D&D 5E Starting to Hate Hexblades


If D&D were real no one would be powergamed or munchkinned out.

Because if D&D were real, none of us would know the rules of the game.

Patron contracts would be well read. There's be a new law specialty and warlock agents, if even only underground.

"Page 4 says you can contact my client in his dreams. My client ofers 1% more of his soul to not mess up his fantasies."

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I kinda like these House rules:

No Multiclassing for any Charisma caster (Including Paladin).
No more than 1 Multiclass per PC (and they better have a good (in game) RP reason to do so)
Variant Human attains their (free) Feat at 5th level.
Flying Races attain their flight only at 5th level (3rd might be acceptable. Not sure)


No yeah but then you might not have the players.

I don't care if individual don't like game and chose not to play.

If the situation was reversed I would be thinking hexblade or celestial warlock tied to Elistraee somehow or kensai Monk with performer background or whatever.

At least make the effort to fit into the group not I expect to play to level 20 and my buildight work in 3 levels time and make no sense to what the rest of the party is doing.
Yup...but that just emphasizes my point: Feats and MC as supposedly "Optional"...when, in fact, they really aren't for the seeming majority of Players (and DM's). Heck, when Adventurers League was being set up, that was one big question a lot (ok, person experience, but if so, then ALL DM's I know) were asking "Ok, so like...No Feats and No MC then, right? Because they are OPTIONAL in the core rules? Right?"... BLAM! Kick to the ballbearings!

For me, and pretty much every RPG'er I know, pretty much sighed and said "Ok then...so NOT OPTIONAL is what you're saying...". :(

Now, that said, I WOULD allow a Player to have his PC Multiclass... if it made sense and the reason wasn't "to get more kewl powerzez an WIN!". You (collective you) all know when a Player is trying to pull off some kind of shenanigan's ...the little "DM tingle" that goes on in the nether regions of your brain that makes you squint your eyes a bit, pause, and think "Ok...do I call him/her on it right now...or not? ...if I'm wrong, I'm going to look like a controlling, paranoid D-Bag DM...". If I get that "tingle", then it's a hard No! Lucky for me though, my players are...uh... "less than keen on optimization min/maxing". They do put effort into being 'good' at something, don't get me wrong, but they will tend to err on the side of "Nope...that'd be too OP and stupid..." then go for the less-optimized choice 9/10 times. That 1/10 times they can't resist...tends to bite them in the buttocks sooner or later (it's called MIN/max for a reason!... ;) ).

So, like you, the Player should make some kind of honest effort to make a workable character...if given more or less "free reign" on character creation options/books.


Paul L. Ming



Yup...but that just emphasizes my point: Feats and MC as supposedly "Optional"...when, in fact, they really aren't for the seeming majority of Players (and DM's). Heck, when Adventurers League was being set up, that was one big question a lot (ok, person experience, but if so, then ALL DM's I know) were asking "Ok, so like...No Feats and No MC then, right? Because they are OPTIONAL in the core rules? Right?"... BLAM! Kick to the ballbearings!

For me, and pretty much every RPG'er I know, pretty much sighed and said "Ok then...so NOT OPTIONAL is what you're saying...". :(

Now, that said, I WOULD allow a Player to have his PC Multiclass... if it made sense and the reason wasn't "to get more kewl powerzez an WIN!". You (collective you) all know when a Player is trying to pull off some kind of shenanigan's ...the little "DM tingle" that goes on in the nether regions of your brain that makes you squint your eyes a bit, pause, and think "Ok...do I call him/her on it right now...or not? ...if I'm wrong, I'm going to look like a controlling, paranoid D-Bag DM...". If I get that "tingle", then it's a hard No! Lucky for me though, my players are...uh... "less than keen on optimization min/maxing". They do put effort into being 'good' at something, don't get me wrong, but they will tend to err on the side of "Nope...that'd be too OP and stupid..." then go for the less-optimized choice 9/10 times. That 1/10 times they can't resist...tends to bite them in the buttocks sooner or later (it's called MIN/max for a reason!... ;) ).

So, like you, the Player should make some kind of honest effort to make a workable character...if given more or less "free reign" on character creation options/books.


Paul L. Ming

The the hexblade 1level dip sets off that tingle.

It's funny because I remember people claiming it doesn't hurt because it's optional. Then you get called fascist because you don't allow something. Generally prefer unfamiliar players to pick from phb maybe Xanathars.

"Do you allow everything in official material" is another tingle. Say yes and they turn up with Aaracocra.

Say no you're that big mean DM or on one case get called a fascist. Generally say yes to everything in PHB unless it's a very tight themed game which the players themselves have voted for. Eg my Drow game.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
The the hexblade 1level dip sets off that tingle.

It's funny because I remember people claiming it doesn't hurt because it's optional. Then you get called fascist because you don't allow something. Generally prefer unfamiliar players to pick from phb maybe Xanathars.

"Do you allow everything in official material" is another tingle. Say yes and they turn up with Aaracocra.

Say no you're that big mean DM or on one case get called a fascist. Generally say yes to everything in PHB unless it's a very tight themed game which the players themselves have voted for. Eg my Drow game.
aaracocra can be beaten by bows or guns.



I still don't understand the reluctance of Aaracocra... I think it's because they can fly? Yes, they can FLY...they can't HOVER. This was something we figured out back in the couple years we played 2e AD&D. Let the Players know that an Aaracocra can not "hover" and you'll see an instant drop in "I want to be an Aaracocra!". ;)

And yes, I agree (for the most part) with the assessment of if you are a DM and you say "no" to a book, or Feats/MC, the barbs and fangs come out and its "Oh, you can't HANDLE tricky PC's...", "You must not be a very good DM if you can't challenge a simple [insert whatever they wanted to play]", or the ever-popular "You just don't want us to have FUN!".

What's REALLY annoying? "Starting 5e D&D Game, LFP!"...replies a plenty. "Starting a Core 3 (PHB, MM, DMG) 5e game (no Feats or MC)"... crickets. THAT is what really grinds my gears. And yeah, I totally blame WotC for it...they could have said No to them for AdvLeague, but they didn't. And I don't know WHY, considering they labeled both as OPTIONAL in the core game.


Paul L. Ming


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Patron contracts would be well read. There's be a new law specialty and warlock agents, if even only underground.

"Page 4 says you can contact my client in his dreams. My client ofers 1% more of his soul to not mess up his fantasies."
How many Terms of Service have you thoroughly read, exactly?

Also: Every story and myth about someone selling their soul or entering into a contract with an otherworldly being includes the contract being INTENTIONALLY misleading so that the letter of the agreement is upheld without the spirit being respected. That's just Evil Patron 101, Giant!

Also it still wouldn't cover all the other rules.

It's been several hundred thousand years and the combined brain trust of Humanity doesn't even understand all the rules of THIS reality and you wanna tack on some more? We wouldn't have it figured out.

Gravity is the most -basic- type of rule and we're still staring at that paragraph of text going "I get that you take falling damage but WHY DO YOU FALL?!"


Yeah the next time someone wants to play a single classes hexblade it will be the first.

I kind of look at the hexblade as a band aid to the failed gish concepts in the PHB.
Yeah, I've always been of the opinion that Hexblade was what Mearls & Co. wanted Pact of the Blade to be originally.

Voidrunner's Codex

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