D&D 5E Starting to Hate Hexblades


I kinda like these House rules:

No Multiclassing for any Charisma caster (Including Paladin).
No more than 1 Multiclass per PC (and they better have a good (in game) RP reason to do so)
Variant Human attains their (free) Feat at 5th level.
Flying Races attain their flight only at 5th level (3rd might be acceptable. Not sure)
That really nerfs humans, does custom lineage get theeir feat at 5th too? The other stuff I could live with.

I usually play with a high charisma (12-14), but rarely play "charisma classes" so I could live with the first one, but if I liked these classes I probably would not like this rule..
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How many Terms of Service have you thoroughly read, exactly?

Also: Every story and myth about someone selling their soul or entering into a contract with an otherworldly being includes the contract being INTENTIONALLY misleading so that the letter of the agreement is upheld without the spirit being respected. That's just Evil Patron 101, Giant!

Also it still wouldn't cover all the other rules.

It's been several hundred thousand years and the combined brain trust of Humanity doesn't even understand all the rules of THIS reality and you wanna tack on some more? We wouldn't have it figured out.

Gravity is the most -basic- type of rule and we're still staring at that paragraph of text going "I get that you take falling damage but WHY DO YOU FALL?!"
That's why a secondary market of lawyers and agents for pact negotiations would be formed.

We have ambulance chasers in real life. You think we wouldn't have pact lawyers?


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
That's why a secondary market of lawyers and agents for pact negotiations would be formed.

We have ambulance chasers in real life. You think we wouldn't have pact lawyers?
Pretty much everyone gets injured at some point in their lives.

How many people, even in stories, make a deal with a devil, fey, or otherwise?

Markets only matter if there's enough customers to make it worthwhile. Though that does bring an amusing memory to light.

Also worth noting: You're spending an awful lot of time on Warlocks without even touching every other class, gaining of XP, the inherent ridiculousness of skills, and the fact that it means level 20 characters can fall from literally any height and survive over 50% of the time.

Plus Racial and/or Cultural traits, inherent spellcasting, and the HILARIOUSLY dangerous process of figuring out how to -do- Magic in the first place which would result in just SO MANY accidental deaths as the first wizard to figure out the correct gesture/word combination for Fireball sets one off in his office building at work and kills all his coworkers within 33,000 cubic feet.

We. Would Not. Know. The Rules.

Even if we knew everything in a single contract we wouldn't know all our Invocation Options as a nice list of pretty powers on a Menu we get to pick off of. You just -get- them, narratively, based on what the -player- chooses while leveling up.


That's why a secondary market of lawyers and agents for pact negotiations would be formed.

We have ambulance chasers in real life. You think we wouldn't have pact lawyers?
Pretty much everyone gets injured at some point in their lives.

How many people, even in stories, make a deal with a devil, fey, or otherwise?

Markets only matter if there's enough customers to make it worthwhile. Though that does bring an amusing memory to light.


Even if we knew everything in a single contract we wouldn't know all our Invocation Options as a nice list of pretty powers on a Menu we get to pick off of. You just -get- them, narratively, based on what the -player- chooses while leveling up.

It kind of feels like there'd be some god(s) or spirit(s) somewhere that would organize it just to piss off the lawful folks they didn't like who made lots of pacts.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
It kind of feels like there'd be some god(s) or spirit(s) somewhere that would organize it just to piss off the lawful folks they didn't like who made lots of pacts.
Maybe, but that's a -whole- other thing. Our world, but with actual real interventionist gods directly offering power to those who offer worship to act as their hands on Earth?

Woofta. That would be some violence.
But you and D&D underestimate human curiosity.

We'll find out the rules.
We haven't even figured out the rules of Science, yet. The reference to Gravity? Yeah. That was serious. WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS. Is it a Force? Is it a slope in space-time which we slide down, somehow, without friction against it? Does it only work within a field containing specific subatomic particles and cease functioning in a field that lacks those specific particles?

Toss "Magic" on top and it breaks all of our scientific advances with

as people twiddle their fingers and speak latin and suddenly conservation of Energy ceases to be a real thing, entropy gets reversed, and logic goes out the freaking window.

I'm serious! You think Unified Field Theory trying to figure out how Quantum Physics and Newtonian Physics both work in a single expression of rules is rough? Add "Yeah, but sometimes none of that matters 'cause I just made a unicorn appear out of nothingness!"


The sapping sting cantrip will really hurt them too.

Sleep (upcast if they are over level 3) can bring them down with no save or hit and can outright kill them at 1st level.
Or playing in a world with strange alien (to DMs with Fear of Flying) objects like 'trees' or 'ceilings'.


Well multiple govenments would spend millions tracking people chucking fireballs at the wall.

"Okay Mister Smith. We are doing ligtning bolts today."


People seem to forget that a 1 level dip into warlock has the cost of a deal with a patron. "A warlock is defined by a pact with an otherworldly being." Dipping into hexblade comes with consequences in the RP side of the game - there is something out there that you're obligated to serve.

Voidrunner's Codex

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