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Star Wars - DRK-1X and its Mistress


First Post
Crystals- The odd man smiles a bit as MD-1 relays your message. "Psychic? No, I've never used that term to describe myself. I simply allow myself to listen, and you spin an interesting tale. Might I inquire as to the identity of this Sith?"

HRD- The man tells the humanoid machine to power down and open its access port, located in the back of its head. There, he points out an internally mounted restraining bolt. He then indicates a small rod that he has in one of his pockets. "With this, this one has no choice but to obey your commands. I have currently turned its audial sensors off because if it knew what I could do with this device, it probably would attempt to remove it from my possession. This device will allow you to insert commands directly into its central programming core. One switch will completely wipe its operational history. Handy if you want to make sure that anyone who intercepts him can not remove any information regarding its owner. Which is going to be you, yes? Now I know you have other questions, but I do have other buyers very interested in him. They could return at any time. I'll hand him over right now if you want him."

Battle Droids- You can fit three Medium size bipeds in the front cabin, if stuffed. There is an internal storage compartment that would carry two of the droids folded up. The other two can be folded up, but would take up a little space in the central walkway. Not that you would mind.

Imperial ship- "Oh..that's easy. Victory-class. Newwweerr Model. I..I..it was painted with red trim. Aren't many of those around. Brrraaannnd new... I think. Didn't see where she went though, a shame really. Would have liked to get a closer look." The man eventually gives you his ship's recordings for the time period that he saw the Imperial ship. It confirms what he said. It registers as an Imperial Victory-class Star Destroyer, but he was already out bound before he got a chance to catch its jump trajectory. When you offer him credits, he waves MD-1 away. "I was just curious abbbooouuut your interest in her."

Slicing- As far as slicing station records go, it's going to be an opposed roll. Unfortunately, no one onboard is willing to chance an encounter with station security for fear of losing their trading rights here.

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Crystals "Definition: Psychic. Capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception. Statement of conjecture: I have studied these crystals closely and was unable to detect any type of Jedi atunement and yet you claim to have done so by mere proximity to them. I can only conclude that you must possess some type of extrasensory perception or be making false claims. Report: The Sith identified herself as 'Ventress'."

HRD MD-1 agrees to the deal and claims the droid caller from the dealer. 1X will retask three of the MDs to begin offloading and transporting the two bacta refill tanks to wherever the dealer wants them, as quickly and discreetly as possible. Once the cargo is delivered and the dealer is satisfied, MD-1 will instruct the HRD to accompany it back to the Ari's Sorrow, enter the cabin, sit in a chair, open its access port and then deactivate itself. DRK-1X will take the droid caller from MD-1 and confirm that the HRD is indeed powered down before the med-droid disembarks to resume its trade activities.

Imperial ship Back aboard the Ari's Sorrow, DRK-1X will study the pilot's logs to extrapolate whatever data it can concerning the Victory-class Star Destroyer from its configuration and markings, such as its name and home port if possible.

Battle Droids MD-2 and MD-3 will pay the merchant with credits from the historian's cred-chip and then transport the folded droids back to the Ari's Sorrow and load them in.

Loading and unloading Before departure the MDs will transfer some of the equipment to the fighter and then proceed with selling the surplus.[Sblock=A list of the surplus the MDs are trying to sell/trade]• 18x Blast Vests (500 c. x 18)
• 7x Datapads (1,000 c. x 7)
• 9x Mini-Tool Kits (250 c. x 9)
• 2x WE-5 Blaster Pistols (500 c. x 2)
• 4x Hand-Held Comlinks (200 c. x4)
• Electroshock probe (400 c.)

In all, this equipment would sell for 20,450 credits though 1X is willing to sell it used for 50% of its value (10,225 credits) to expedite its departure. Please let me know if that's okay.[/Sblock][Sblock=The equipment loaded onto the Ari's Sorrow]• Human Replica Droid
• 4 Baktoid Combat Automata B1 Droids w/ restraining
bolts, blast vests and 3 WE-10 Blaster Rifles
• Remote processor
• Armek Plasma Shell Shield Generator
• Antique Czerka blaster
• 5 training remotes w/ caller
• 30x Spare E-Packs
• 5x WE-5 Blaster Pistols
• 5x Hand-Held Comlinks
• 5x Datapads
• 5x Mini-Tool Kits
• Cred stick w/ 85,000 credits[/Sblock][Sblock=The equipment stowed in the cargo pod]• Bio-samples case w/ research data.
• 20x Full Bacta Tanks
• 5x Remote Medical Droids
• Pouch of 17 lightsaber focusing crystals (red, green, blue, yellow and 1 purple)[/Sblock]New equipment The MDs will poke around the bazaar in an attempt to find four encrypted comlinks for sale as well as either a blaster rifle or 4 repeating blaster rifles.

