Trailer Star Wars Outlaws: Official Story Trailer

I'd argue Cal is prettier though.
I'd argue the actor who plays Cal is definitely prettier, but the flobby plain rendition of Cal in-game lacks if his charm (I haven't played the sequel - it may improve the model - in screenshots it looks like he just has access to a wide range of hilariously bad haircuts though).

Re: this game, Ubisoft just starting taking away licences of a fairly popular 2014 game that people paid for, with no reimbursement, The Crew, and thus preventing people from downloading or playing it even if they own it, which is not only obviously against various consumer protection laws in the EU (rather crazy move for a French company), but is absolutely despicable. It's one thing to take a game off sale - fine - it's one thing for a company to go bust and not be able to provide a game anymore. It's one thing to turn the servers off on a MP game because they're costing you more money than they make (though I do think in an ideal world you release the server code if that's viable - it often isn't sadly). But it's quite another to unilaterally, with no warning, and no recompense, take game licences away from people.

So Ubisoft can DIAF.

I was thinking if this got an 8/10 or 9/10 it was probably worth getting. But from people who will casually delete my licence to something I paid for in a decade? Absolutely not. I regularly play a bunch of games that are 10+ years old. Some of which I only bought a couple of years ago!

This game can get a 10/10, and Ubisoft can absolutely DIAF.
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4) The main character seems to be a very bland and safe Han Solo cosplayer. Why? Like, having a female lead is a good thing in a game for me, but why is she so bland? Why is she cosplaying Han Solo? Do smugglers wear a uniform? When I heard about this I assumed we'd get some edgy-as-Han lady who really seemed like trouble, not this bland, conventionally-pretty nice girl in cosplay.

The Han Solo outfit is a pre-order bonus, or comes with the more expensive bundles, I can't remember which, so it is not her normal look in the game.


I'd argue the actor who plays Cal is definitely prettier, but the flobby plain rendition of Cal in-game lacks if his charm (I haven't played the sequel - it may improve the model - in screenshots it looks like he just has access to a wide range of hilariously bad haircuts though).

Re: this game, Ubisoft just starting taking away licences of a fairly popular 2014 game that people paid for, with no reimbursement, The Crew, and thus preventing people from downloading or playing it even if they own it, which is not only obviously against various consumer protection laws in the EU (rather crazy move for a French company), but is absolutely despicable. It's one thing to take a game off sale - fine - it's one thing for a company to go bust and not be able to provide a game anymore. It's one thing to turn the servers off on a MP game because they're costing you more money than they make (though I do think in an ideal world you release the server code if that's viable - it often isn't sadly). But it's quite another to unilaterally, with no warning, and no recompense, take game licences away from people.

So Ubisoft can DIAF.

I was thinking if this got an 8/10 or 9/10 it was probably worth getting. But from people who will casually delete my licence to something I paid for in a decade? Absolutely not. I regularly play a bunch of games that are 10+ years old. Some of which I only bought a couple of years ago!

This game can get a 10/10, and Ubisoft can absolutely DIAF.

Another good reason to buy from GOG. Even if they lose the license and download, you can always have a backup of offline installers so you can never totally lose your game...even if the publishers strip it off of the internet.

Not that the CREW was ever available on GOG. GOG is probably the nemesis of everything those who removed the Crew stand for. Afterall, GOG let's you actually own your games...and there are many who are completely against that these days (including a majority of PC gamers which prefer Steam and never consider GOG which actually sort of mystifies me).

(including a majority of PC gamers which prefer Steam and never consider GOG which actually sort of mystifies me)
GoG burned themselves pretty bad at close to what should have been their breakthrough success by letting a weird alt-right scumbag be their comms guy, and letting him do various creepy right-wing dogwhistle things in their name. Any company actually wanting to succeed would have fired him on the first offence, but it had been months of him posting crap - most just offensively stupid, unfunny and "hello fellow kids"-ish, but some if it actually offensive. He finally got fired when he used the then-trending "#WontBeErased" hashtag which was about various countries doing nasty things to trans people, and said smugly "Yeah how's that for some use of hashtags", not even hiding his utter contempt. The same guy was also clearly doing some of the Tweets for Cyberpunk 2077 before release - they had the same unfunny "fellow kids" tone and also got into a bit of transphobia. But it was that particular incident that got him actually fired. At least six months too late. Even people who "could excuse transphobia" tended to draw the line at really unfunny idiocy and "fellow kids" behaviour and it changed a lot of minds on GoG, from "beloved long-term saviour of old games" to "weird creepy company you probably shouldn't give money to". And I think a lot of people just didn't go back after that.

I will say I've never seen "fellow kids" ever reach the true apex that Creative Assembly did with the now-cancelled Hyenas game. Not only was it seemingly aesthetically designed with the idea that "The Youth" loved purple, dressing like they were in a fashion show in 2018, wacky loudmouthed "personality" characters, and Sega merchandise (???), but the marketing copy had to be seen to be believed. Sadly the website is gone now, but they were using "FTW" (i.e. For The Win) completely unironically in the year of our lord 2024. A phrase that was last popular unironically in about 2012. Christ.

