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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Round 8 (Complete)

Jarrith furiously stabs at the monstrosity, piercing its dead flesh twice. It sloughs off in bunches. [2 hits for 9hp total; lightly wounded]

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ghoul Grave: Round 9

The lady paladin cuts away more flesh from the fiend, spreading gore all around. [11hp; moderately wounded]. It retaliates, managing to claw her beneath her shield arm and sink its rotting teeth into her mailed hand. [7hp] Both wounds tingle with the stiffening sensation, but it too passes. [Saves vs. paralysis] The beast howls in frustration as Jarrith continues to jab at it. He manages to thrust into its left leg; black bile spews forth! [7hp; severely wounded] Finally, from behind, the tainted warlock[/size] casts forth his holy power. It hits the hag squarely in its putrid face, and as its brains and eyes sizzle away, the hag-beast crumples to the ground. [17hp; destroyed]

End Combat

Final Status
A: 19 [39/49, protection from evil 23 rounds]
L: 15 [42/47, sickened 93 rounds, protection from evil 23 rounds]
J: 14 [cat's grace 21 rounds, shield of faith 1 round]
J: 8
M: 5 [sickened 16 rounds]
T: 5 [26/35]

James Heard

"We should search this place, for the burgomaster's body and otherwise," Janis states.

" If no one is going to expire presently, I'd rather we wait to sew up our wounds until we're through."


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Marot the Deadly

"This place continues to astound me with the infestation of undeath -- it seems to be everywhere..." His voice trails off.

Marot inspects the hag and the iron bound corpse, to see if he can identify them or what they were in life.

"Someone should search those coffins."


First Post
Finally, just as her friends finished their grim work, Tessa felt her limbs begin to respond to her furious efforts. Even as the creature fell, Tessa managed to raise her hands into some semblance of a combat ready stance- just in time for the battle, it seemed, to be over. She shook, both from the effort and a curious mix of rage and relief. For a moment, she slumped back, leaning her body against the rough earthen wall- her head drooped, and she drew a few deep, shuddering breaths. She could feel the flow of still warm blood on her neck, and it took her at least a moment to realize that the blood was actually hers- and with that realization came a spasm of pain. Dropping her morningstar temporarily, she drew upon the power of the Host and intoned a minor prayer for healing. Once that was done, she recovered her weapon and made ready to assist the others in their search of the cavern. If any of her companions spared her more than aquick glance, she gave a nod, what she hoped was a confident smile, and a whispered "Thank You."

OOC: Expend one casting of Nimbus of Light for a Cure Light Wounds (1d8+5)- that will do for now


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As Tessa restores her wound 9hp; fully healed and Ladreth and Marot gag---the former for much longer---the group searches the remains. Only the iron bound undead has any items of note: The iron bracers are well made, and hold a bit of magic to them to Marot's eyes.

An examination of the undead turns up the two ghasts and the very different ghoul corpses. Jarrith had seen moves like the iron bound ghoul in a remote monastery to the Flame; ascetics dedicated to the foot and hand. As for the hag, Jannis recognizes its features from a ratty parchment found in the care of the Eldeen Rangers: A "harpye", hideous creatures that croon the weak minded to their doom. But undead? Of that she has never heard.

Turning over the corpse in the middle of the room turns up the Burgomaster's body---already a tasty meal for the chambers previous occupants. The coffins are themselves empty of bodies, but a thorough examination turns up a silver nibbed pen, a set of gem studded gold cufflinks, and a wooden baton engraved with a steady hand: Milosh's Wand. The warlock identifies it as magical.

James Heard

I suspect that if the Burgomaster comes back as a vampire, he's not going to be tossing on a cloak and attending the opera any time soon at least, Janis thinks, nudging the remains with her toe.

"We should burn all the bodies. Just in case. I'm tired of every dead thing in this valley standing up and trying to eat someone the next day."


First Post
Marot the Deadly

"Well, the bracers and the wand appear to be magically infused," Marot says to the others.

"Let's do what Janis suggests and get these bodies burning."


First Post
Ladreth wordlessly sets to work, both on holding back the pervasive sickness wracking his body and on getting the bodies into a huddled mass. He grabs onto the ghasts, ghouls, and singing creature, lifting them with ease as he sets them down one atop the other. Finally he grabs the burgomaster gently, showing the corpse respect the other undead received naught. He gingerly places the body on top of the others, the stench overwhelming him as he stands over the pile, yet still able to resist the urge to retch.


First Post
Wiping the gore off her blade, Ashlyn assess her companions. Noting Ladreth's wounds, she walks over to stand beside him and silently lays a hand on his shoulder. As she does so, Ladreth's wounds seem to fade and dissapear. Moments later her own wounds also fade and are gone.

As Ladreth places the bodies in a pile, Ashlyn takes anoter dagger-like object from a pouch at her waist and once all the bodies are placed in a pile she quietly speaks a few words over the bodies before thrusting the dagger-like thing into one of the undead corpses. As intense flames begin to consume the bodies, she stands to the side and watches them burn.

[Lay on hands on Ladreth (5hp) and herself (10hp)]
[Place Alchemical flare stake into undead corpse (use more if necessary to burn all the bodies)]

[Added the following to the group gear that Ashlyn is carrying:
- Iron bracers (magical)
- Milosh's wand (magical)
- Silver nibbed pen
- Set of gem studded gold cufflinks]

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