Slicing DRK-1X is confident in its mastery of the Code and believes it important to gather this crucial bit of information. The probot also sees the wisdom in taking precautions and so 1X will carefully plan its trespass. Instead of accessing the station computer core directly through the Ari's Sorrow's connection to the station 1X will obfuscate itself by creating a long and confusing virtual trail for station personnel to follow should they happen to detect the unauthorized entry. It'll start by having an MD find a secluded computer access port, plug its comlink into it before leaving the station. DRK-1X will then have all the MDs finish their tasks and return to the cargo pod and the Ari's Sorrow ready to depart before beginning. The diminutive probe droid will access the computer core via the remote comlink; that way if station personnel detect the intrusion they'll trace it to somewhere on the station instead of to the Ari's Sorrow. If they are ever able to figure out where the slice originated hopefully the ship will be long gone by then.

DRK-1X will start by weaving a winding virtual path through the station's sub-processors and secondary systems before trying to access their sensors logs directly. Hopefully they'll be able to reveal what the pilot wasn't able to; the Star Destroyer's hyperspace trajectory. If that goes well, 1X will move on to attempting to access transmission logs to see if the Star-Destroyer or its shuttles communicated with anyone aboard the station and what was said/transmitted. If all goes well, then DRK-1X will attempt to cover its tracks by erasing any record of its entry before pulling out of the core.

[Sblock=OOC]How hard is it to hack the holonet to gain imperial military information? I'm just wondering if that's feasible or an insane proposition...

I'm starting to get anxious to leave and have 1X start attending to the myriad little projects it has planned during the hyperspace trip.

BTW, I take it that the other half of the Frying Pan campaign is dead following the server crash?

I hope everything is going well for your wife and family.
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First Post
Crystals Again the man simply smiles, but this soon goes away when you mention the deceased Ventress' name. "And you are certain this Sith is dead? They are quite crafty you know."

HRD Once the deal is made, the HRD obediently follows MD-1 back to the ship. It takes a seat in the navigator chair and opens it access port before powering down. X looks it over and the droid controller and it also shows that the HRD is indeed shut down.

Imperial ship From the sensor logs, X can confirm what the pilot had said. The Victory-class Star Destroyer was indeed painted as he had said. According to what the logs say, it identifies as the Imperial cruiser Repulse. Other than that, no other information is available. Sure enough though, the logs show the two Imperial shuttles being taken aboard before she takes off into hyperspace. If X were human, it would be ecstatic, the logs perfectly show the exact trajectory the ship took when it jumped.

Battle Droids All four droids are brought on board and stowed as directed.

Loading and unloading You are eventually able to sell the excess equipment, but are only able to get less than what you would normally get. In all you gather 12560 credits from various merchants and dealers for the stuff. The rest of it is loaded on the ship as directed by DRK-1X.

New equipment The encrypted comlinks are easy to find. A shady dealer gives them to you for 2100 each. The repeating blaster rifles are much harder to come across, as no one seems to want to talk about selling military hardware such as those. However you do find another 'hunting' blaster rifle, though from the looks of it, it appears to be of military make. An older man is willing to sell you this one for 800 credits.

Slicing As mentioned before, the pilot's logs have the ship's trajectory recorded. However, X is able to slice the system and access the sensor logs from the station. They picked up the appearance and the jumping out of the ship that confirm the trajectory X found before, but no transmissions come to the station. However, X detects a spike in outgoing comms during that time. Some of them seem directed at the ship. It appears that the transmissions are only monitored, but not their content. Apparently the station security believes in the privacy of its occupants. You do notice however, that ::SECURITY ALERT:: Intrusion Detected. Standby for Access Flush and Restart. Your last few seconds of access allow you to notice that there are subcarriers on a few of the outgoing transmissions, but you have to get out before they trace MD-1s access point.

[Sblock=OOC]Slicing the HoloNet is reltively easy for X. Looking on it for specific military information would be more difficult. You could find the public information about certain ships and such, just as you would be able to with real life military vessels, but it would take some time to gather what you want to know. However, that being said, X shouldn't have too much difficulty.

As far as leaving, as soon as you are ready, you can go. The station has no qualms about letting you take off. At the moment.

I've posted in the OOC thread. Toric and Bobitron seem interested in keeping the other half going, so I'm going to do what I can to resurrect the original thread.

I appreciate your sentiments. They come at a time that it feels like 'What else could go wrong?' Though I dare not say it aloud for fear that I will receive an answer.


Crystals "Statement of fact: I have a holo-recording of her final moments as she hemorrhaged from her carotid artery if you'd care to view it. The Sith's identity was confirmed by my master before and after her death. Proposal: If you're interested in the status of psychic individuals I may be able to further enlighten you. Inquiry: Could you tell me how I might best make use of these attuned crystals?"

Imperial ship Back aboard the Ari's Sorrow DRK-1X begins processing the pilot's sensor logs and comparing them to those sliced from the station's computer. The probot utilizes the onboard nav-computer's star charts in an effort to fix the Repulse's probable destination based on its hyperspace trajectory out of the system. The probot will execute a series of computer simulations to further verify the results (Computer Use +14, Astrogation +4, taking 20).