Lesson: don't let your dad write marketing copy, no matter how hip he thinks he is.
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Another good reason to buy from GOG. Even if they lose the license and download, you can always have a backup of offline installers so you can never totally lose your game...even if the publishers strip it off of the internet.

Not that the CREW was ever available on GOG. GOG is probably the nemesis of everything those who removed the Crew stand for. Afterall, GOG let's you actually own your games...and there are many who are completely against that these days (including a majority of PC gamers which prefer Steam and never consider GOG which actually sort of mystifies me).
GOG also lets you choose which version of the game to keep your game at all if the company (say Beth) rolls out an update that breaks your mods.


GoG burned themselves pretty bad at close to what should have been their breakthrough success by letting a weird alt-right scumbag be their comms guy, and letting him do various creepy right-wing dogwhistle things in their name. Any company actually wanting to succeed would have fired him on the first offence, but it had been months of him posting crap - most just offensively stupid, unfunny and "hello fellow kids"-ish, but some if it actually offensive. He finally got fired when he used the then-trending "#WontBeErased" hashtag which was about various countries doing nasty things to trans people, and said smugly "Yeah how's that for some use of hashtags", not even hiding his utter contempt. The same guy was also clearly doing some of the Tweets for Cyberpunk 2077 before release - they had the same unfunny "fellow kids" tone and also got into a bit of transphobia. But it was that particular incident that got him actually fired. At least six months too late. Even people who "could excuse transphobia" tended to draw the line at really unfunny idiocy and "fellow kids" behaviour and it changed a lot of minds on GoG, from "beloved long-term saviour of old games" to "weird creepy company you probably shouldn't give money to". And I think a lot of people just didn't go back after that.

I will say I've never seen "fellow kids" ever reach the true apex that Creative Assembly did with the now-cancelled Hyenas game. Not only was it seemingly aesthetically designed with the idea that "The Youth" loved purple, dressing like they were in a fashion show in 2018, wacky loudmouthed "personality" characters, and Sega merchandise (???), but the marketing copy had to be seen to be believed. Sadly the website is gone now, but they were using "FTW" (i.e. For The Win) completely unironically in the year of our lord 2024. A phrase that was last popular unironically in about 2012. Christ.

Lesson: don't let your dad write marketing copy, no matter how hip he thinks he is.
I have to admit I didn't know about any of this.

I don't really follow GOG on social media I suppose, thus not knowing any of this even happened. I am just on it to get games and play them. I LOVE being able to play offline (I travel a lot, so having to connect up to Steam while I am traveling and have iffy or no internet is a big no for me). GOG is a massive lifesaver for me.

In fact, that's what I really want with games overall I suppose, to simply download, install, and play. I don't need any other junk on top of that. Connecting to the internet, needing to authenticate, sign in to an account, etc...just to play is annoying to me. I last did it with the Diablo 2 remake and I regret having spent money on that at this point. Nice remake, but I never really play it because it's a hassle to simply boot it up at times.

Nice remake, but I never really play it because it's a hassle to simply boot it up at times.
I do feel like the publishers who think "launchers" are a good idea have no real understanding of this issue.

Ubisoft is the best example for me - relevant to this thread - the Ubisoft launcher is particularly good at aggressively logging you out, forgetting your password, needing updates that take unreasonably and inexplicably long times, showing you adverts instead of your games, and just generally wasting your time and causing you to have to faff around. Unless you play an Ubisoft game like, every couple of days (and who does?) it will get you!

And it's a surprisingly huge discouragement to playing their games as you say. There have been genuinely many times when I wanted to play an Ubisoft game but then the launcher comes up, updates for far too long (it's a tiny amount of data, what is it even doing?), has forgotten my details and password, then it finally lets me in and doesn't even boot the game, but rather splashes me with adverts, and I have to either find the game icon on my desktop, or fiddle through the launcher until I get to the actual game. By which point actually playing the game seems a lot less fun. Several times I've just gone "Awww screw this" because it had forgotten my password.

It gradually wears you down and then makes you less likely to buy games from that publisher. It probably shouldn't, rationally, but it really is enough of a pain that seeing a game is Ubisoft makes me think twice about getting it.

With the Blizzard launcher I didn't find it as much of a PITA as the Ubisoft one, but it's still pretty good at doing annoying stuff like opening on a screen which isn't the game you wanted to play or last played, or shuffling the game icons around and hiding the one for the game you actually want to use, or another classic, you click on the game icon, but instead of it going to a page where you can press play, it goes to one where that button isn't present. And yeah I often forgot I even had D2: Resurrected because of that.

They think they're helping themselves out, but they're doing a tremendous job of making me just that little bit more reluctant to buy games from them, such that it defeats the "impulse buy" er impulse, and also devaluing their games so I'm much more likely to "wait for a sale" with them.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I love when I'm trying to open a game and it just won't open no matter how many times I try to launch it and it turns out it's because Steam is downloading an update in the background ><

Voidrunner's Codex

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