Trailer Star Wars Outlaws: Official Story Trailer

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How's Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth treating you? :p

Haven't gotten to that one yet and still have to finish Remake. lol

Played Diablo IV for a while, until I finished the campaign and got bored, and part way through Baldur's Gate 3 right now.

I do enjoy not having to tune a PC, depending on the game, or having to update drivers or entire video cards, just for a game to run smoothly.


To be fair on 4, part of my problem is this is the second big, open-world Star Wars game to have unbearably bland-seeming protagonist - the Star Wars Jedi games (Fallen Order and Survivor) feature Cal Cestis, who is like, what if you took Luke Skywalker and surgically removed all of his personality.

I'm not as negative on Cal Cestis as you are, in part because sucking the personality out of you is what Jedi training is supposed to do, but it is telling that both Luke and Kule... err I mean Cal have droids that can't even talk who have more personality than either of them.

I'm not as negative on Cal Cestis as you are, in part because sucking the personality out of you is what Jedi training is supposed to do
Sure, most Jedi are presumably pretty boring people. But y'know, so are most people. If you're making a game though surely you just pick one of the exceptions? I guess it worked for them because his sheer blandness let a whole bunch of boring white guys project themselves on to him, but his complete lack of personality also meant none of them actually cared about him or ever will.

Voidrunner's Codex

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