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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (OOC Thread)


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Jahn, Male Zeltron Jedi Consular 5: Init +4 (3 Dex+1 species); Defense 18 (+5 Class, +3 Dex); Spd 10m; VP/WP 31/12; Atk +6 melee (2d8, 19-20, lightsaber) or +6 ranged (3d4 [DC 12 stun], 20, 8 m, sporting blaster); SQ Quick Reaction, Empathy (DC 12, Dark Side only), Pheremones (10 meters-does not effect dark side), Entertainer, Force Training (Control, Sense, Alter), Deflect (defense +1, attack -4. extend defense and attack); SV Fort +5 (+7 resist weather), Ref +6, Will +4; SZ M; FP 6; DSP 0; Rep +2; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 17
Equipment: Lightsaber, sporting blaster
Skills: Bluff +7 (+9 in 10 meters), Diplomacy +7 (+9 in 10 meters or Empathy; +11 both), Entertain +7 (+9 in 10 meters), Gather Information +7 (+9 Empathy), Handle Animal +3 (+5 in 10 meters), Intimidate +7 (+9 in 10 meters), Read/Write Language (Basic), Sense Motive +4 (+6 Empathy), Speak Language (Basic)
Force Skills: Affect Mind +7, Battlemind +5, Enhanced Ability +5, Farseeing +4, Force Stealth +7, Friendship +7, Heal Self +7, Telepathy +4
Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Weapon Finesse(lightsaber), Weapon Group Proficiency(blaster pistols, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Sense
Equipment lightsaber, sporting blaster, all-temperature cloak, comlink, datapad, 5 lightsaber energy cells, glow rod, blaster 5 power packs, credit chip (3000 in account), 165 credits cash.

Background: Born on Zeltroz 19 years ago, Jahn takes his Jedi training very seriously. He believes that the Force draws on all of the positive emotions and life-cycles in the galaxy-love, birth, passion, and happiness. As a Jedi Knight, Jahn takes it upon himself to try and spread these emotions throughout the galaxy, and protect people from the corrupting influence of the Dark Side, which seeks to destroy all of them. Jahn is very flirtatious with women of all species, and is a sucker for a damsel in distress. He sees the Dark Side as a single dangerous monster and he voyages forth into the universe to protect people from it, spreading love, safety and happiness wherever he goes and becoming empowered by the love and gratitude he feels from those he helps. While his people are not known for discipline, Jahn uses the discipline he has developed, not to suppress his emotions as many Jedi seek to do, but to suppress only those emotions that lead to the dark side: fear, anger, and hatred.

Description: Jahn is 1.8 meters tall and has very deep crimson skin, bright purple eyes, and deep red-black hair that he keeps wavy and medium-length. He generally dresses in deep navy blue robes and a long ornate crimson cape. His lightsaber matches his eyes, a bright purple.
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First Post
I meant to ask, how many starting credits?

Do we go by the Hero's Guide 6,500?

Do we suspect that Jedi live more ascetic lives like in the Rise of the Empire Era and start with 1300 credits like the Hero's Guide says to do? Something else?

Do we pay for our lightsabers?


First Post
Anariel Tyri
Human Female Jedi Consular 5

Anariel's grasp of the force is very well-rounded...while she does not excel in any one area of control over the force, neither is she particularly lacking in any area. Her Jedi trainers found this development of her skill to be a good thing, as it showed that she truly understood the aspects of balance.

Although dedicated to her studies, Anariel can be a bit flighty and carefree. She has a tendency to act impulsively, often before thinking things through completely. It is this aspect of her personality that she has resolved to better.

Anariel is a slender young woman of twenty years, standing just over 1.7 meters in height. She wears her long raven black hair in multiple braids or securely fashioned in an 'up-do', and she has almond shaped eyes the color of cold, grey stone. Her skin tone is fair, and set off by her dark hair and eyes, giving her something of an exotic look.

Str	10	+0	(2 points)
Dex	14	+2	(6 points)
Con	14	+2	(6 points)	
Int	14	+2	(6 points)
Wis	15	+2	(6 points, +1 level increase)
Cha	14	+2	(6 points)

Initiative:	+2
Defense:	17 or 19 (10 base + 2 dex + 5 class / +2 when wielding Lightsaber)
Speed:		10 meters
VP:		[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=962913]40[/url]
WP:		14
Reputation:	+2
Force Points:   7

BAB:		+3[size=1]
- Melee		+3
--- Lightsaber	+6	(2d8/19-20), constructed
- Ranged		+5
--- Heavy Blaster  +5          (3d8 or DC18, range 8m)[/size]

Saves: [size=1]
- Fortitude	+6 (4 base + 2 con)
- Reflex		+5 (3 base + 2 dex)
- Will		+6 (4 base + 2 wis)[/size]

Languages: [size=1]
- Basic, speak and read/write
- Droid, comprehension
- Rodese, speak[/size]

Skills: [size=1]  
- Computer Use		+9	(5 ranks, +2 int, +2 equipment)
- Diplomacy		+7	(5 ranks, +2 cha)
- Gather Information		+4	(2 ranks, +2 cha)
- Knowledge, tactics		+4	(2 ranks, +2 int)
- Pilot			+7	(5 ranks, +2 dex)
- Sense Motive		+7	(5 ranks, +2 wis)[/size]

Force Skills: [size=1]
- Affect Mind		+6	(4 ranks, +2 cha)
- Force Defense		+6	(4 ranks, +2 cha)
- Heal Self		+7	(5 ranks, +2 cha)
- Friendship		+4	(2 ranks, +2 cha)
- Battlemind		+6	(4 ranks, +2 con)
- Enhance Ability		+4	(2 ranks, +2 con)
- Enhance Senses		+6	(4 ranks, +2 wis)
- Far Seeing		+4	(2 ranks, +2 wis) 
- See Force		+8	(6 ranks, +2 wis)
- Telepathy		+8	(6 ranks, +2 wis)
- Force Strike		+9	(7 ranks, +2 int)
- Move Object		+4	(2 ranks, +2 int)[/size]

Feats: [size=1]
- Exotic Weapon Proficienty: Lightsaber
- Force Sensitive
- Weapon Group Proficiency: Blaster Pistols
- Weapon Group Proficiency: Simple Weapons
- Weapon Finesse
- Heroic Surge
- Combat Expertise[/size]

Force Feats: [size=1]
- Alter
- Control
- Sense
- Lightsaber Defense[/size]

Class Features:[size=1]
- Starting Feats (above)
- Equipment (lightsaber)
- Force Training (above)
- Deflect: Defense +1
- Deflect: Attack -4
- Bonus Feat (above)
- Deflect: Extend Defense and Attack[/size]

Equipment: [size=1]
- Lightsaber, constructed (1000cr)
- Heavy blaster pistol
- Clothing
- All temperature cloak
- Aquata breather
- Comlink
- Datapad
- Glowrod
- Grappling spike launcher
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First Post
Voda Vosa said:
Are you still there? =)

Nah. :p

All joking aside, I had a lot of stuff to do for school in the past week, so the setup for this game had to be put on the back burner. I'm back now, so it's cool.

As to the plant surge skill, I won't allow it to be used on yourself. It just seems a little overpowered that way.

You can go by the Hero's Guide standard as to credits, but try to keep the flashy stuff to a minimum.

Voidrunner's Codex

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