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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]

James Heard

"You had vermin in your graveyard. We disposed of them," Janis says simply.

"Do not wound the mercenary. Or anger him," Janis warns after a moment. The tone suggests that the enormous half-orc might finish off the job done upon the father on living flesh of the daughter.

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"Calm down, Ireena. We only brought his body up here because his grave was disturbed by the... vermin... as Janis put it. We wanted to let you have a chance to determine what you wanted to do with his body... whether to bury it again or perhaps immolate it... do as to best make sure it doesn't rise on it's own along with all the others we have witnessed."

He pulls off his gloves and wipes his brow, then looks back at the church. "By the by... when you and the townfolk get a chance, you may all want to collapse the tunnels down below then fill the hole in. No sense letting it become a hidy-hole of future undead beasts."

He then reaches for his canteen and takes a long drink... the water doing it's best to rehydrate him after his binging.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ireena composes herself and, after a brief look at the body, nods. "Yes. Burn it. Best to be done with it."

She looks as if ready to leave, when the issue of the items below comes up. "Milosh? Old name that. I believe he was an old coot in the time of my Father's youth. Apparently driven mad by his study of the Castle. A lesson for us all." She pauses a moment. "He had no children, nor any other kin I am aware of."

If there is nothing else, she leaves.


First Post
Ladreth frowns as she leaves, moving a hand to the spot where his hair was pulled. He looked visibly upset upon being yelled at, the focus of the local woman's ire. On the positive, his stomach was starting to settle and he didn't have an irresistible urge to vomit any longer.

James Heard

After Ireena leaves Janis lingers her gaze toward her, softly making hissing cat noises at the back of her throat.

The stupid, stupid, silly cow, Janis thinks. I've half a mind to stick a vampire at her throat myself, simply for the pleasure of stuffing cloves of garlic in her mouth and shutting her up for once and for all.

Shaking it off, Janis turns back to her companions.

"As soon as we wash this stink off we should get going to kill the next people on our list I suppose." Janis shrugs in agreement with herself and starts to make toward the well.


First Post
Marot the Chaotic

Marot's ears perk up slightly when Ireena mentions Milosh,"No next of kin, you say?"

A slight smile appears on one corner of his mouth. "Well, no sense in wasting this perfectly good wand, it will be best used in the fight against the foul undeath in this place."

He looks over at Jarrith and grins.

His attention turns back to the magical stick in his hand.

"Now, I wonder what this wand will do.... I'd hate to harm someone if by chance it was some sort of offensive magic, or help a foe if it was a beneficial magic. Perhaps I can talk with the archivists and artificiers back at the caravan to see if they could identify it for me."

After hearing Janis, Marot looks at her and his grin disappears. "I don't think I'll ever understand what motivates that woman."
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Janis said:
"As soon as we wash this stink off we should get going to kill the next people on our list I suppose."
Jarrith watches as Stormhand wanders off towards the well, then chuckles to himself and shakes his head. He glances at Marot and says quietly to him under his breath "You ever get the feeling that if Janis ever found herself in a good mood... she'd kill herself thinking she'd gone insane?" The Stalker then lets go with a soft whistle and a smirk. "If I ever tried cataloguing her negativity, the parchment would be several miles long. Heh."

The irony in his statement of course being that his emotions are swaying back and forth at a pretty good clip themselves.


First Post
Tessa was mostly quite as the group returned to the town square, her only motion an almost reflexive repetitive rubbing at the high collar of her jacket, where the worst of her wounds had been. After years as a battlefield healer, she was used to being drenched in blood- but she was not yet used to that blood being her own. She seemed aware of things, though, just subdued. She could, for instance, recognize the warlock's interest in the wand they had recovered- as the group attended to their tasks, she approached the strange man- she had been more than a bit intimidated by the man so far, but his actions in the crypt had shown his spirit more clearly. "If you can wait until morning, I'd be able to identify that wand for you," she said quietly, almost shyly. She paused for a moment, then made her own way towards the well to wash off the worst of the blood...


First Post
Ladreth grins at the white woman's words, the dirt of the underground tunnels hardening with his sweat. A few moments later he begins to chuckle, a soundless action with a closed mouth, only noticable by the heaving of his chest and broad smile he carries. He didn't concern himself with wands or trinkets, only doing what was needed, be it guarding or killing. For all her nonsense talk, the white woman was right; only death belonged in this town, and only death they would find.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ashlyn, with Ireena's permission, sets the Burgomaster's body to flame. With Ismark's disappearance, finding both children would prove difficult.

The well is as they left it, with a trickle of townsfolk and the the remnant of the Expedition. Soon, the party is cleaned up.

Aldustan is consulted regarding some of the items they found. He roughly judges the value of the pen and cufflinks as 100 or so Galifars, though he suspects Bildrath would be more interested in them---the artificer has little interest in baubles. As for the wand and bracers, the artificer takes out a monocle from his equipment. Putting it on and examining it, he declares the iron bands to be a minor armor ward, while the wand is a fairly powerful arcane missile charm. [bracers of armor +2, wand of magic missiles 5th level (45 charges)]

Seeing Ladreth in the group, Aldustan comments, "They be giving you that other big sword they found? Much better than that standard low-level Deneith fare you've been given." The artificer shrugs when that does not seem to be the case.

The distilled light through the ever present mists indicates that noon is not far off. Now the group had to decide what course of action to follow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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