of the '70s but you also had folks like Brian Eno, who were a decade or more ahead of their time.

Why are you telling me a "secret" I acknowledged in my post?

The fact remains that the '70s epitomises naff, specifically, better than any other decade.

Okay, but what music is he singing in these albums? You have left this a mystery lol.
I don’t own them, but they are listed as jazz. I did hear him singing opera at the proms a few years ago.

But a lot of the time, musical tastes are a matter of familiarity, and a classical musician will be familiar with lots of stuff thee and me haven’t even heard, never mind formed an opinion of. I used to hang with students at the RNCM when I was a grad student, so I know the sort of stuff these musicians get up to.

I don’t own them, but they are listed as jazz. I did hear him singing opera at the proms a few years ago.
Aha - yes I found them on Wikipedia now - swing, big band, traditional pop, vocal jazz are the four genres that keep coming up. Traditional pop being exactly that pre-rock Boomer 1940s/1950s stuff (that was also often big band), that retained some popularity into the early 1960s.

So we can solidly blame the weird Boomer stuff on his own personal tastes!

They're undeniably Boomer as hell, verging on Greatest Generation.

With respect, from a a GenXer....

The Orville contains selections from Billy Joel, Dolly Parton, James Taylor, Cyndi Lauper, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Kool and the Gang, J Giles Band. All artists active in the 80s, and these songs were on the radio during our late adolescence and teens - the formative years of musical tastes. I think these guys will outnumber the earlier music.

The Rolling Stones are in there too, but anyone who tries to classify them as "Boomer music" for being active in the 60s clearly doesn't understand that some rock artists transcend generations.

There's some classical, and some showtunes - those are more about being into classical and musical theater, rather than age.

I think these guys will outnumber the earlier music.
Yeah I'm looking through some of the notes on the episodes and I think you might be right here. There's a surprising amount of Boomer-ass 1950s big band nonsense, which is no doubt down to MacFarlane, but there is a fair bit of 1970s and 1980s stuff in there!

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