stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]

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First Post
AC: 21; HP: 26/41; 1 Con

The cacophony of voices inside Ladreth's head climbed a steady crescendo, built up to a fevered pitch. His head ached, bile slowly reaching the top of his throat. Softly at first the same No faintly announced its presence amidst the chaos in Ladreth's mind. He held on to that, latched his mind on the sole dissident, and one by one the screaming shrills vanished, overcome by a deep, chesty, "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

The voices stopped.

His arm was up, hand clenched, and Ladreth realized that he was still screaming aloud, "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

His strong bass echoed in the small cave until it ended as abruptly as it came. He stood motionless, his beautiful sword laying at his feet, hate upon his face. In a blur he unslings his bow and pulls out two arrows, firing one after the other through the throng and at the wretched woman screaming at the other side.

Quick Draw to draw MW +5 Composite Longbow to use Full Attack on the fey. +9/+4, 1d8+5, crit x3. Spend an AP (or two) if necessary.


First Post
As the flames enveloped her and her body crumpled to the floor, barely alive, Ashlyn's world went dark. The darkness was oppressive, and somehow she knew that it held danger within and yet she strained to remain in the dark ... fighting ... friends ... there was yet more she must face but within her a gentle light grew stronger and stronger and the darkness seemed more distant every moment. Straining hard, Ashlyn fought to contain the light within for something still held her to the darkness ... a task, yet unfinished.

Then with a suddeness that left her gasping with pain and shock, she was back ... on her feet and with her weapon in hand.

Assessing the situation, Ashlyn attacks, forgoing defense for a strong offense, her blows raining down upon the creature before her.

[Full attack on the shifter if it is still alive: Full attack +12/+7, damage 1d8+7/1d8+7]
[Otherwise move over to attack the nymph (with eyes closed): Attack +12, damage 1d8+7 (50% miss chance due to 'blindness')]


Jarrith walks up the stairs of the Blood On The Vine, and goes looking for Sir Khensu. When he finally finds the hulking shifter, he lets out a breath into a low whistle and shakes his head. "I really do not know how this land got so lost, Brother. It makes me wonder if we are still on Khorvaire, or if we've been transported to Xoriat? It's as though every single one of us who walked through those gates outside of town have descended into nightmare."

He looks around the square at the remaining people who are working or milling about... the pain of their lives so evident on their faces. Jarrith snorts once in disbelief. "We should just gather everyone together in town and tell them to pack up their things... then lead them out of this infernal place. Take them to Krona Peak... Irontown... anywhere but here. But I know we can't leave this place soon enough. Once we make our reports to the Order... tell them that the lycan scourge still exists here... I know a large contingent of the Flame will come here soon enough. Maybe a larger army is all that is needed, eh?"


First Post
Marot the Sightless

Surrounded by cold and darkness - Marot struggles against his bonds.

He can't remember how many hours he has been down in this well, but he knows that if he sees the sun, his life will end. He has struggled for hours, trying to get his hands or feet free, but only has the deep wounds worn into his ankles and wrists to show for it. Each movement now stings like that of the desert scorpion, but he cannot lie still.

Why didn't he run when he had the chance? Why did he think that he could fool them? They could see into his mind and he could not hide from them.

Now, deprived of all his senses, and his humanity, he sits, naked, in a shallow pool of water.

He hears a voice -- feminine, inviting, sensual. He does not know where it comes from, but still moves his head back and forth to try and determine the direction.

They have come back to torture him a bit more, this time in his mind, as opposed to his body.

He has been strained to his breaking point -- he feels the dark power welling from deep within him, and cannot keep it contained any longer. How many years has he fought was not what he wanted to be. But he could not fight it any longer.

The voice is gone for the moment, but he can sense it -- still probing, testing him.

OOC: Eldritch Blast (+8/3d6+2) 50% miss chance due to blindness/concealment.


First Post
As she felt the healing power of the Host flow into Ashlyn, Tessa loosed a quiet sigh of relief; the fight was not over yet... But with Janis and the bear now embroiled in the combat, Tessa could not easily find her way forward. Perhaps it was for the best- others would need healing later, and this way she might conserve her powers.

OOC: Full defense this round


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Forest Trials: Round 12

His mind raging, his eyes sightless, the infuriated Marot channels all of his frustration into his dark power. The piercing shriek of the nymph indicates his success, and the copious blood flowing from her eyes indicate she is near her end. [9hp; nymph disabled]

His voice ringing clear in the cave, Ladreth gathers his own rage and focuses it on the fey. As he raises his bow, his one good eye sees her too-perfect form. But the rage fights off the vision, focusing only on the kill. [Fort vs blindness succeeds; 1 AP spent] His shot catches her in the chest... and splinters with an audible crack. But the trickle of red blood on her pale breast is indication of its success, and with one last shrill cry of fury, the fey collapses. [11hp before DR; nymph dying]

Ladreth quickly re-aims at the standing shifter, but the bear's bulky form renders the shot moot. [Miss]

Crouched against the wall, Tessa tries to keep her wits about her.

Denied her target, Janis focuses on the beast in front of her. Her claws find purchase, though not enough to harm, but, in an ironic twist, her deformed maw clamps firmly on the shifter's neck. With a yank, twist, and an explosion of black blood and bile, the Stormhand rips the life from the creature.

Forest Trials: Combat Ended

Little over a minute since it started, the battle ended. Other than the sound of their heavy breaths, nothing else disturbed the forest or the cave. But that was little help to Marot or Tessa, their sight refusing to return.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
A Lost Flame

DEFCON 1 said:
"We should just gather everyone together in town and tell them to pack up their things... then lead them out of this infernal place. Take them to Krona Peak... Irontown... anywhere but here. But I know we can't leave this place soon enough. Once we make our reports to the Order... tell them that the lycan scourge still exists here... I know a large contingent of the Flame will come here soon enough. Maybe a larger army is all that is needed, eh?"
Khensu looked weary and deflated. To Jarrith, the shifter was... less. Less of what he once was. It surrounded him like a void, a hole where his Flame-borne strength was radiated.

As Jarrith's talk of leaving, the shifter shook his head. "We cannot leave. To leave is to fail... I've already failed. Marot's failed himself in his mind. To turn back... I could never come back. Never be what I was. Not if I do not face this Brother."


First Post
Marot the Sightless

The voice no longer invades his mind, but his dark prison still persists.

Calming down slightly, Marot slumps against the pillar next to him and cradles his head between his hands, crying quietly to himself.

His hand goes to his vest pocket, and he finds Anuine nestled inside, shaking. He draws out his friend, and strokes his fur, while murmuring,"Anuine.....Anuine...anuine...."

Voidrunner's Codex

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