stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


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Tessa had not even been sure that such a solution would work- and she certainly hadn't expected the results to be quite so... abrupt. Still, the ways of the Host were mysterious, and she closed her eyes in a brief prayer of thanks. She had only that brief moment to spare, though, and quickly got back to her feet, almost absently rolling the scroll and tucking it away. "Ashlyn, Ladreth, are you all right? You weren't bitten, I hope." Her voice sounded vaguely dazed, but her movements were steady as she made her way over to check on Jarrith- at this point she wasn't even quite sure he would be alive...

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Only Ashlyn shows fresh wounds from Jarrith's transformation; she is coated in her own blood, and bone can clearly be seen through many of the wounds. [Ashlyn is near death] Jarrith himself suffers from the wounds inflicted by the party, but the steady rise and fall of his chest indicates he is still alive.


First Post
Tessa realized soon enough just how badly Ashlyn was hurt- Jarrith was wounded but he would live. Invoking the power of the Sovereign Host, she set to work healing what she could.

OOC: burn her Prayer spell for a Cure Serious for Ashlyn (3d8+5), and burn Remove Fear for a Cure Light on Jarrith (1d8+5).


First Post
Ladreth waved away any help or assistance; he was unhurt, just sore from the strain of wrestling with an obviously stronger beast. Relief coursed through him at the stalker's metamorphosis, but bewilderment lingered. Moving back to his resting spot, he sheathes his sword and begins to put on his armor. There would be no sleep for him tonight, no rest in this dreary place.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tessa's touch closes Ashlyn's immediate wounds, though significant tear and bruises remain [18hp healed; 32/49hp], and many of Jarrith's cuts are mended, enough to bring him to conciousness. [21/31hp] Fortunately, the scuffle does not seem to have attracted any undue attention, and the party has time to decide whether to move the camp or continue to rest as is.


First Post
Marot the Remorseful

Still visibly shaken at having to use his abilities against his friend, he walks over to his now conscious form.

"Jarrith, thank the Flame that you are alright."

"If anyone needs more healing, I can read one of these scrolls I have -- they won't heal much.."


First Post
Sitting down somewhat unsteadily, Ashlyn concentrates and again waves of healing emanate from her. As her wounds begin to close, Ashlyn places her hand on the gaping wound on her side and it momentarily seems to close a little faster.

[Use turn undead -> sacred healing (Fast healing III; 15hp for everyone within 60ft)]
[Lay on hands on herself for 2hp]

Finally she stands, a little shakily, and turns towards Marot and Tessa, "Thank you my friends. I am all right, I just need a moment to recover my breath."

Ashlyn pauses a moment and takes a deep breath, "Perhaps it would be prudent to move campsite. Although we seem to have avoided unwanted attention thus far, I would prefer our rest to be uninterupted during the remainder of the night."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ashlyn's inner radiance curse all of Jarrith's wounds, and leaves her slightly scratched. [47/49hp]

[I'll wait to move the scene forward until Monday to give our recently de-wolfed Jarrith a chance to respond to his situation.]


As Jarrith laid down to go to sleep... the hairs on the back of his neck began to itch. He absent-mindedly scratched them and then waited for the wash of sleep to overtake him.

Then the nightmare started.


He was in Thrane... on a mission with Sir Khensu. The two Lumin Brothers were making their way into a minor lord's castle... this baron having kidnapped several young girls from neighboring villages ostensibly to serve as his wives. As the two of them were easily taking down the poorly trained guards, shouts of panic, command and anger rang out through the castle's courtyard.

The Stalker and the Inquistor strode with purpose down various hallways within the inner ward, and the two came upon a set of large, hardened wooden double doors. The Inquistor rushed forward and slammed his shoulder into it, sending one side crunching in with a crash. Jarrith easily moved in behind Sir Khensu, and the two Shadowbane warriors walked easily into the castle's main hall. "In the name of the Voice of the Silver Flame!" Jarrith confidentally (and somewhat arrogantly) shouted, as though this was enough to excuse their breaking and entering. His Brother followed this up with a command of his own. "Under the auspices of the Keeper, Jaela Daran, we demand the release of--"

Sir Khensu's voice choked off when he took a long, hard look upon the people standing upon the dais at the far end of the hall. There stood the ratty baron... defiant, angry, and bloody. Three of the young girls he had kidnapped were already lying dead upon the dais... their blood spilling down the steps... and this weasely baron was approaching the fourth one with a sanguine blade in his right hand. The girl... a young shifter girl no more than thirteen... backed away in abject fear from this man who was slaughtering them for no discernable reason. Immediately Sir Khensu rushed forward with a roar, but before he could get more than a third across the hall, the blade flashed quickly and the shifter girl's blood was sprayed in a torrent in the face of this psychotic madman.

Jarrith stood there in shock, his eyes drawn to the crimson liquid cascading from the dais. However, what would ultimately shock him even more was the sounds of uncontrolled fury vibrating from within his Brother's stomach... if not his very soul. The shift was immediate... the rage transforming his Lumin Brother from the controlled and good man he knew and loved into a furious beast... the same feral animal that Sir Khensu spent his entire life trying to quell within him. The animal was let loose... the sight of a little girl torn down so effortlessly and senslessly, snapping the chains that were holding it down within Sir Khensu's soul. And this blood-crazed creature pulled out its greataxe and charged the baron across the room.

"Khensu!!! No!!! Control, Brother!!! Controll!!!" Jarrith shouted as he chased after Sir Khensu. It was his job to keep his Brother's baser instincts in check. This is why the Order paired the two of them together originally... Sir Khensu to keep Jarrith's eyes in the light, Jarrith to keep Khensu's instincts in the dark. And right now Jarrith was failing. He rushed over to his brother to hold him back... grabbing at the shifter's cloak... pulling the Inquistor away from the baron as hard as he could.

But it was no use.

The greataxe rose... and fell... in one swift stroke. And the spurt of blood from the now-open neck of the baron covered the two of them. "No, Brother! Brother!" Jarrith shouted, in hopes of reaching the sanity within his Lumin Brother's head. However, this one display of retribution was not enough for Sir Khensu... and the greataxe rose and fell a second time, this time into the meaty torso of the now-headless baron. And before the Stalker could say anything... the axe rose and fell a third time. And a fourth. And a fifth. Each time the sounds of bones snapping and flesh tearing and chunking echoing through the chamber.


"That's enough, Brother! Enough! The Voice! Heed the Voice, Brother!"


The axe continued swinging in a frenzy... each time cutting the body into smaller and small pieces.


"Listen! LISTEN!!!"








*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*
*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*
*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*

"Brother! Control yourself!"

*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*
*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*
*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*
*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*
*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*

"Khensu! Control!"

*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*

"Stop. Please. Please stop this..."

*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*
*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*

"No more. It's enough. Get control."

*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*


*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*


*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*




*Kerchunk* *Kerchunk*






And slowly... a cold and shivering Jarrith Bronns opens his eyes to see a bunch of worried eyes looking down upon him in a dark forest.

And he doesn't know why.
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