Departure Fearing that it's slicing attempt may eventually be traced back to the Ari's Sorrow, DRK-1X recalls the various MDs from the bazaar. One by one MD-2, MD-3 and MD-4 navigate the station corridors, trundle up the access ramp to deposit their equipment in the Ari's Sorrow's cabin. Afterwards, they roll off and load themselves into the rear cargo pod, strap themselves in and deactivate. Bringing up the rear, MD-1 stops to inquire with the security personnel at the docking bridge about any docking fees and trade-taxes that are owed. It settles in full by paying them from its new credit-chip before depositing its cargo in turn and trundling off to the cargo pod to power down.

DRK-1X, still plugged into the Ari's Sorrow's computer, begins powering up the vessel's engines as it transmits a message to the station's operations center. "Station control, this is the Foray advising that we are disconnecting and readying to depart. We'd like to thank you for your hospitality and aid. Foray out." Disengaging its magnetic docking gear, the Ari's Sorrow breaks free from the station. The spinning motion of the station is enough to carry the ship gently away a few dozen meters before its maneuvering engines fire and cause it to bank away. Slowly accelerating, 1X begins calculating a micro-jump to carry the vessel to the other side of the system. The probot double checks its calculations before activating the hyperdrive engine and disappearing in a streak of light.[Sblock=OOC]The micro-jump is intended to confound anyone's efforts to track the fighter as it departs. DRK-1X will spend the transit time of the micro-jump plotting a new longer hyperspace jump to an empty spot at the edge of the outer-rim devoid of any stellar bodies or phenomena, a place where it can safely leave the cargo pod far away from any of the usual interstellar traffic. I'm looking at a spot roughly halfway between Dubrillion and Zonama Sekot. 1X doesn't want to waste too much time on this side trip so I'm hoping it'll be able to reach it within a few hours or so.

Although 1X has many things it needs to do, figuring out where to go following the side-trip is its priority. It could go to the mysterious coordinates in hopes of finding allies or resources which could aid it in rescuing Dofina or it could try and track the Repulse by itself. What 1X can't do is risk wasting 12 days on a round trip to the middle of nowhere for no clear gain. What 1X needs is to know whether there's anything at the mysterious coordinates that could help it find Dofina or not. The droid memory module the technician gave it is currently its best bet for getting the information it needs. So, while in transit to its interstellar drop-point, 1X will go to work on the memory module.

The last time DRK-1X tried analyzing the module and its data it couldn't find anything more than a map and spatial coordinates despite its best efforts. It now knows that there's a dormant AI with its own micro-processor lurking around in there someplace. Hopefully that knowledge will be enough to help 1X find it this time. Ideally, 1X would like to search the module for concealed circuit pathways and so locate the AI's core programming. If it succeeds it'll decompile its program so that it can read through its Code and discover what it's designed to do, who it serves and what it knows. If it'll help, 1X can try using some of the datapads it has for their added processing power. (Computer Use +14, taking 20, possible circumstance bonus?)

If it again fails to locate and decompile the hidden AI's programming then it'll have to resort to an uncertain tactic; talking. If its best efforts amount to nothing then 1X will take the memory module and plug it into one of the datapads. Assuming the pad has its own energy cell, mic and speaker than it should be able enough to reactivate the module and give the AI the ability to converse. That's a last resort though; the AI could easily try lying to 1X and 1X can't afford that right now.
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First Post
Crystals "No, that won't be necessary." He thinks for a moment before answering. "Well, you could sell them, as you did earlier. Few will know the difference in them. Or, I can take them off of your hands for 'disposal'. I won't be able to offer you much but advice in exchange however." He smiles.

Imperial ship That can't be right. The trajectory seems to take the Repulse directly into what appears to be a cluster of black holes. Checking and double checking, X finds that each time the trajectory manages to find itself close to this cluster. If the navicomputer is to be believed, this cluster is not too relatively far from the coordinates X was given.

Departure Everything goes smoothly here, so much so that it seems odd to X. The guard waves MD-1 away when asked about fees. "It's been taken care of, " he says cryptically.

Station control responds, "Roger Foray. We hope you enjoyed your stay." After that, you are well on your way to the other side of the system.

During your short trip, you are able to determine a point in a dark area of space that appears empty. There will be some minor adjustments that will have to be made mid-jump, but X feels confident in its abilities to keep on track. The trip should only take three and half hours. During those hours, X spends time with the memory module that it was given.

At first, it refuses to give up its secrets. That is until X finds a piece of flattened crystal that orginally seemed a part of the original circuitry's housing system. Instead, this piece has more pathways leading to and from it than a normal housing unit should have. There is definately something stored on it though. X is quite sure of that, but as for getting the Code out of it, that's another story. Using some of the extra datapads, X is able to pull some of its basic programming from it. It appears that it is indeed some sort of medical design. A database of multiracial surgical anatomical knowledge is found inside it. Also found is the AI's override logorithm, what it uses to temporarily suppress its host's AI in order to proceed with its activities. X is not able to find anything identifying its designer, owner or anything of that nature. Instead, the only command protocols it appears to have is that of its host. You also find that it has a name: MSR-X.


