Spoilers Star Wars: The Acolyte [Spoilers]

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Man. I've never seen a Jedi Master that was so easily surprised by almost everything. Yet the force seemed to be strong with him during that fight, so...
That made sense to me. Qimir instantly knew the difference between the twins, but Sol cannot, it's a sign of how twisted and in denial Sol is over his emotions about Osha. Indara knew it from the start.

What I like about the Acolyte was that it ... played fair ... there is that tragedy of mistakes over incomplete information from the get go. And it is about Sol, the man who made a tragic error because he cared too much.

I just wish I felt it more. Everything worked, for me, and yet I'm left cold to the show.

The fights in this series were 100% some of the best fights they've ever filmed. Great stuff for sure.
I have my doubts we'll get a second season, but if we do, I want more focus on the bad guys, they are much more interesting.....(plus they are all alive still, is there a "good" Jedi alive we care about at all?)

I am a bit confused by the circumstances of the lightsaber changing colour but I was thinking last night that the fact that when Osha embraces the Dark Side it turns red does lend support to Baylan Skoll's orange lightsaber pointing to him not being just another Dark Sider. Orange, for the time being, seems to be a choice, not a consequence.

I just recently finished watching the final season of Star Trek: Discovery and am only now watching Star Trek: Picard for the first time, and it's got me comparing Starfleet and the Jedi Order. These are my initial thoughts so they're still a bit rough around the edges.

Starfleet is an organization with a noble purpose. There are bad actors within Starfleet (including spies and other infiltrators), and sometimes its leaders make the wrong call, but overall the organization is a positive influence with a set of strong core values. They are generally a force for good in the galaxy.

The Jedi Order played a similar role to Starfleet in the Old Republic. However, since the prequels onwards, the organization has been portrayed as fundamentally wrong / misguided in both its practices and its core values ... to the point that one feels that they not only deserved to fall but perhaps even needed to in order that something better could rise from the ashes.

That idea, in and of itself, would have been fine ... but what we got instead was Luke trying to rebuild the old Jedi Order only to have it blow up in his face. I get the impression that Disney is now setting Rey up to be the builder of a new and improved Jedi Order, and I hope they will let her succeed. I think we could all really do with a version of the Jedi Order that is more like Starfleet and is truly a force for good. (They can still have bad actors and infiltrators and such; but I want a Jedi Order that is not "wrong" on a fundamental level.)

EDIT: Thinking about it some more, similar comparisons can be made between the Federation and the Republic. The Federation is generally portrayed in a positive light. Even in Discovery's later seasons, where we see a Federation that has suffered some major setbacks, it ultimately recovers due to its strong underlying principles. The Old Republic, meanwhile, is portrayed as irredeemably corrupt in the prequels, while the post-OT New Republic is shown to be doomed from the start and ultimately gets vaporized.
I suppose one could argue that is why the setting is called "Star Wars" - the fundamental corruption of everything always will forever lead to new conflicts, and the setting is forced to go from war to war, with no end in sight.
Of course, that doesn't seem the real reason - the original trilogy, the evil and corruption lost and a new republic and new jedi order would be formed, the idea that the Republic and the Order itself were fundamentally corrupt and needed to die anyway just doesn't seem to be there in the material.
My guess is that this is a fundamental problem I had with both prequels and sequels. That an evil force could overthrow the forces of good and lead to major setbacks I can accept, but that they fundamentally don't work and are deserving or even doomed to fail is a view I just don't like.

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