Star Trek vs. Babylon 5

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54 views and no comments? You'd think someone would have somethign to say about seeing Star Fleet go up against Earth Aliance and the Minbari. :)


I think the problem is the fact that the thing is taking forever to load, and I'm on cable even.

Well, just loaded.... gimme a minute :)


Watched it and was amused but couldn't help thinking that Star Fleet would annihilate Babylon 5 pretty easily (I could be wrong as I'm not a big fan). The subtitles were a little strange ("Full twist, now!", Charge up the twinklers").
Would like to see the whole movie.


uv23 said:
54 views and no comments? You'd think someone would have somethign to say about seeing Star Fleet go up against Earth Aliance and the Minbari. :)

Starfleet vs. Earth Alliance and Minbari? That's easy to call. B5.

Earth Force after all, is unbashedly military. Starfleet still hasn't made up its mind. :)

And then when you throw in Minbari, Starfleet is screwed. Their targeting sensors wouldn't lock on to the Minbari ships after all, and the Minbari warrior caste kicks ass.

And were're not even talking Rangers here. Rangers would definitely maul Starfleet.

Maxwell's Demon

First Post
As much as I would prefer for B5 to win, they really wouldn't stand a chance. The tech differential is just too great. Speed, maneuverability, energy shields, the ability to fight while moving at warp speeds all make the Federation the obvious winner. B5 is cooler, but they would still loose. Alot.


First Post
I don't know if I'd say the Feds have all the advantages... to memory, Earthforce has things like point defence (whups, there go the quantum torps) and really big warships; according to the starship dimensions page, more specifically the 2m per pixel section, Earthforce destroyers are much bigger (750m) than even Sovereign-class vessels (almost 350m total). Looking at the comparison, you could fit one of the Sovereign's nacelles into the muzzle (15m - that's pretty big) of the EA Omega Destroyer's main particle cannon. A Sovereign's saucer is about as wide (160m) as the length of the sensor array on the front of an Omega. I wouldn't say that gives the B5 guys an overwhelming advantage, but if they can overcome their inferior maneuverability to get the Sovereign in its sights (perhaps by being a fair distance away), or just use their many turrets, they're in with a chance, 'cause they're bigger and more focused on weapons.

To say nothing of the vastly superior Minbari warships, of course.

Anyway, presumably more comments once I've DLed the trailer...
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I like B5 too, but Earthforce wouldn't stand a chance against Starfleet (barring deviousness). Earthforce doesn't have shields, so a Trek vessel could just beam a photon/quantum torpedo inside their ships, and BOOM.


First Post
Under Trek physics (i.e., magic), Starfleet wins. Otherwise, it'd be the B5 fleet of your choice. The two settings are so dissimilar in terms of what's allowed technologically that you can't really make a meaningful comparison of capabilities (not that that'll stop folks from trying ;) ).


First Post
OK, trailer acquired. Wow, that looks pretty cool. If occasionally cheesy. I'm suddenly reminded of why I love Finland, despite having never left the South Seas in my life.

But really, why does the Excalibur not utterly obliterate the Sovereign when it fires the main gun? Anyone? That thing's supposed to be something like 15 times bigger than a Sovereign (3 miles stem to stern), and shut down after firing, it's so powerful... I dunno, I'm just nitpicking.

Re the whole 'beam a torp on board' thing: Sure, I guess they could - but a missile or particle beam hit on an EA destroyer will do similar damage, and not put it out of the fight. Those things are tough. Plus I think they've actually got ECM to stop people scanning for vulnerable subsystems. Plus I'm not sure how easy it is to get a lock when you're flying evasive maneuvers in space. Plus there's probably a maximum range on transporters, and I don't know how that compares to weapons envelopes. Plus a thin layer of ore can stop transporter locks; I reckon starship armour would probably put a dampener on that, especially on purpose-made warships that have to take tons of damage.

Is that enough to stop the teletorp from working for real? I don't know. But it's technobabblish enough to work, right?

We'll see how Star Wreck deals with these issues...

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