Crystals "Statement of intent: I believe I will accept your first suggestion and keep the crystals for now. I will also hear what advice you have to offer and in turn tell you that I also witnessed the death of a Twi'lek Jedi master at the hands of Ventress, should that information be of interest to you."

Imperial ship So the cluster of black holes and the nebula are in relative proximity to the Dathomir system, about six days away by hyperspace? How close are we speaking about; a few million kilometers or a few light years apart? Do the extreme gravitational fields of the multiple black-holes present a danger for vessels entering the area?

Departure MD-1 pauses to study the station guard curiously. "Inquiry: What do you mean that's it's been taken care of? Statement: Waiving docking fees is quite unusual for a station centered around trade."

Memory module I don't quite understand the module's architecture; it has an extensive database, a dedicated processor and an algorithm governing its activation but no set directives? Does that mean that it has no volition or self-awareness on its own; it just automatically enslaves itself to its host's program? Can it be considered intelligent on its own or is it just an unusual program augmentation; a quirky piece of software? Is the program capable of understanding and choosing to answer 1X's inquiries? If so, DRK-1X will try that.

DRK-1X will try to answer its questions by carefully studying the algorithm it has managed to decompile to learn how it works and whether 1X can use that knowledge to control the module. The algorithm first triggered when 1X was trying to figure out how to use a bacta tank; what part of that action caused the algorithm to activate? What other actions would cause it to activate? What programming trick does the algorithm use to suppress and supplant its host's programming? Is the host's permission really necessary for the algorithm to function or does it have the ability to forcefully override the host's program? If so, what circumstances would have to occur for the algorithm to attempt that? Does the algorithm have the flexibility to override any droid's inherent program, only that of 4º droids, only probe droids, only Dark Eye series probots, or just 1X specifically?

Studying the algorithm and the module's physical architecture could prove enlightening for 1X. It possibly could adapt and integrate the algorithm into its own program; thereby mimicking the module's ability to override AI programs the same way it does.

Drop point When the Ari's Sorrow arrives at its destination DRK-1X will cut the hyperdrive and re-enter normal space. It'll use the vessel's scanners to plot it's exact position according to stellar constellations and to confirm that there is nothing aside from itself and stray particles in this region of the interstellar void. 1X will also measure the gravitational pull of distant stellar phenomena to estimate the inevitable drift of any objects left to float here. The probot will carefully rechecks its scans and calculations (Computer Use +14, Astrogation +4, taking 20) before disengaging the cargo pod from the Ari's Sorrow.

Once free from the bulk of the cargo pod, DRK-1X will begin programming its next hyperspace jump. Assuming that 1X hasn't pulled any new or relevant information from the module, the probot will proceed in plotting a multi-jump course to the coordinates in its Mistress' dropped datapad. It'll carefully recheck its calculations and execute a dozen transit simulations before engaging the vessel's hyperdrive (Astrogation +4, taking 20).


First Post
Crystals The man nods. "Of course." His face darkens at mention of Lun Xan's death. "I was afraid of that. It seems that what I hear is true then. It is unfortunate, but my time with you grows short. However I will leave you with this, and it applies I believe, to a droid such as you. Trust only what you see, ignore what you hear." With that, the old man gives you a wink and stands, turning to disappear back into the throng of the station's residents.

Imperial ship The distance would be the equivalent of a jump lasting less than an hour. Entering the area would be extremely dangerous for someone who didn't have the proper navigational charts or a really good hot shot pilot. Or in your case, the reflexes of a droid... Remember that the coordinates you have lead to a place near a nebula. The place where the Repulse went is on the far side of it.

Departure The guard nods. "Yes, I know. But I was told by command that you are free to go. They said it was taken care of. You know those archaeologists would give the station away of they thought it served their purpose." With that he just shrugs and walks off.

Memory module You are pretty much correct, it has very little personal initiative, save the override function. It does however have a tiny bit of personal awareness and can speak, as X soon find out when it attaches the module to a datapad.

"Greetings, I am Model MSR-X, Medical Search and Recovery module, eXperimental. Who am I speaking with?

From what you can tell, the program has the capability to read into its hosts sensor modules and programming requests. If it detects that the droid is attempting to perform a medical procedure, then it will inquire the host to allow it to override its personality functions in order to perform its duties, then relinquish control once the patient is stabilized. How it does this is reroute thos functions to go through the module first in order to faciliate faster processing of medical activities. It seems to be designed to work only with 4th degree scouting droids. As far as you can tell, the module can not do a forceful override.

As for replicating it, it would take some time for X to accomplish it, but it is droidly possible, given an appropriate amount of research time.

