Trailer Star Wars Outlaws: Official Story Trailer

I guess there is a common wisdom that you should make player-surrogate characters bland so the player can read their own personality into them. I can think of significant exceptions though (e.g. Witcher).
I think that is part of what's going on, but I think there's also just a lot of people with boring-ass ideas in charge of these sort of operations - it's not even design by committee, it's one boring guy with boring ideas making the final decision on the character and preferring the blandest one there is.

I think when we look at successful games, particularly long-running series, non-bland > bland. Like, God of War - Kratos is an incredibly distinctive freak. They re-did him completely from a psycho asswipe in the originals to a gruff dad in the recent ones, but he's still very distinctive in style and voice (Christopher Judge baby, Teal'c himself!). You've mentioned The Witcher - no way those games would have picked up so hard with a bland, generic Witcher - they might have done as well with character creation - but not with equivalent of Cal Cestis or a similar MoR figure.

I mean, hell, I can go on - no way Uncharted works without Nathan Drake or similar, the Horizon games without that little weirdo Aloy, and one of the reasons the modern Tomb Raiders are weaker than they could be is that their vision of Lara Croft is a lot more of a bland generic scared-but-brave Final Girl than the bold-as-brass one of the earlier games. Like, do you need the ludicrous boobs or excessive glamour of the originals? No. But turning Croft into a generic Final Girl isn't really doing it. Hell, if the Star Wars Jedi games had a better lead than Cal Cestis, I'm pretty sure they'd sell even better than they have - the actor is good, and can be quite freaky (he played The Joker in the awful Gotham TV show with the OC guy as Jim Gordon), but they clearly directed him to be a totally bland Luke Skywalker expy.

I think if you're really going to go bland, just stop yourself and either change the game to be character-creation-based, or revise to non-bland. Pick a lane!

Maybe the outfit is generic so they can charge people extra for more interesting ones?
It's Ubisoft so that's near-certain, and you'll probably be able to get some in-game. Let's hope they're not equally bland and cosplay-y.

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You guys are downers.

I, for one, want nothing more, Star Wars game wise, than Uncharted in a galaxy far, far away, and it looks like this is what we're getting.

It's not like Star Wars games have ever given us an interesting protagonist with depth. We can't be robbed of something we never got in the first place.


You guys are downers.

I, for one, want nothing more, Star Wars game wise, than Uncharted in a galaxy far, far away, and it looks like this is what we're getting.

It's not like Star Wars games have ever given us an interesting protagonist with depth. We can't be robbed of something we never got in the first place.

I, for one, want nothing more, Star Wars game wise, than Uncharted in a galaxy far, far away, and it looks like this is what we're getting.
I'm genuinely sorry to be a downer, but that's not what we're getting according to the designers, even though I agree this particular trailer makes it look like that. Uncharted is a really tightly-designed level-based platformer/shooter by Naughty Dog, who have knocked it out of the park repeatedly with their game design in the particular genre. They were working on a Star Wars game that was pretty much exactly you described:

If this was level-based, I would be pretty excited about it - because the very few level-based games released by big companies in the last few years - including the recent Ubisoft level-based platformer/fighter Prince of Persia, have been pretty excellent.

Whereas this is, according to the people who made it, an Ubisoft open-world game, with all that entails - i.e. like Far Cry or the Assassin's Creeds of the last few years (but not Mirage). As I noted, those unfortunately vary wildly in quality, and I believe 100% of the ones Ubisoft has released in the last 5 years also featured things like a big, pushy microtransaction shop trying to sell you skins/outfits and so on.

It could be a 9/10 game. It could be a 4/10 game. It's probably going to be a 7/10 game.


Big problem is Ubisoft.

AC Origin was probably their last great game and I'll go into bat for Odyssey.

Then they made Valhalla.

They need to stop dressing up protagonists like OT/PT characters. Jedi robes might be a exception.

It's not a hell no but wait for reviews. 8/10 maybe but can also be 4/10.

Voidrunner's Codex

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