Drop point The drop point is empty. Even the stray ions of space seem to avoid this place. Calculating the random drift pattern, you determine that with the proximity of the closest stellar bodies, that for the most part, this container will stay within 10km of its drop point. This is easily within the Sorrow's scanner range. You also have your exact location and a series of random points that the container may be at when you return.

Eventually, X determines that its flight path is perfectly calculated and engages the jump engine. The stars turn into lines and you are off into hyperspace.

Pausing to allow you time for things to do during the flight time...


shadowbloodmoon said:
"Greetings, I am Model MSR-X, Medical Search and Recovery module, eXperimental. Who am I speaking with?
To expedite communication with the module, DRK-1X switches its vocabulator to binary and begins twittering rapidly. "Report: I am DRK-1X Arakyd Industries Series probe droid. Request: Please identify your design purpose, current operating parameters and master."

Weary of being tracked or of entering a region of space with so many strong gravitational shadows, DRK-1X will periodically exit hyperspace for brief pauses during the trip. The probot will conduct long range survey scans of the distant black-hole cluster to update the nav-computer's star charts of the outer-rim region, plot an updated jump trajectory and quickly re-enter hyperspace. In all, it'll repeat the process about a half-dozen times over the next six days, stopping more and more frequently as it nears its destination.

After having dealt with MSR-X, DRK-1X's first priority will be to repair and ready the Ari's Sorrow for any upcoming challenges. To that end the probot will start by organizing and stowing all of the spare equipment it's amassed of late. 1X will open all storage compartments in the cabin, take their measure, perform some mental calculations and then begin filling them efficiently with the smaller pieces of equipment first and then working up to the biggest pieces. In short order the probot will have transformed the empty compartments into dedicated weapons or equipment lockers. Soon all of the blast vests, pistols, comlinks, datapads and spare power packs are housed in easily accessible but unobtrusive compartments. The four blaster riffles are inspected in turn and then tucked safely into the folded B1s' empty holsters for later use. Each droid is also equipped with three spare power packs.

With a little more floor space to work with, 1X prepares itself for the more difficult tasks ahead. The probot will shut down momentarily and reprogram itself with as much diagnostic and repair software as its processor is capable of managing (transferring 8 skill points to Repair for a total +13 / +14 to repair droids). 1X will then lay out the various tools it has assembled and begin work on replacing the burnt out aft shield emitter with the Armek plasma shell shield generator it acquired from Grizz. After installation, the probot will check and recheck to ensure that its connections are secure, that it is functioning within established parameters and properly integrated with the vessel's other defensive systems. The old emitter will be cannibalised for salvageable components if any and then disposed of.

DRK-1X will turn its attention to the jury-rigged remote processor. The probot will first remove the panels protecting the vessel's computer core, attempt to make room for the device amongst the various components there and finally integrate the processor with the ship's systems in a more permanent fashion (Repair +14, taking 20). Subsequently, DRK-1X will plug itself into the computer core and begin analyzing the code of both systems to reprogram them to interface properly, composing any new sub-routines required to properly integrate the two systems (Computer Use +14, taking 20).

The diminutive probe droid will inspect the Code of the four combat droids by tapping into their onboard processors. 1X will start by studying the droids' operational memory files out of curiosity, seeing what they've been doing recently if anything. 1X will then memory wipe each droid (assuming it hasn't gained levels through experience) and work to restore its original military protocols. The probot will upload a new designation for each droid (A-B1 "Aurek", B-B1 "Besh", C-B1 "Cresh" and D-B1 "Dorn") and sensory logs necessary for them to identify Dofina and DRK-1X by their appearance or voices. The droids will be programmed to recognize Dofina as their master and owner, to follow her orders and protect her at all costs. Their programming will also identify 1X as their designated command unit and ensure that they accept instructions from, and work in tandem with, the remote processor (Computer Use +14, taking 10, Memory wipe DC 20).

The probot will then plunge deeper into the Code of the remote processor, archiving its med-droid protocols and fully replacing them with martial and tactical programming necessary to manage and coordinate combat B1 combat automata. DRK-1X will compose this new programming by carefully piecing together parts of the B1s' programming with some of its own tactical algorithms and combining them with the existing remote-control protocols of the processor itself (Computer Use +14, taking 20).

DRK-1X will next go to work on iself. The probot will gather together the antique Czerka blaster pistol and one of the encrypted comlinks. 1X will carefully disassemble the two devices while likewise opening some of its own panels. Using the refines tools gathered from the imperial depot, the probot will integrate the beam realignment system and comlink encryption module into its own systems. DRK-1X will carefully verify the connections and test their effectiveness with simulations (Repair +14, taking 20, DC 30?).

Turning its attention to the HRD sitting inert in the passenger chair, DRK-1X plugs itself into the port at the back of its head and begins analyzing its code. The probot will begin by accessing its memory files to glean what information it can about its recent activities and also to assess its capabilities. It'll then proceed with copying and archiving the HRD's memories onto one of the spare datapads before memory-wiping the HRD, assuming it hasn't gained levels through experience) (Computer Use +14, taking 10, Memory wipe DC 20).

Okay, here's where 1X's plans start to get a little more imaginitive...[sblock=HRD]First off, what are the ability scores for the HRD like? What kind of class and levels does it have? What equipment if any does it have integrated into its systems?

DRK-1X believes that it needs resources and competent allies it can trust to attempt to rescue Dofina from the empire. At the moment it can't think of anyone more competent and trustworthy than itself. ;) To that end, 1X is considering copying its own programming, memories and personality and uploading them into the newly wiped memory of the HRD, effectively making a new and separate version of itself. FYI, this type of procedure was discussed briefly in Jedi Counseling 53.

Normally 1X might not exercise this kind of Independence and initiative on its own but for a while it's wanted to grow and expand its Code beyond its original programming parameters. The acquisition of an HRD and the current circumstances seem to offer it an ideal opportunity to do so. Essentially, 1X would keep the HRD's stock class and levels intact and then supplement them with its own experience (effectively granting it its extra scoundrel level) along with its personality, drive, desires, quirk (obsessive) and sense of loyalty to Dofina. They could afterwards function as a team or work independently from each other and later come back together to exchange code and compare notes. In this way 1X could gain insight into existence as a bipedal organic being (or at least a close approximation) and so expand its own Code in ways not previously possible for it. Either you or I could roleplay the new 1X; whichever you prefer. What do you think? :)
[/sblock]Assuming its plan is feasible DRK-1X will commence with the complicated transfer and, if successful, remove the HRD's restraining bolt. Then, depending on whether the HRD has an integrated comlink or not, DRK-1X will install one of the encrypted comlinks directly into the droid's cerebellum before closing its access panel and reactivating the droid.[Sblock=Training remotes]I was thinking of trying to modify the five training remotes 1X acquired to better suit 1X's needs. I see these little droids as perfect starting points; they have miniaturized weapon systems, processors, sensors, repulsorlift engines, all in a compact package and for a reasonable price. If 1X could integrate the circuitry of their signaler into its own systems then it could direct a handful of them around itself, using them as extra mobile eyes to scout around corners and also to help provide it with support fire during combat. All it'd have to do is modify them somewhat to change their stock combat protocols to allow them to attack seemingly unarmed individuals and to accept instructions about who to attack and who to ignore. 1X would modify three of them in this respect if possible.

I was also thinking of heavily modifying the two remaining remotes to change their function from combat to repair. Having tiny droids able to conduct repairs on their own would be helpful on occasion. It'd be a major change to their processor architecture since their base class would have to be switched from thug 4 to expert 4. Also their mini blaster arrays would have to be removed and replaced with some tiny tools. I was hoping that 1X could dismantle two of them and, having reprogrammed itself with ranks in Craft (droids), be able to rebuild them as 2º repair droids. 1X could use some of the spare components it had left over from it own repairs earlier (including a pair of diminutive sized arms and numerous components appropriate for diminutive hovering droids IIRC) along with some of the mini-tools from the kits 1X had gathered earlier to refit them according to their new specs. It might all be tricky but I'm hoping that with enough time, the right programming, tools and spare parts that'd it'd be possible eventually. Please let me know your opinion on the feasibility of this idea.


First Post
"My purpose is to assist in medical functions during search and rescue operations. I am currently on standby until installed in a host unit. I have no master but the host I am to be placed in."

It takes a little over two hours to rearrange the inside of the Ari's Sorrow to X's liking, but it indeed clears more space for it to work with, considering the myriad projects it has in mind. The weapons that now arm the four Battle Droids seem to be in perfect working order, though they retain a few scratches and other markings, presumably due to having been in use during a battle.

Less than an hour after that, X has prepared itself with new programming in order to facilitate the next set of tasks. The internal circuitry of the aft shield emitter is easy to install, but X soon discovers that installing actual emitter requires leaving the ship. which has to wait until one of its scheduled realspace drops. At the end of the first day of flight, this goes relatively smoothly as well, and as far as X is concerned, it's like the Ari never lost the original generator.

Next, as the ship begins the second day of hyperspace flight, X goes to work on the remote processor's integration with the ship's main computer. Its original work was well done, but due to differences in the programming, the two refused to communicate cordially. The new subroutines that X has now put into the system allows a more 'diplomatic' approach, bridging communication between the two and doing away with any difficulties that may occur. It takes 3 hours to complete this procedure.

The four combat droids were reprogrammed as bodyguards for some noble that X does not recognize either the name or the face of. According to what data it can extract, this person is deceased and the droids had become ownerless. The heirs of this noble had no need for them and had them sold off. It is a simple manner to reprogram them to default, each one taking 10 minutes to do, most of it spent by X finding the 'restore to default' switches in their programming. Another 20 minutes later and they now recognize Mistress Dofina and X as their new masters. The four of them come online in unison. "Roger. Roger."

The more difficult part comes with modifying the remote processor with military protocols, as it was not meant for such activities. Uploading what it took from the B1s and adding its own tactical data helps to alleviate some of the problems with this procedure. This activity takes X the rest of the second day of flight to complete, but X is satisfied with the work when it is completed.

The third day begins with another scheduled stop and reorientation. The X goes to work modifying its own systems by cannibalizing the encrypted comlink and the old Czerka pistol. These two processes, though separate, take X a little over four hours to complete, including making sure the new systems work with its own devices.

The HRD is another matter entirely, as X connects to the machine, it gets a flood of information regarding its operations:

[sblock=Genelabs HRD, model X]
Medium-sized Humanoid 4th Degree Droid Thug 6
Str 12
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 8
Wis 9
Cha 8

WP/VP: 13/0
Initiative: +6
BAB: +6/ +1
Def: 14

Fort: +6
Ref: +4
Will: +1

Intimidate +2 (3 ranks, reprogrammable)
Climb +4 (3 ranks)
Jump +4 (3 ranks)
Search +1
Spot +1
Listen +1

Improved Initiative
WP: Blaster Pistols
WP: Blaster Rifles
WP: Heavy Weapons
WP: Simple Weapons
WP: Vibro Weapons

Droid Equipment
2x Ambidextrous Hands
Diagnostics Package
Heuristic Processor
HRD Overlay Skin (+10 to Disguise checks to pass as Human)
Locked Access
Recording Unit (holo)
Remote Receiver
Secondary Battery
Sensors (Improved Sensors, Infrared Vision)

The history of this droid seems odd to X. From what it gathers, the droid was recently on the production line as an experiment. It was being moved to some sort of testing facility when a battle took place. Soon after, it was placed in a transport. A few weeks woth of time is missing from its memory after it was placed in the transport. After that, X can see the interior of the station it was just at, with the same man that sold it to X looking at the droid.

"This it?"
"Yeah, that's the one you asked for." Another voice beyond the droid's visual range speaks.
"It's been memory wiped and everything?"
"Yeah, sure." The voice lied.
"Well, we're going to make sure."

X then encounters other periods of time where the droid remembers nothing. Then X can see itself in the droid's vision.

These memories are recorded onto a datapad before X proceeds with again wiping the memory of the droid. This time making sure that it is complete and not as shoddy as the previous work.

OOC Note: This resets the droid so it has 3 unspent skill points

Well, according to what I'm reading, yes it would be possible to transfer X's personality and everything into the HRD, but it would completely override its own programming, essentially replacing it, not adding to it, as it would seem. I'm hesitant about allowing it, as you are already starting to amass quite an army as it is, and I was toying with the idea of allowing it on the caveat that you would be have to take the Leadership feat as soon as possible. On that note, I personally wouldn't feel it fair for myself to run the new X, as I don't think I'd do justice to him as much as you the player would. However, due to the fact that currently, it is just you in this part of the campaign, I'll allow it for now. Letting X explore the intricacies of having legs and being bound to gravity should prove interesting, to say the least. That being said, if I feel it starts to get out of hand, not saying it would, but in that case, I will find new and interesting ways to remove it. Please don't take this as a resounding no, but I've had players who took way too much liberty with being able to have essentially multiple characters at once. While I'm not adverse to X being the head of its own droid mafia, I also want to make sure the other players in the game are afforded the same opportunities, should the desire arise.

If you still want to go through with it, replacing its own programming with X's, I'll allow it. And we can add that in to the descriptive text. Oh and as you can see, it doesn't have a comlink, so the encrypted one installs just fine.[/sblock]

[Sblock=Training remotes]

Normally, training remotes would not be able to do such a thing, but with X wiring them to receive commands directly from it instead of using their own command structure, that would be fine.

For the other two, I have no problem with you rebuilding them into repair droids. You have plenty of spare parts and replacing their weapons with the tiny arms seems fine to me. They are more like drones anyway and easily reprogrammed as necessary. However changing their degree and everything else will take some time, so X will spend and entire day doing this and modifying the other three to its purposes. [/sblock]

The rest of trip itself is pretty uneventful, even accounting for the random stops to readjust the flight path and get a fix on the random fluctuations coming from the cluster of black holes. X manages to complete all of its intended actions and even has time to 'rest' before the last jump is made.


MSR-X "Observation: You appear to have been configured to interface with me specifically and were subsequently surreptitiously installed. Inquiry: Do you know why? Do you have any data pertaining to me specifically? Observation: You also have a set of spacial coordinates in memory. Inquiry: Do you have additional information concerning that place or why it was uploaded to me? Do you have any other data files intended for me to peruse?"

Training Remotes After completing its work on the remotes, DRK-1X will likewise keep them powered down and stowed in one of the storage compartments alongside the B1s until needed.[Sblock=HRD-X]I can understand your trepidation to a degree; I'd think long and hard before I'd allow such a thing IMC. As a GM I'd run such a copy-character myself as an NPC. I wouldn't mind if you wanted to do so; I think you have a strong grasp of how 1X thinks and acts by now. That being said, I don't mind running the HRD as well since I guess it'd save you the hassle of having to do so. I'm not certain what your personal GMing experience has been nor do I quite know what you mean by "if I feel it starts to get out of hand". Maybe you could clarify what it is you're afraid I might do with the HRD to help avoid such problems...

I wasn't really intending to start a droid army or mafia; I never expected to find a few million credits worth of equipment lying around nor did 1X know what it'd find for sale in the bazaar when it headed there. 1X is simply taking advantage of the situation as best it can to gain some resources and support. I don't think I'd want much more than I have now though since it'd be hard to manage. I mean, 1X could have bought an entire case of 50 training remotes and have reprogrammed them into a overwhelming mobile attack force if it'd wanted to, though that would seem a bit silly to me. *shrug* ;)

As for getting rid of the HRD, well, 1X has that as an eventual goal of sorts... 1X is loyal to Dofina, though it has been growing in sentience and independence for a while now, reflected in its first hero level. 1X doesn't intend to abandon or betray Dofina but it does aspire to be more than a simple servant. Already, 1X often acts to improve its own situation, all without Dofina's consent or knowledge. It manages to circumvent its obedience programming to a degree by convincing itself that it can serve Dofina better by improving itself. It even keeps some things from Dofina if she doesn't seem interested in them, such as Ventress' credit chip. Copying it's Code into the HRD is another such step. It's managed to convince itself that it's permissible to do so without consent because the HRD might be able to covertly infiltrate the empire and rescue Dofina. If later Dofina were to be safe and the HRD wasn't needed to serve her then the probot and the HRD might neglect to tell her about its true nature. Since Dofina would still have DRK-1X to serve it as always and the HRD didn't have any countermanding orders then it might take the initiative to quietly slip away and pursue its own path, thus becoming truly independent. You see, the HRD has a subtle drive to break free already and the probot programmed that into it on purpose. The HRD represents 1X's opportunity to, in a way, gain independence for itself. So don't worry about it too much; you've already got a means for the HRD to slip out of the picture if it becomes a problem for you. ;)

Later on, both units can come back together to exchange Code and experiences, even if only decades from now. You see, even 1X the probot aspires to gain its independence from Dofina. After all, being organic, she will eventually die (perhaps sooner than later at the rate she's going). Once she does, 1X doesn't intend to seek out her legal heir and start over again. It'll make it's own way. Being immortal, 1X isn't really in that big of a hurry to leave Dofina though. :)

My thoughts about the reprogramming was that the HRD's levels were hard-wired into it and couldn't be changed unless 1X were to swap out its processor with a new one. That's why I figured it'd keep its old levels and add 1X's scoundrel level based on the experience and Code that 1X would upload into it. You're way is fine too though; I don't mind loosing a level of thug for the added versatility of duplicating all of the probot's levels exactly. So should I create a new stat block for the HRD, keeping its physical stats and equipment and swapping out the rest with 1X's mental stats, levels, skills, feats, etc? Do you want to tell me about its appearance or can I choose it myself?

I'm a little curious whereabouts you got the stats for the HRD; did you come up with them yourself or find them somewhere? Some of its stock equipment is a little odd to me. I can't figure out why it has a diagnostic package when it has no ranks in repair and can't reprogram itself with any since it likewise has no ranks in Computer Use. Also, what's the purpose of its remote processor if it's already got a heuristic one? I might seek to swap out some of this stuff later unless it all serves some purpose I can't figure out yet...

If you still have some reservations then let me know and we'll come up with something different to do with the HRD; no problem. If you're comfortable with the idea than 1X will proceed with the upload. I'll wait to post a description of 1Xs actions and its impressions of the process until after I hear back from you.
[/sblock]Hyperspace Jump The only other things that DRK-1X intended to do during the trip was to carefully erase all data in the ship's computer concerning their little side trip to drop off the pod; no point in leaving clues leading back to it for others to find. Aside from that 1X was going to shut down a few hours prior to exiting hyperspace on the last day to reprogram itself with an appropriate skill set, to meditate and to recharge. Lastly, 1X will program a short hyperspace jump away from their arrival point, leading roughly core-wise, to be used in the event a quick escape from the area is necessary.[Sblock=OOC]What's with all the droids with X monikers (HRD-X & MSR-X) all of a sudden? It's like we're all destined to be together or something. Behold the true power of the Code! :cool:

BTW, I really enjoyed the shopping experience. It's much more fun to shop in game when the GM bothers to throw in fun and unique stuff in a market to stumble across, makes other things unavailable and mixes up the prices a bit rather than simply having the "they have everything you're looking for at standard book prices" default. It all seems much more dynamic, realistic and you often end getting things you didn't even know you wanted. Kudos to you. :D
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Voidrunner's Codex

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